Josh M's avatar

Josh M

24 followers 78 following 152 posts

He/Him Left-Handed Left-In-General Modern Mountain Hermit Freelance Writer, Fixer, Complainer, Delighter

Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I get boosted when the time comes and still wear a mask in stores and the like. I live in an area with a fairly immunocompromised population... seems like the least I can do.

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Reposted by Josh M

Tom's avatar Tom
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ChatGPT already has “Ph.D.-level intelligence,” in that once you remove it from its extremely narrow field of expertise (assembling words into credible-sounding passages) it is wildly out of its depth, but people vastly overestimate its authority because they don’t understand what “intelligence” is.

31 replies 632 reposts 2424 likes

Josh M's avatar Josh M
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This man GAMES. But seriously, I haven't even thought of PUBG in years. I'm surprised it's still around.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I would quit and move states.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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If you don't have homegrown "Kiddo" at home, store bought "Sport" or "Squirt" will suffice.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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It was fun when I was young and THOUGHT I was a genius.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Running Fallout is one of those things I have always wanted to do, but am like 90% sure I couldn't nail, so I live vicariously through others. I look forward to hearing how it goes.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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There's lots of bad media I enjoy --- but I always *know* it's bad. In fact, I usually like it because it's bad. But I never try to sell it as good. That's always weird.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I'm pretty sure that any variation of slugging counts as self care. So good job!

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Amazing shots. Between me not knowing how to operate my cell phone's camera and being down in New Mexico (and my DSLR being in storage) I got a couple muddy shots with ok color. This? This is lovely.

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Reposted by Josh M

Josh M's avatar Josh M
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My buddies and I racked up hundreds of hours on those games. I get a similar sense of fun from Vermintide and DarkTide (a couple of other mission-based horde shooters) but not quite the same. The Anacrusis is great, but I can't get my friends to join me on "Left4Dead but on a 60's sci-fi ship"

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I'm really amped for you.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I feel like RDR2 does this pretty good as well. I just wrapped up the main story for the first time and there's lots of wandering to do, but the story and missions all felt pretty tight... which is something I feel I miss from a lot of open-world type games.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Being able to climb into bed and take a 15-minute nap is also quite great. One of my favorite bits.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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The only reason I am glad those movies exist is that they gave us the Bane voice.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Congrats! I hope it's as exciting and fulfilling as my little heart believes it would be. And barring (or in addition to) that: I hope it pays you well.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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They really look like all the unaesthetic bits of cyberpunk.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Two fire calls in one week. Y'all gotta stop lighting shit on fire. Please. I need my beauty sleep. Hashtagvolunteerfirefighterorsomething

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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While I know of a lot of game writers who have an idiot's understanding of politics, it's not the fact that they write for video games that makes them boneheads. They seem to work extra hard on cultivating that appearance.

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Reposted by Josh M

Summer Vibes (Stress)'s avatar Summer Vibes (Stress)
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AI is inevitable. Just like blockchain was inevitable, and Bitcoin and crypto were inevitable, and NFTs were inevitable, and the metaverse was inevitable. “Inevitable” is just tech bro and VC speak for “I sunk way too much money into this shiny new thing that doesn’t really work please bail me out”

17 replies 457 reposts 1265 likes

Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I mean, the odds of it being a bullet hole ARE pretty low. But jokes aside, sorry to hear it. Tooth pain is some of the absolute worst I have ever experienced. I hope you won't have to deal with the pain long.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I like pretty much all beans, but the pinto is an absolute champion. My instant pot is pretty much constantly churning those bad boys out.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I really need to branch out into more of their stuff. I have listened to For Your Pleasure an insane number of times — but coward that I am, that's the only album I've tried.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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It's like they don't even know what the block chain is or how it works. They are all gaga about something that they do not understand. Cryptobros are exhausting.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I think I'm accidentally skipping it somehow. I've fired up the game twice now and instead of seeing that video, it goes immediately to my 'Diver stepping onto his ship.

#blessed I guess.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I have literally never heard of this movie, but after a bit of Googling, this is exactly my brand. I'm guess I have plans this weekend.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I didn't play it when it first came out (I know it was in ROUGH shape) but once they did their first major overhaul I picked it up and enjoyed it quite a bit, but got sidetracked and never finished. I really ought to give it a fresh (and complete) runthrough. They've really worked hard on it.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Exactly. I've had to eat my words so many times over the years because I'd read something absolutely insane and go "No. Nobody would ever be that evil and out of touch... that's unrealistic." And here we are, a decade or two down the road with with Mini Vacation Crying Pods.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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It's like the people who come up with these ideas only read dystopian sci fi for ideas.

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Reposted by Josh M

Daniel Abraham's avatar Daniel Abraham
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I have been reminded once again that the defining quality of power is that it can be abused.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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This is one of my least favorite kinds of coincidences.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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See, in my case I've actually stopped taking on new hobbies. Anytime I start doing something that brings me any amount of joy or am even a little bit good at... someone tries to tell me that I need to be making money off of it. That pressure drains whatever release that thing brought me every time.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I agree that Mars Attacks is funnier... but I don't think it's better, if that makes sense. There's just something about the oldschool Ghost Buster movies that feels perfect. But it's definitely not as funny as Mars Attacks (I'm not sure I've ever laughed out loud at GB, even).

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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It's wild how much of a difference it can make on one's general outlook on life. Looks sharp, hoss.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Do you think AI bros use AI to come up with all of these bad ideas? Or do they do it themselves?

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I really liked that game. I think it's in storage with the rest of my tabletop games at the moment, but it was a pretty good time!

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I initially read that as "Only Fans Medical Doctor" and honestly? In this capitalist hellscape? I think there is something there

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Reposted by Josh M

donni saphire 's avatar donni saphire
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Every day I swear I can’t take any more horrors, but then I learn about new horrors and take them as well

7 replies 133 reposts 445 likes

Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Honestly, the Myst series wound up being a great "Coop" game in my family. One person would control and the rest would gather 'round and between the five of us, we would push through even some of the more convoluted puzzles at a *reasonable* pace. They're some of my favorite memories.

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Reposted by Josh M

Isaac Io Schankler's avatar Isaac Io Schankler
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Why isn’t AI doing the tedious shit for creative people instead of doing the creative shit for tedious people

65 replies 1715 reposts 4556 likes

Josh M's avatar Josh M
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I have always wanted to name a horse Mule Brynner

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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As someone who spent a significant portion of his youth with his head up his own arse, I can attest to pretty much everything in this article.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Every time I sit down to see something from SFG I know I'm about to watch a movie.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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This is me. Completely and utterly surprised that AI was not the answer. Wow.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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Yeah I was happy to see that a couple of publications I keep up with are pulling the ripcord on Substack. That's integrity.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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My New Year's resolution is to get my home remodel projects far enough along that A: I can move my bed out of the livingroom B: When someone asks to visit I don't stare at them as if they're vomiting blood.

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Josh M's avatar Josh M
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The color and crust on that chicken is a thing of beauty. And those greens? Honestly, everything on that plate looks amazing, so I hardly think a little juice dribble qualifies it as "poorly plated."

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