Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar

Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)


8 followers 10 following 429 posts

Sad Genderless Angel Artist (mostly voidpunk and anthro) | Musician | Gamedev | Writer (who actually needs to write lol) | Non-binary/Genderfluid

Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I know this won't talk any sense into anyone who's voting for a third party or not voting at all, but I need you to understand what you're doing by not voting for the shitty Democratic candidate. Your sentencing me and people like me to death

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Escapism is getting harder and harder every hour I'm awake. I'm force fed the reality of a decaying state that I, as a queer disabled person, will burn with

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I didn't think I'd die this young. I didn't think I would die in a Holocaust. I never planned for what's coming and now I spent the last few years of my life waiting for things to get better instead of making the most of the time I had left I just... Wish I had more time

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Honestly I don't even know what to do anymore. If Trump wins this election I'm not gonna see my 30s, and he probably will. my party chose a walking corpse to run against the next Hitler and most ppl probably won't have the foresight or critical thinking skills to vote for the corpse

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Tim Henson is rly pretty and stoic for someone who plays guitar like he's on so much meth that he transcended into godhood

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Prog rock is always either "this is a very meaningful, handcrafted song about the nature of life itself" or "MATH MATH MATH GET JAZZFUCKED TWO KEYS AT ONCE POLLLYYYHRHYTHMMMSSS SEVEEEN OVERRR FOUUUR COCAINE"

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Goku, in a standoff against the Powerpuff girls: finally, a worthy opponent

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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It's the Corporate Memphis of cars, rly

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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If the cyber truck actually worked and it was made as a cheeky "haha it's like a PS1 car neat right?" Novelty car I think ppl would find it charming and wouldn't rly think much of it but instead it's a defective product made by a guy that unironically think the future is low poly or smth

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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This is my new otp /hj

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Honestly most rly wholesome and healthy relationships I've seen have this general vibe

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Shen is so burnt out he's transcended humanity

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Isn't as charming irl lmao

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Oh gawd I misread this "to having sexual intercourse in it" Like I'm hella sex positive, you could be in the nastiest freak shit and I wouldn't judge you for it, but JESUS I cannot accept fucking in a cyber truck even hypothetically

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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This is all Very meaningfully political commentary, much like the Onion is

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Fuck, while we're at it, 1. Obama's an option boss that doesn't aggro until you attack 2.AoC is the crow mask lady who kills hunters who went crazy 3. Ben Shapiro is one of those enemies that poses almost no threat 4. Jordan Peterson is the occasional "crazy undead lunatic" that's obnoxiously fast

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Biden would be that guy from bloodborne with the caged head who just runs away from you the whole time Trump is one of those bosses that looks really scary but is actually stupid easy for a souls game

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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If Clinton was a fromsoftware boss she'd definitely be "The Captain" standing in the distance who crazy-laughs and and kills you like hundred fucking times until you ragequit or just barely survive the fight

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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The great thing about The Onion is they can make scathing political commentary and then turn around and just make the dumbest fucking absurdist humor imaginable and either way it's great

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Dunno who this guy is but given the conservative hero complex (that's a thing in Britain too right...?) I would not be surprised if this was intentional

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Even if that's not what to Supreme Court is supposed to be or do, that's what they're doing and being, that's always been a risky flaw in American democracy and now it's being exploited to death

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I think the fact that this is a really visceral image for most Americans to look at really drives home the message Like, this is upsetting to look at. It should be. Politicians undermine a democracy you participated in your whole life should be upsetting to you And yes, I do mean "politicians"

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I cannot fucking stress enough is that this is what I look like on a good day now

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Very few photos of pre transition me is great, but this one I made for a college course during a point of my life I was really overcompensating, is by far the most disturbing

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Anyway here are some pallette cleansers lol

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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When I was learning graphic design I did this because I thought it would be funny but it's honestly kind of disturbing

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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The game was one of those hyper realistic liminal space games, but it won second overall place and first place in the horror category (tying with the first place winner), I think just because not giving the player a "legit" way to win kind of fucks with their head in a game that's already eerie af

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Hell, my first game jam was a horror game that subverted the mechanic of *quitting*, the game's main menu was a faux-contract that you knew what you were getting into (that this is a game about escaping purgatory and that you couldn't quit through traditional means until you won

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Side note: metahorror games don't use tension to build to a release, they use expectations to build to a tense feeling of, "something is very wrong with this game I'm playing" and thats not even something a horror film could do in that way, game mechanics are extremely easy to subvert

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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In horror you actually don't want there to be clarity or ease, you want the opposite And I think the reason the indie scene doesn't rly suffer from this is because indie horror is usually based in Internet Horror, which has a very different vernacular of fear than horror cinema

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Old horror games locked down shots because they were coming directly from horror films, and the types of shots used in horror cinema have to be thought about in a way specific to the genre older Silent Hill was known for using the camera in a way that's actively uncomfortable for the player

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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The reason the remakes of these old games are less scary and compelling isn't just that the graphics are higher res, it's that they want to accommodate modern conveniences in game design even if it's at the cost of a creative choice that made those game work so well

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I'm not joking when I say 85% of the reason modern AAA horror games feel lacking is that they're trying to be the same thing without a fixed camera. Like, that sounds overly stupid, but an actual factor of what makes old school silent work as horror is that every interior shot is locked down

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Aren't kobolds supposed to be a bit more doglike? Like halfway between a lizard and a dogface, I think Idk how it's depicted in DND tho, which I'm guessing was the inspo for this. I'm going off the little I know about the original fae lore about them

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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In a very weird heel turn from my last post... vote! I don't care if it feels hopeless. I don't even rly care if you throw your vote into the 3rd party chumbucket. Vote even if just to remind yourself that there's at least a *chance* at preserving democracy in this shit hole of a nation

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Sorry to vaguepost but y'all if your posting your fetish art that's fine but tag it as adult content ok? Even if it doesn't have any nudity at all Like im kinkshaming anyone, that's never my intention, but Jesus Christ tagging your smut is just a generally considerate thing to do, regardless

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Also... C'mon, this is an ultra niche type of online drama, my guy. I think when most people think of "internet drama" they think of cakegate or illuminaughtii going milkshake duck not "our open relationship is falling apart"

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Polyamory isn't for everyone, but saying it's universally bad is just kinda... Dumb. Just because you've experienced something doesn't mean it doesn't exist

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Sorry if this unhelpful reply is a nuisance but as an asexual I do have to either make an extremely dumb sex joke at a given opportunity or eat an entire small cake (or large slice of cake) or I will die instantaneously. It's like the a-spec version of sexual loneliness, you know?

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I mean I'm Asexual and genderqueer but it looks more like you guys were just talking shit about and I just walk in. Maybe some ppl are into that though? Like a performative politeness fetish? I don't know if that's a thing, but rationally it must be right? /j

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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As an almost-millennial this makes me deeply uncomfy

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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To be fair it seems like most adults born after the 70s are also nihilists, especially if they were born in the 2000s

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Well that is a problem. I am a nihilist most days I am off my ADHD meds though so that could be part of the problem 😅

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Jokes aside this is very well done, my irony-poisoned grievances aside XD

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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Your art is very good and charming but I'm low-key fucking pissed you made this stupid bird resemble my EXACT type in men because I find him hella annoying (yeah I know unpopular opinion especially now) and I'm irrationally upset you made a character I hate hot to me specifically /j

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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At least she'll do *something* other than say something awful and tasteless about war crimes we're funding Or you know... Whatever fucked up shit Trump would say or do...

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I'm sorry if your reading this and your German but the gibberish at the top is like German distilled into only its general vibe

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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I didn't grow up with this show or this era of hip-hop, it's just a really baller meme

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)'s avatar Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he) @ianianaspencer.bsky.social
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This is wild marketing, even for today

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