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James B. Jones


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Award-winning video game wordslinger | not-so-award-winning author | Narrative Design Lead @ Firewalk Studios | Oxford comma enthusiast | baseball nut | son of Detroit | DMs Open

James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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It’s not some grand conspiracy to say that the American news media has decided that Biden will not be president come 2025. They aren’t in cahoots. They simply see that there is ore to be mined from the “is Biden fit?” vein.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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A.) What the hell is this article? B.) Who gives a fuck? Their tools work.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Imagine blaming one writer for the things you don’t like in a game when the list of writers on said game is fifteen names deep and the devs misspelled, like, six of those names in the credits - including the writer in question.

Anyways, @marykwrites.bsky.social is dope and some people are clowns.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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But no matter who is at the top of the ticket in November, from now until election day Democrats should be assaulting TV, streaming, radio, etc. with ads highlighting Project 2025. It's proven to scare the absolute shit out of everybody who learns about it, small-c conservative and liberal alike.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Of course there is a political eternity between now and the Democratic Convention in August. Biden COULD turn his poll numbers around. If the polls are trending his way come August, he probably stays and we all hold our breath. But if he's looking like he's in trouble? I can see a pivot to Harris.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Let's say Biden decides to drop out (and I think he will). It won't be until the Democratic Convention in August. It's the only time and only stage where the Dems control the message. Having Biden bow out on a random Tuesday would be apocalyptic for both his replacement and for Dems down ballot.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Reposted by James B. Jones

Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau @iboudreau.bsky.social
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Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Time to roll the “days since Embracer Group ruined developers lives” sign back to zero.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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"Nintoaster" is right there. Could even make it look like a Switch. Nintendo is passing on easy money!

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I swear, when you buy a bidet you can split your travel life into "before bidet" and "after bidet."

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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What I look like scrolling social media.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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One day I will own this. You know, when I have between $700-1000+ to blow on a dope-looking GameCube.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Reposted by James B. Jones

James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I also struggle with the backslide into oppressive cynicism often these days. But what keeps me from free fall is seeing the good in those around me, and the progress that people are fighting for. Plus, I remember what a dumbass teenage James was and that he’d probably still be a dumbass today.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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My limited understanding of French politics has me thinking that after La Pen’s National Rally party had a surprisingly strong showing in the first round of voting, the people of France went “wait shit okay I know we’re pissed but let’s not get carried away here.” Good to see.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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TikTok has discovered Harlan Ellison and it is going about how you’d expect.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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The only part about Ian’s thread that I take umbrage with is the notion that the American press “can’t” write about how the right-wing movement in the United States is fundamentally evil. They absolutely could. They choose not to, and only in part because of cowardice.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

PCFclub's avatar PCFclub @pcfclub.bsky.social
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Does anyone else find themselves, with increasing regularity, weighing the pros and cons of nuking all of their social media and unplugging *entirely* from the digital world, or is it just me?

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I'm an admitted politics nerd, so I knew about it early on. It has a lot of policies targeting just about every non-white non-cis male group you can think of, as well as eliminating federal agencies like the FBI and Department of Education. It'd also give POTUS DIRECT control over the DoJ. Not fun.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Oh, absolutely. To swap him out now would be to hand the election to Trump - to say nothing of the ripple effect it'd have down ballot. Now, do I think Biden should have ran? No. Am I pissed that he straight-up lied about only wanting one term? Yes. Am I still going to vote for him? Absolutely.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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The decision was made when every other candidate in 2020 committed political seppuku, whether it was announcing too early (Harris, Booker), not actually being as popular as the internet claims (Sanders), being the "...who?" guy (Pete), or backtracking on a core pillar of their platform (Warren).

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau @iboudreau.bsky.social
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Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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So, how is the "teaching folks about Project 2025" thing going? My mother, who has never voted in an election because, and I quote, "fuck 'em," is asking me questions about registering and voting in Michigan because if Project 2025 were to happen, I again quote, "my blind ass is as good as dead."

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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The UK election results are fascinating to me. Not a surprise, by any stretch, but it's still wild to see the Conservative Party effectively wiped out due to their own ineptitude.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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If you ever see a sudden increase of JK Rowling shit talking on my feed, understand that it's because I am preparing to visit the UK and need to get it all out of my system before I'm in her legal jurisdiction. The bigoted malinformed one-trick psychopathic barely-literate litigious hack she is.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Corey Brickley Illustration's avatar Corey Brickley Illustration @coreybrickley.bsky.social
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Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I know this is supposed to make Biden look bad but honestly same, brother.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I miss those days. I yearn to return to the day when social media was “check out this dope ass sandwich I made” and all the comments would be “damn dude I want that sandwich.”

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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BTW while we were understandably distressed about the Supreme Court and Joe Biden’s situation, a bunch of new Epstein documents dropped, one of which revealed that Trump did shit with twelve-year-olds.

Seems like that should be a bigger deal.

Page 3: storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Time to turn the "Days Since Last Games Industry Layoff" counter back to zero. Tales of Kenzera was pretty dope, by the way.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I generally stay away from the discourse around Soulslike games because I have an especially unpopular view of the entire genre, and learning that Elden Ring doesn’t have standard pause functionality really only reinforced that unpopular view.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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The Heritage Foundation has no intention of making their “second American Revolution” “bloodless,” and this kind of rhetoric should be enough to reclassify them as a domestic terrorist organization.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Based on the past week of headlines I'm pretty sure he's sitting this one out, actually. 😅

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Dan Johnson's avatar Dan Johnson @coil.bsky.social
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They're shutting down successful studios. There's no one else TO blame. Everyone else did their jobs.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Rebekah Valentine's avatar Rebekah Valentine @duckvalentine.bsky.social
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if you feel bad about this, think: this second, hundreds of people who are retired or rich or both and have TONS of time on their hands are being REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING in an effort to push policies that deprive the rest of us of our rights. we MUST out-annoying them, by any means!

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Oh don’t mind me over here losing sleep thinking about how the Supreme Court basically put a pistol to the head of American democracy and pulled the trigger.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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After a day of quiet introspective despair fed by a federal government that is equal parts irredeemably corrupt and hopelessly incompetent, I am finally watching the Capcom Next livestream.

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Reposted by James B. Jones

Vince Mpls's avatar Vince Mpls @vincempls.bsky.social
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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I mean this as a compliment to the video and the journey - but it kinda felt like you were discovering that the video wasn't really about Rolfe *as you were making it.* As a writer who didn't wind up where he'd hoped (but am still content), *I* felt a mild catharsis - and I was only a viewer.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Oof. That sucks, though I'm not surprised. I've heard similar sentiments over the years. I choose to think my professors were how they were because in Flint, MI, where I went to city college, the faculty had a front-row seat to policy failures that made them so very "yeah, shit sucks" about things.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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Oh, my professor was dope. He was very much a "if you want to dismantle the system you first need to know how it works" sort of bloke.

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James B. Jones's avatar James B. Jones @jamesbjones.bsky.social
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The curse of being a Political Science major who wanted to be a journalist is that I've spent the past 20+ years following American politics *for fun*, so I remember when these were coming up in real-time (around 2016, for West and Stein). Also, don't study PoliSci. You'll be much happier. 😂

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