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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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.. enuf w/the Sorkin crap already. Sorkin is practically the avatar of the establishment Dems (esp post-Obama). It's a little rich for any apologist of the current party to accuse ppl who don't want the country to flush itself down the toilet of being Sorkin-esque.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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World of diff btwn that and this. There were fights to unbind Trump delegates which failed not b/c 'rules are rules', but bc RNC wanted them to fail. Trump was their strongest candidate, even if they thought he would prob lose. Obv. Biden yielding would be better, but conventions make their rules.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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No doubt Sullivan and Cromwell has always had a strong policy about which, if any, Jews are the right kind - a "gentleman's agreement" as it were. Nothing new here!

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maura quint's avatar maura quint
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What do we want?! EVIL OLD GUYS DYING When do we want it?! SOONER

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Hand-held, baby.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Sorry to type your ear off, but your question of why Trump is not losing by 30 points is not rhetorical - it needs to actually be answered! Why?? As Lenny Bruce said, there is no 'ought' - there is only what is. Dems who just throw up their hands in bewilderment don't belong in politics

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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At the very least, it's not half the electorate positively voting for Trump rather than against. +/-30% is alarming enough, but it's hardly half. But instead of giving people something to vote *for*, you just see endless rehashes of "Rapist, felon, deplorable.." etc. All true, but missing the point.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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I think it's still the same dynamic because what is essentially different about Biden compared with HRC? I used to think Biden was slightly more functional politically than her, but this last year has put the lie to that.

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..against, especially centrist Dems, don't want to think about it this way, because that would require introspection, etc. But Trump is, above all, a repudiation of them. They could neutralize him easily if they moved off the centrist dime and turned left. But they would rather lose than do that

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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I think the best way to think about Trump is as a classic protest candidate, with one big difference: to his and everyone else's surprise, he actually won, which such candidates typically didn't do (e.g. George Wallace). People are voting against rather than for. The people who are being voted...

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Jacob Bacharach's avatar Jacob Bacharach
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Hey wait a minute shouldn't this say, "In Ukraine, Damage to Public Health Infrastructure Amid Ongoing Fighting?"

14 replies 133 reposts 734 likes

Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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EXPO 67! The L👀K for 1956! Art!Works

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
[ View ] that Biden + his team are so open about not giving a shit what anyone thinks - not his voters, not potential voters, not his party. Just like in Gaza - he does not fucking care about anyone and doesn't listen to anyone. Scary

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
[ View ] that Biden + his team are so open about not giving a shit what anyone thinks - not his voters, not potential voters, not his party. Just like in Gaza - he does not fucking care about anyone and doesn't listen to anyone. Biden is clearly dangerous

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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"I did nothing wrong". Although it's not dispositive, that's what they all say

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I've seen this reskeeted many times, and honestly don't understand it. Who are these people that said this? I'm really asking. It certainly wasn't the Democrats since scaremongering is their one-note samba. A lot of them clearly *think* this, but they don't say it a lot. Who? help me out hive

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Eric Allix Rogers's avatar Eric Allix Rogers
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Regular commercial air service to small markets was an unsustainable fever dream, reflected in the exuberance of the Quincy Regional Airport, designed 1969 by standout local modernist architect John Benya.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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I think it reads pathetic rather than tenacious that Biden will neither let go nor shut up. The latest headline is "I screwed up". OMG, *Biden* screwed up? That he admitted to it is news but it's so obviously a general apology a la "whatever I did, I'm sorry". Useless.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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What do you mean "America to decide"? It's kind of the point that "America" did decide anything

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Yes - at least. Has any great empire ever declined with something like grace? Anyway, the US is not doing it.

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Good thing the Dems in power, like Durbin, and Biden himself, are talking about the out of control SCOTUS. I mean, it would be political malpractice to ignore an issue that is both crucial and powerful politics.

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Don't hold back! We want the good shots of Tater

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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The press is bad and irresponsible but they also take their basic cues from the actors themselves. Republicans *do politics* and Democrats whine about their bad press while emulating the Republicans as much as they can.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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This stuff you're talking about is silly on its own terms, anarchism aside: there could be relatively radical reforms in the US with just a bit of political will - no constitutional amendments or any boring boring of hard boards. Just legislative goals. The GOP knows this and will proceed

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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I wonder why everyone is fixated on packing the court instead of getting at the heart of the problem: judicial review above all, but lifetime appointments too, and other things. Why? BTW Biden had a great commission on SCOTUS, that he ignored

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Don't you mean "murder-suicide"? That's the American Way

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Arg I had completely forgotten about Kos! What a piece of shit!

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midgie's avatar midgie
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pigeon murdering royal horse news

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This is so patently wrong I don't know how to begin to explain it.

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I'd also point out that young people hate Biden's I/P policy and hate that he lies constantly about it; and that he apparently does not care what his own base or anyone else thinks about it. It's hard to listen in the face of that.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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I don't dispute your claim. But it is the job of a political leader to not simply 'talk about stuff' but to *communicate*; to use the press, & to gain+maintain trust. Biden is bad at all of that. The political press also sucks, but u can't blame it all on them.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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First of all, Biden is a huge bullshitter. Less of one than Trump of course (so is almost everybody), but people naturally ignore what he says. Second, political reporters are worthless. Third, Biden hides things he should be proud of and flaunts things he should be ashamed of. Inept.

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"The Nation Resurgent, and borders, too." We should deport Em Dash and his sidekick, perhaps to Belgium, or somewhere worse.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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I thought it was related to Samuel Butler!

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millennium falco's avatar millennium falco
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whenever i see someone calling politicians "incompetent" or saying things like "governments are failing to fight [insert any societal crisis]" I'd like to remind you that decision makers know ofc exactly what they're doing. they ARE improving lives, just not mine or yours. they're improving theirs.

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I think he's trying to annoy - it's the new 'entertainment' ideal.

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Radical Graffiti 's avatar Radical Graffiti
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"You care more about celebrities, while you ignore the homeless" Pasteup spotted in NYC

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Bowiesongs (C. O'Leary)'s avatar Bowiesongs (C. O'Leary)
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"Exterminating Angel" evening

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Good man!

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Sometimes an application is pretty great conceptually and doesn't need to change much. But then it changes a lot! Many such examples in music/video production.

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor's avatar Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor
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Consider the source (i.e. Roger Stone). Anybody can poop out a little sign like this, and anybody does! My files are full of them. Not all evangelicals would endorse this one, but plenty would blink I guess. Stone is as scummy as he can manage, at all times.

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