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Gamer, programmer, nerd. Owned by four cats. (2 Orange, 1 Low-Toner tuxedo, 1 stub-tailed tortie)
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Reposted by Lizard

Flat Pluto Society's avatar Flat Pluto Society
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"And three rings were gifted to the autistics, who would never wear them but will spend six hours explaining the ring forging process to you."

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Yeah, the whole Jedi things was way cooler when you could imagine it as a quasi-hidden, almost mythical monastic order, with knights choosing apprentices as they met a worthy candidate and teaching them one-on-one, vs. "They're a division of the government and have their own battleships."

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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So, on the one hand, Vader was violating the Empire's anti-bullying policies. On the other hand, Motti violated the Empire's religious tolerance policies. Imperial HR does not get paid enough, I tell you what.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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If a President DOESN'T have people filtering all the things that might, in theory, merit their attention, would anything get done?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I recall it was pretty good, in the genre. I'm surprised there weren't a million sequels.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Just as slasher flicks have taught me to never have sex in the woods, kaiju/disaster films have taught me to never live or vacation near any major landmark.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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“And the Well Spirit said, ‘Merely hold your iPod near the scanning stone, and make a wish!’ Then the young peasant boy replied ‘Are you fucking kidding me? Stupid magic well!’, and left.”

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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That is sick and tasteless. So of course I laughed.

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Reposted by Lizard

Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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It’s pretty alarming how the reporters suddenly devoted to watchdogging Biden can’t tell the difference between real drastic glitches like in the debate and normal fumbling

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Watching Godzilla/Kong New Empire. Open w/Kong listlessly going through the motions, resignedly settling down to eat a haunch of dinosaur, discovering he has a toothache, and just sighs. I’ve never identified with a movie character so much.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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That’s another reason, certainly. But he’s actually said out loud he thinks people are “afraid” to like his posts.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Oddly, the people who like to talk the most about shooting jackbooted federal thugs couldn’t fall to their knees and lick the jackboots fast enough when Trump actually *did* start grabbing people off the street and ordering hit squads. Funny, that.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Musk has convinced himself the reason no one “likes” his posts is because the Woke Ninjas will destroy anyone who does, so he has now hidden “likes” in hopes people will feel safe adulating him as he deserves.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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With a two-issue visit to Westworld (technically, Gangster World) -- also based, I have been told, on advertising w/out having seen the movie. :) The man didn't need more than the slightest nudge to build a world.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I've never seen "subservient to" spelled "unnerved" before.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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2/? Me: "So, if you are claiming this is false, and this is NOT a plan you'd support in general, so please publicly state, now, which of these you think are bad ideas, and if Trump implements those, you will publicly speak against them." Them: (smokebomb)

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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On an FB group, someone posted the 2025 manifesto. Someone else replied "This is just typical liberal panic mongering and lies!" 1/?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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And your solution is "Well, let Trump win, then the Democrats will have learned!"?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I believe the accusations are both plausible and probable. But when the only source, so far, is suspicious at best, I'm not going to form a final conclusion until we get corroboration that isn't simply going back to the same source. You don't win a prize for being the first to state a conclusion.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I have no idea how this relates to anything being discussed.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Do you not think Netanyahu is calculating that if Trump wins, no one will even be trying to arrange a ceasefire, and is thus resisting pressure to accept one until past election day? (Ditto, Putin refusing to give up on Ukraine.) Trump is absolutely relevant.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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It's, like, the one thing they DON'T lie about.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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But that's YOUR argument: "People are too dumb to know truth from lies, so, the people in power must decide for them what's true. For their own good." You want an official declaration of TRVTH, enforced by law. I want each individual to judge for themselves. Do you see the difference?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I trust RS way more than I trust an unknown (to me) media source w/skeevy connections. But it's not doing any reporting on its own, just quoting the same source. "Famous Old Dude Exploits Fame/Power For Sex" is utterly plausible. The bar is low. Someone's got to be doing original reporting on this.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Cost increases are passed on (not necessarily instantly, there's a lot of lag in economics) but inevitably. If it costs the importer 10% more, they charge the distributor more, and they charge the store more, and the store charges the customer more. (I know you know this, but some people don't.)

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Do people not understand that Trump's insane tariff proposals are a de facto tax on everyone? Congress controls formal taxation and will not support massive increases, but Trump has shown he will arbitrarily impose tariffs w/no limits or control.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I've never understood this "logic". Was he killed while in the process of committing an armed home invasion, or any other violent crime? Spoiler: No. So it's utterly irrelevant.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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From the Miskatonic University Journal of Occult Biology.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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This was in 2016, but in KY, when my wife and I drove to Lexington from the Louisville area, we saw a ton of yards which all had these signs: "Proud Union Home" "Trump/Pence". You can't argue with that kind of cognitive dissonance.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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"Crockpots for Crackpots" has quite a ring to it, though.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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My wife and I used our little-used den yesterday to finally play one of the zillion games we've picked up. This drew the attention of one of our "I only go where the humans are" cats. She quickly found a route to the fireplace mantle, then to the bookcase tops, then to the ledge over the door.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Is this leadership of the whole Parliament, or just for leadership within the party?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Since the new movie has Ralph Macchio playing Daniel LaRusso, but in a setting unconnected to Cobra Kai, does this mean we have an Abrams-style timeline split? Miyagiverse-1 and -2? Culminating, around 2040, with a 3-film, 6-series Crisis On Infinite Dojos? I really need to get back to work.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Only 40% of Americans believe in evolution, and you want a random sampling of them to decide if complex, multifaceted, and nuanced information can reduced to a binary “true or false”. You, ah, really haven’t thought this through very well, have you?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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“No one would Crime because you might get punished for Crimeing!” is a take, certainly. I don’t know what the facts are, but ISTM this is like a story from Gateway Pundit or OANN. It’s not guaranteed to be false, but I want it from someone more reliable.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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"We had to burn the village in order to save it" seems like it should be self-evidently bullshit, but there's a ton of people who hear that and nod "Yep, yep, makes sense. Gotta do it. Burn that village. Only way."

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Look, do we need to have so many *literal* examples of "Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it"?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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"I'd adopt my rival's son to spend less time with this kid, too." (Honest Trailers on Anthony LaRusso)

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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"Back when the world was whole, we had family, friends, loves... Men knew peace and contentment, and with our adamant souls, we could live for an age."

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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"Several cutscenes will now play in sequence..." Words to chill ever FF14 player.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Penance for some sin beyond mortal comprehension?

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Joe Biden was born before 1907, making him over 117 years old? Screw "president", we have to harvest his DNA to search for the key to life extension! He's 117 with the expected mental/physical health of an 80 year old! We got a Lazarus Long sitch going on here!

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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2/2 You're at the void at the end of all things. Nothing exists but the memories of ghosts of forgotten worlds. And you pull on those final, fading strands of memory, and from them, you weave life in the place where the dead go to die. As part of a "grind up your gathering skill" quest chain. :)

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I think Shadowbringer had a stronger story overall, but Endwalker has the most mind-blowing and uplifting ending, esp. given the underlying theme is all-consuming despair. 1/2

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Thinking of Lower Decks: Capt. Freeman: "Everyone follow orders!" (Ship falls apart, nothing gets done.) CF:"OK, no one follow orders!" (ditto) CF:"Fine, follow orders, unless it would be funnier not to!" (Ship runs like a well-oiled watch.)

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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Look, even if it doesn't happen right on schedule, it's now canon that time agents are constantly fiddling with the details but making sure the ultimate outcome is the same. (e.g., Khan is a young boy in Canada in 2022, not a adult frozen on a sublight ship 20 years travel time from Earth.)

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