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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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If you’re going to put incredibly cringe fanfic in the self-purported paper of record, you should have the decency to attach your name to it. This, just like the NYT one, hides behind the monolith of the Board.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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The allegations against Trump would get more play if they were being sung backX6 in a packed arena.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Every Newspaper on the Eastern Seaboard has an underfunded investigative team that does good work and an editorial board + publisher that is a few days away from advocating hunting the poor for sport.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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There is a verbiage entirely unique to these sites that sound like corporate speak. “I am family oriented and value acts of service” How and why did you Jargon your love life?

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I regret to inform you that these are probably multiple people, and these folks are very real and somewhat common on dating apps in Florida. My (least) favorite variant of the above is the conservative single mother. The famous conservative campaign for no fault divorce.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I understand being once bitten twice shy after Hillary, but Hilldawg also ran a very bad campaign (No Midwest Presence? Tim “Hasn’t Been Seen Since 2016” Kaine?) even though she was right. Folks need to stop making up imaginary median voters and look at data.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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We can’t even strike like the current French.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Ironically, it probably puts the president in more danger. Liberalism (classical, neo, or social) relies on equal footing under the law to prevent the upheaval of coups, assassinations, wars. Throw out the bedrock and the house collapses.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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“What do you mean you don’t want the explicitly labeled poisoned chalice?”

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Screaming “Brooks Brothers Riot! When people talk about how Jan 6 was the first attempt to overthrow the will of the people. It’s all one shitty throughline.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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YEP! I don’t want to hear it from establishment Dems who were all in on Biden until a few minutes after the debate. The left told you, the polls told you, you ignored every off-ramp, this is the horse you rode in on and this is the horse you’re stuck with.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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People pinning for a brokered convention are not prepared for fist fights on the floor of the United Center. She’s the only other person on the primary ballots, going around that for Big Gretch, Newsom or whomever would be so anti-Democratic that it would splinter the big tent.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I buy that in the aggregate, but not for the day after the debate meltdown. It was so swift and visceral because they were bought in for the horse race, and they were undermined by his performance. In simpler English, it’s not that Biden has egg on his face, but that they do by proxy.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Has there been any point in history where “which party benefits more if *their own* presidential candidate dies before November” could be a debatable question?

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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This ruling is less appalling than the others. It’s still Roberts twisting himself into knots to avoid the basic meaning of words, but the plaintiff in question is still guilty of trespassing, assault, and every other crime the feds threw at him.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Wishcasting a new candidate is a massive L. You think Biden’s cognition is worse baggage than him dropping out, the infighting for position, a brokered convention, a candidate who is picked by the party and not voters, and the pure loser energy radiating from all that?

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Sure, panic is not the move; but how do you fix this? Hey, the main talking point of R’s that Biden is a senile old man was proven in 4K to a national audience. How do you ride that out? How do you run a counter punch?

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Fromsoft difficulty discourse is a cul-de-sac of people confusing difficulty (setting) with difficulty (narrative), accessibility (popularity), and accessibility (inclusivity). It’s a bear trap, please do not stick your hand in.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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At first I thought they were delaying the immunity decision as some form of horse trading. Roberts scrounging for some of his beloved legitimacy and the price for someone on the conservative bench was timing. Now I fear the decision is pure awful, and they’re delaying it just to show they can.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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A recent favorite I am reminded of due to Elden Ring DLC dropping.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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English is beautiful because it’s a bastard language with broken rules that steals from everything and everywhere. Old English, Latin, German, French, Japanese loan words, American Slang and AAVE. And people look at this mess try to police it? Dweebs.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Yep, narrative is more important than reality. Bush II won because people thought he was one of the guys you could have a beer with despite being a draft dodging rich kid. Swift Boating, Howard Dean Scream, Dukakis in the Tank [List Continues]

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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And then the clocks change for Daylight Savings and you try to explain Ben Franklin’s foley of plus or minus an hour to a dog.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Both Biden and Trump need to capitalize on the coveted “watched the debate for 5 minutes and made a gut call” demographic.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Usually I hate political stagecraft, but if you’re undecided at this point there’s only two outcomes. 1. No you’re not. You are waiting for something to justify your existing vote and/or you’re doing a performative “deep thinker” routine. 2. You are voting entirely based on vibes from the tv.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Every time I see one of these avant-garde polygonal nightmares crashed, I wonder what on earth the USDOT is doing, or what the point of “street legal” is. Feel like “brakes when you press brake” would be high up on the checklist.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Yep. The J6 crew all had the means to fly out of state to DC in the middle of the week, in full militia cosplay no less. It’s not surprising most of them were petty tyrants who owned car dealerships and real estate agencies.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Some of y’all didn’t have your brains melted by niche phpbb forums and it radiates weakness in your posting. Go steal some emoji from Something Awful and study the blade.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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“Did I ever tell you the Tragedy of Darth Narwhal_Bacons_Midnight the power user? It’s not a story someone with a functional brain would tell you”

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Not just extremely online, but the kind of brain cursed to remember online arguments from the 2010s. Tech reporters talking about the novel insanity they find online and I pull up a folding chair: “let me tell you about some subreddit drama from 2013 that illustrates this phenomenon is not new.”

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I mean, props to her for parlaying a student project looking iOS game and a step-below-tertiary-at-best role in GG into a lasting, insufferable, and inextricable online presence. Wish she didn’t.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I remember Destiny from when he was a slightly chaotic StarCraft II Wings of Liberty player that popularized Infestor use. Waking up a decade and a half later and finding out he’s now a Twitch Polemic for vaguely brocalist causes is proof there’s no requirements for being a leftie thought leader.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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It’s the Dot Com bubble again, frantically searching for a use case or a path to profitability with “noun + AI” Massive house of cards on services that do nothing for the average bloke.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Truly nothing more Americana then the last decade of tech NFTs as those Name a Star Scams Crypto as Company Scrip AI as Snake Oil

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Turning a factual statement into a philosophical truth.


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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Big Shaq also killed it live. Dude knew he had reached the summit and went all out.


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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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One would hope, but I feel those white dudes have been fed a steady diet of “The Superior Culture of The West” which is just christian nationalism disguised as secular.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Good reminder that one can be anti-colonialist and still have the media literacy of a preschooler.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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A greatest hits collection would be Matt Damon as Kavanaugh and… ?????? You can’t even include Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks as it’s a month before the election.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Crazy how the original intent of laws dating back to the birth of the country and various British antecedents all somehow align with 2024 conservative goals.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Hyper-literal originalism would understand how the reconstruction amendments grant the federal government incredible authority to overturn racial discrimination in remarkably plain English, but it’s quite odd how those amendments Keep. Getting. Undermined.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Sounds like originalism crystallizing into a purer and more potent form of what it’s always been: Start with a conclusion and hunt down whatever scraps of paper from 200+ years ago support it.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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This is why the most popular Star Wars fan community was *checks notes* The 501st Legion who dressed up like storm troopers en masse.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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I know we got a lot of novel, insane, selfish behavior out of Covid, but the Pandemic to driving like a maniac pipeline still boggles the mind.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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People really hitting you with the classics today

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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As another example, every single Tom Clancy game since The Division 1 has had writers frantically trying to undermine the incredibly ultraconservative base concept with nuance and counterpoints and lore, but it doesn’t exactly change the core themes evoked through gameplay.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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Can’t speak to ready or not, but SWAT 4 lives in that dangerous realm where it’s barely above America’s… baseline cop background radiation? Easy to clock a network tv show that has the subtly of a brick, less so games that subsume criticism into themselves.

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JC's avatar JC @maxjes.bsky.social
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These folks keep creating insane use cases that solve no previously existing problems, because if the technology actually solved problems that justified the apocalyptic water and electricity usage, they wouldn’t need to shill for it. Same as it was with crypto & all the other fictional gold rushes.

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