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There's some CNN ghoul pretending him talking about Warner running in 2008 was a huge gaffe because Warner dropped out at the exploratory committee stage

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They were always going to. LDs basically ran as the alternative to Labour in seats that wanted to kick the Tories out but are culturally basically hostile to Labour. Centrist dad ville.

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Plus a surplus of really shitty houses.

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As happy as I am Labour crushed the Tories, having unchecked power on a third of the vote is undemocratic and I think unsustainable.

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Something else you Brits nicked from the Irish

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He showed his work.

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I'm disappointed they broke 100. Genuinely. Looks like the "please don't hurt us too badly" strategy worked.

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Yeah but they were up against the party that produced Jeremy Corbyn.

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Tortoise is actually pretty good as is Chris Cook. And Johnson's siblings don't deserve to suffer for his failings

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That credibly accused of rape Yascha Mounk? He's back in the Atlantic?

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Jesus Christ you guys she voted to make the president a Tsar.

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I think there's a reasonable chance that the death of the Conservative party as we know it is a casualty in the ultimately victorious war against FPTP, which strikes me as a real win win situation if I'm being honest.

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I've met literally two types of Tory roughly my age - army officers in rural areas who have been increasingly disgusted by the direction of the party and a guy who I once literally had to threaten to throw out of my house due to his obnoxiousness.

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I have a bet on them going under 50. I think under 100 is almost nailed on at this point.

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I came out early with a prediction of Tories under 50 and Sunak losing his seat. It was a bold prediction, and now I think they may just scrape into the triple digits but I still think it's at least a 1/4 chance. That would include Truss losing.

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There's a strong turnip Taliban independent and a Reform candidate who isn't an obvious mutant so I think there's a good chance.

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I mean yeah - but it's a general election campaign and it's just the kind of shit you need to do here.

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That it is a delicate issue for a lot of people and that he's trying to navigate it in a way that treats everyone with dignity, plus he didn't actually meet with Rowling.

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I would dispute that characterisation.

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I'm guessing that being relieved of the pressures of office has left him free to indulge in some of his other vices.

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Hey maybe the head of the main Republican think tank implicitly threatening violence against the GOP's political opponents is worth mentioning? Just a thought.

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They literally keep the sandwich shop open for lunch.

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Yep. 95% of America's political problems are due to a large section of the media and the populace assuming that even patently absurd and undemocratic outcomes are reasonable and just, largely on the assumption that because the American system produced the results they must be.

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down

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Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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i suppose we can thank John Roberts for making his intentions crystal-fucking clear before the election

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Well technically Cybertron isn't American soil... *Single shot rings out*

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In a half way rational and responsible media environment the SCOTUS declaring fascism is cool and legit would be more of a story than "Biden - Old" and result in mass outrage among the chattering classes but of course it won't.

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Yep - also an acceptance that at the end of the day the purpose of democracy is not to find the best policy outcomes so much as it is to provide a mechanism for changing who is in charge that doesn't involve a lot of people being executed periodically.

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Twlldun 's avatar Twlldun
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“Where no-one is homeless or hungry”* *unless they are one of - charitably - several former members of Primal Scream that you fucked over.

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Yep. Always find it grimly amusing to see accounts here claiming they're against genocide rocking the hammer and sickle in their bios.

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I don't think it's stubborn entitlement on Biden's part FWIW. There's no scenario where if he had declined to run again the nomination doesn't go to Harris, who didn't do great on her first national campaign. I happen to think the riskiness of a Harris nom is overstated, but it is still a risk.

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I think she probably has a higher ceiling. But it's not a risk free move.

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So you're voting for Trump. Good for you.

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Oddly enough this makes me more inclined to support the most hassle free scenario of replacing Biden with Harris.

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Kwertzy Industries's avatar Kwertzy Industries
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Why do you fuckers always panic? Where's your fight?

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So does everyone else! And the ones that the campaign cares about are the ones they can move from column A to column B. That's the ball game. Unless you're Kennedy-curious the Biden campaign's message to you is "thanks for the vote and maybe phone bank for us?"

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No because you've already decided to vote for Biden and I'm guessing there's no way in hell you'd vote for Trump of even be ok with him winning. That right?

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Pre debate polling suggests there was a high degree of engagement and even if they weren't, the limited attention they pay will be flooded with "Biden did terribly" takes.

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The small number of voters who are undecided or could be swayed to change their vote. You've said you're not in that category so by definition you're not the target audience.

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Yes but you're not the target audience.

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We've had four years of him in the most demanding executive position in the world. All accounts agree he's been very good at doing the job of BEING president, if not APPEARING as one, and aping gross right wing talking points about his mental capacity isn't journalism. This is before we get to Trump

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You lost me when you started referring to fact checking as a "weapon", lost me further when you parroted a bunch of lazy tropes about the non existent "liberal media" and I fully tuned out once you started citing Matt Taibbi. Biden is old. He is not senile.

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It was a bad piece then and a bad piece now.

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I'll trust you there. As a brass tacks matter though it's Biden's decision

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I'm pretty sure the nominating convention is a legal process (hence the kerfuffle with the Ohio ballot access). If Biden doesn't step aside the convention delegates can't just en masses choose someone else. IIRC part of the reasons primaries are decisive now is due to electoral law.

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I don't think that's so much the party rule book as it is the settled law of the land. Primaries are run by the states after all.

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