neuropantser's avatar


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wife guy. sweaty. 6'2"

neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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how's your whole "butchering every infant and toddler in gaza" strategy going? juicing those swing state margins yet? got a bellyful of nikki haley's sloppy seconds?

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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if i was a demonic austerity pervert with nyt inches I wouldn't account for skyrocketing homelessness, child poverty, household debt and housing insecurity either tbh. the underlying hateful misanthropy in believing everyone is lying just to vex you is grotesque

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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it's interesting watching liberals descend even deeper into the depths of miserable, childish misanthropy instead of just reaching the obvious conclusion that their policy agenda doesn't reflect any human being's needs. mid-genocide is a great time for self reflection imo

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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the biden administration already eliminated poverty and homelessness and is going to ride the biggest landslide this country has ever seen into reelection like 10,000 FDRs in a trench coat. fascism has no material basis bc everybody is rich now.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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might get that reaction bc the institutional hostility towards tik tok is 100% about influencers convincing ppl under 35 that mass butchering thousands of infants and toddlers in a deranged genocidal tantrum is straightforwardly a bad thing.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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zero pity for anyone who didn't do the obvious thing with elon in their physical proximity

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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your candidate is old and butchered 13,000 children in the last four months

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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Reposted by neuropantser

Cats of Yore's avatar Cats of Yore
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TOP TEN CAT BREEDS 1. Honey Glazed Babydoot 2. Angel Bimp 3. Dutch Crumbstalker 4. Legendary Porch Gremlin 5. Eastern Dreamy Peanut 6. Kevin 7. Loaf+ (subscription only) 8. Detective Nosey Primbus 9. Creeper SURPRISE 10. Humble Trashlord

101 replies 243 reposts 1337 likes

neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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you are! yes you are! who's a good follow! such a good follow! yes you are!!!

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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a demented benzo junkie is the ideal pallbearer for this dying fascist empire imo. yes. 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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it's like Pokemon. he's Liberal (type). weak against fascism. strong against gazan toddlers.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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ah yes elevating the status of one man certainly makes up for biden butchering 12,000 children in 100 days. the inhuman soullessness of democrats is amazing. always new lows to sink to. awful people.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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yeah this hits a little different after biden butchered 12,000 children in 100 days

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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perfidy is a foghorn leghorn ass word. love it

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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hamas are orphans born into a concentration camp resisting an occupying army that mutilates and rapes and murders their children every day. israeli diaper forces are an actual army composed of nazi perverts that butcher kids for fun.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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this is very Infantile Leftist of me but this is why i don't think of them as any different in effect from ideologically conscious fascists, and it's why ideologically conscious fascists so often masquerade as reasonable centrists.

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Reposted by neuropantser

neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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a civil war requires two sides and there has never in history been such a thing as a "militant liberal." this is why they keep fascists around in the first place, to have a dog that does their violence for them. hence our police, military and paramilitary apparatuses domestically and internationally

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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when you can murder 25,000 civilians in 3 months and still be considered the most progressive president of all time ever the spectrum is a bit warped imo

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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this site is nothing but cute trans girls and psychos that work for the dnc. real land of contrasts

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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if putin was the same in every way except he was still the state department's friend you'd kiss the tip of his penis and smile about it

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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the moral content of burning children alive in pediatric oncology wards with chemical weapons is mixed, yes. kaayyyyy whyyyyyyy essssssssssssssssssssss

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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considering how stupid the question was i'm not surprised you couldn't grasp the answer

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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im doing fine lol. at least you've got genocide joe tho, that's sweet :)

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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the success of a social media site is whether you can tell opinion perverts to unalive themselves imo and by that standard i judge skeeter positively

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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oh wonderful we've got some shitbrain psycho lib chiming in to let me know that biden is actually a helpless little infant. i've never heard how completely powerless the american president is, you're blowing my mind here little dude

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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that isn't structurally possible. there is no mechanism for the popular will to translate into law. because this isn't a democracy. we're awfully fortunate to have actual representative democracies, or even bonapartist dictatorships, all deeply flawed in their own way to contrast our uniquely awful

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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then calling biden a "fascist dictator" is only a slight exaggeration lol. you love a democracy without any democratic elements because it's a cargo cult to you

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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you gloating about how your strongman leader bravely imposes fascist policy on an unwilling populace is the actual dictionary definition little dude

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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biden serves unelected lobbies in concert with an openly fascist government to impose fascist policy on an unwilling populace in extremely direct contrast to the sentiment of the party and voters he represents. if you understand the word dictatorship outside of the cartoonish way liberals use it

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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democracy never existed in america because there's nothing democratic in structure or outcome about federal institutions or lawmaking, hence this country being such an extreme outlier in lacking a vast suite of public services even shock doctrined shitholes like russia have.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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this is literally fascist uncle shit. i meant it when i said that liberals have produced the worst human beings to have ever existed, this is exactly what i was talking about. at least at thanksgiving dinner uncle mike is dressing this fascist horseshit up in insufferable faux academic patois

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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you're, idiotically, inventing a scenario where people are demanding government rush to draft new policy every 5 minutes depending on the latest poll, rather than an overwhelming outcry from the whole fucking planet for your guy to stop murdering babies by the thousands.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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what is the point of this, it's a complete non sequitur. the issue is your guy imposing fascist policy on an unwilling populace that doesn't appreciate being made complicit in killing 10,000 children for what basically amounts to fun. or 12,000 now.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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"even worse" lmfao you hate democrats even more than i do. you call me hateful but you're trembling with disgust at the notion that your cohort gets the agenda they voted for. you derive such satisfaction from a progressive agenda being replaced by the whims of defense contractors and aipac

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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what we're actually talking about is your guy imposing fascist policy on an unwilling public, providing weapons and logistics and political cover for the mass murder of women and children on behalf of unelected lobbies and a foreign government.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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this reminds me of that sartre quote about antisemites tbh, like your whole thesis here is that democracy is not when elected representatives represent the will of the voters that empowered them, it's when strong men display leadership by imposing their agenda according to their own judgment.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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you literally concocted a weird fantasy about democrats hewing too closely to popular opinion when crafting policy so you could invent a fake critique of your party lol. like its hard to tell if this is simple dishonesty or you're just not self aware to hear yourself. i mean it's both but what ratio

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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that's not even close to a coherent response to what i said lol. liberals are so embarrassing jfc

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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you can't hear how serfbrained your screeching is, how disgusted you are by the concept of elected representatives as public servants and your own libidinal obsession with a strongman imposing his agenda on an unwilling public.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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that's your dogbrained understanding of my position which i've been excruciatingly explicit about. i also think it's disgusting and creepy how you sneer and shit yourself at the idea of a politician doing something popular, the most revolting thing a liberal can imagine.

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neuropantser's avatar neuropantser
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"politicians should only do what is currently popular" is a thing you said because you have the bad writing problem of only being able to be as smart as you are. if you were capable of higher order thinking you wouldn't be defending joe's strongman politics in billy pencil's mentions.

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