Sean O'Hara's avatar

Sean O'Hara

13 followers 164 following 299 posts

Author, translator. Polyglot, polyamorous, polygonal. Knower of things. Mostly real.

Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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The President can't override a pardon for state crimes. He can stop death squads from operating in the US. Thesis not a complicated distinction.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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If Biden wins and a Republican governor sends out death squads against gay people, Muslims, Jews or whoever else he deems demonic, there is zero chance that Biden doesn't send in National Guard to stop him. It's not even a close call.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Article IV, §4. He calls up the National Guard and tells them to arrest the governor and anyone aiding his murder spree. He voids the state constitution and orders the creation of anew one. If SCOTUS says anything, he responds, "Abe Lincoln, bitches."

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Also it was directed by noted child murderer John Landis, which is good reason to banish to the Phantom Zone.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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No, the one whose brother got an actress fired from Growing Pains because she posed for Playboy.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Re: Neil Gaiman. Men who make being morally upstanding the defining feature of their public persona always turn out to be hypocrites. This is as true with progressive values as conservative Christian ones.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Neither was Bautista, for that matter. Fascism has requirements beyond "right wing dictatorship."

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Some people think that because they know what it feels like to turn the shower up too high, they know what it's like to be boiled alive. The George Floyd murder is bad, but Tianaman Square is orders of magnitude worse, and that's still not a worst case scenario.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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My headcannon is that "counselors" are political officers placed on starships to curb the excesses of the Kirk era.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Guys in robes deciding what science is legally acceptable... sounds more Renaissance to me.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Sure, but SCOTUS can respond that such powers are non-delegable.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be rereading The Pelican Brief.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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The current forecast for America's future: 20% Biden is reelected and prolongs the long, twilight struggle by a couple years. 40% Trump becomes America's Pinochet. 40% John Roberts declares himself God-Emperor.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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No, because the courts will rule that the laws Congress passed don't address trans healthcare, therefore they don't have the power to create regulations on the subject.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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The Lochner Era wasn't that bad, right? Right? ::sobs::

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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There are still people who insist Clinton was a great candidate.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Nah, they'll hold it until Wednesday. Thomas delivers the decision wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt under his robe so he can go straight to National, where Harlan Crow has a plane waiting to take him to his 4th of July jamboree.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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I routinely hit 100+ books per year, even excluding graphic novels/manga. The trick is to read lots of shorter books, and to listen to audiobooks whenever you're doing something that doesn't require 100% concentration (driving, exercising, grocery shopping).

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Did not have "Tammany Hall was good, actually" on my bingo card.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Recipe blogs, content mills and AI all use this style where they use lots of words to say very little.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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The "We're all immigrants" shtick also obscures the difference between immigrants and settler-colonists.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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The essay I want to write is "The Chuuni Style in American Politics," about the convergence of adolescent fantasies and the fascist need for a plot that explains the world.

(For those unfamiliar with Chuuni:

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Reposted by Sean O'Hara

Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Lawyers already have search engines.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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This sounds like Bart Simpson faking his way through a book report.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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This was not my experience in the 90s. There were jocks, preps, rednecks, hip hop kids, and theater geeks, etc, but people could belong to multiple groups, and only longstanding animosity was between the rednecks and hip hop kids.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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I mean the whole point of Common Law is it evolves as new circumstances present themselves, so any legal theory that rejects that is ipso facto not originalist.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Brunner wrote three more dystopias, Stand on Zanzibar, Shockwave Rider and The Jagged Orbit that were amazingly prescient. The hero of the last one is a blogger.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Though King was still kinda conservative and provincial when he wrote it, so aspects don't hold up. The Ling Walk, however, is one of the best things he ever wrote.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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And many of them were considered family films.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Look up the alternate ending. It is bonkers.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Biden can stop him simply by responding, "Buck-buck-buckah."

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Font design is a tool of capitalist hegemons.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Took a horror themed creative writing class in college, and there was a future MFA guy in the class who knew nothing about horror. One girl brought in an amazing story based on Hawaiian mythology, and the guy sneered because "Nobody can say those names." I was like, "You ever hear of Cthulhu?"

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Spot the town that's part of a Stephen King story where the Founders got perfect weather in exchange for occasionally murdering travelers.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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John Ganz had to read David Duke's book of sex advice for women as part of his research. That's dedication.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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I feel like all the Okada/Kawamori collaborations are more Macross than Macross itself. They're both creators who need someone to rein in their wildest ideas, but instead when they team up, they create a feedback loop on crazy.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Using an umlaut is an undergrad trying to look smart. Knowing that oe is an acceptable alternative to ö is masters level. Doctoral level is using this as an opportunity to explain the difference between an umlaut and diaeresis.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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When you guys get through Rambo, you should go back to the OG Vietnam Vet Vigilante movie, Billy Jack.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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This would be a great argument if speed limits were arbitrary numbers and not based upon rigorous data analysis to determine the safest speed for a particular road.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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The most fun I have in making ebooks is when something in the story makes me go, "Hmm, I wonder if I could format this text conversation to look like it's in a messenger app," or "I bet I could make this classified document look like it's been redacted."

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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tHe eCoNoMy iMpRoVeD (iF yOu iGnORe tHe FiNaL yEaR wHeN hIs PoLiCiEs LeD tO a NaTiOnAl CaTaStRoPhE).

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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I love how his mind ran straight past "Pay the writers you're stealing from."

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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No, that's not what this is. This is like if President Hillary were facing a congress split between Bernie supporters and MAGA Republicans, with traditional Dems reduced to a tiny sliver.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Oh god, is this a thing people are claiming?

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Republicans are right about one thing: New York liberals suck.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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Group chats are just instant messaging on your phone, so really this is a reversion to how things used to be with AIM and ICQ.

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Sean O'Hara's avatar Sean O'Hara
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De Gaulle would be like, "Screw this, Sixth Republic."

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