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37 followers 88 following 1732 posts

tech monkey. pet wrangler. flashlight accumulator. involved casual. 3-pedal user. occasional maker/recovering makerspace director/officer. excel degenerate. randomness fancier. gun nerd.

E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Similar. I've often wanted to post something long-ish - possibly with photos/graphics - but didn't want to administer a webserver. I surely don't need a million bells and whistles either.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Me either. And at a glance it looks to be card-only so that precludes another big demo. Although, the Fresh Value install looks to be situated between a bagged ice freezer and 3rd-party ATM so maybe they know their market after all 🤷‍♂️

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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And the facial recognition bit is just the chef's kiss. Expect a f-ton of directed marketing along with the invariable future data breach as your driver's license PII is leaked.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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I've heard of gun stores using gumball vending machines to dispense loose rounds (surely as a joke since they're certain to jam dispensing small metal semi-cylinders), but grabbing a box of UMC from a machine that might also dispense a Snickers considerably less so.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Because Dubya's "economic patriotism" appeal in late 2001 wasn't cynical and self-serving enough

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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TX gov not as yeehaw on the issue as often portrayed. Was rather late on licensed carry - with a fairly rigorous licensing process. Initial open carry was limited to the licensed. Also late to "Constitutional" carry.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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TV mobster protection racket shit, only without the promise of business as usual post-shakedown

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Not enough characters on bsky to preempt the bad hot takes

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Username is a helpful tell

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Reposted by E-Something

Boston Tom Levenson's avatar Boston Tom Levenson @tomlevenson.bsky.social
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To reiterate a point I just made in a response: There is a lot of evidence suggesting Trump is incapable of being president--regardless of what you think of his politics. We know from last term he doesn't read, doesn't process information well, and has an incredibly short daily work window...1/

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Thus the illegal fireworks begin. Maybe the local youth will tire of this sh_t before 2 in the morning.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Does she express similar depth of concern about "defense" aid for Israel?

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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The only time I could work from home in a state of undress was when I did on-call and the batphone rang middle of the night. Otherwise I would make myself minimally presentable every day before trudging down the hall to the home office.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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I've long resigned myself to a night of random pops and booms after dark on Independence Day and the resulting poor sleep

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Living in TX (open primaries) I've voted in a few GOP primaries (as the Democrats often effectively choose not to compete) so as to do what I can to limit the crazy

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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My observation in politics - common L/R labels like "MAGA" and "Progressive" are neat outgroups to one another, at least in the reductionist rhetoric the more shrill put out. Venn diagrams of voluntary association have shockingly little overlap.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Us-vs-Them has some consequences. It dehumanizes - and neatly inoculates against persuasion by - the outgroup.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Possible, but not via mass communication strategy. The various situations I'm aware of required open individual engagement over time with the willing on the premise they had core legitimate grievances.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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There's a growing learned helplessness in America. A silent sense that one cannot engage with government in any meaningful way whatsoever, that the status quo is immovable, and that one should not so much as *try*.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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> a broken South bitter [...] was politically useful to Southern politicians Been my casual observation living in LA and TX for >30 years

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Or just forged ... on the wrong side of town by scurrilous characters using questionable methods with materials of sullied provenance, yet the resulting artifact is still hard AF

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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I gather transferable M79s exist. A $200 tax stamp for every grenade classed as a DD (destructive device) one somehow manages to secure - a tall order for a non-agency buyer.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Best I can tell they stay out of the way like champs

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Sure they can. But it will be like Putin's Russia where you never know which line you cross that gets you a mere look of disapproval from Dear Leader or you have a freak fatal accident involving a window.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Dallas would again be insufferable with the revival of "world class" being prefixed to *everything*

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Mercifully mine are largely indifferent (living near a major airport has perhaps desensitized them) but are confined to indoors at all times. A departed dog OTOH was definitely *not* OK with fireworks; took an Rx from the vet for benzos to deal with that kind of anxiety.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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It's exhausting elsewhere because the rhetoric is 33 flavours of ignorant, polarizing, disingenuous, and shrill where everyone is either a GD emergency trumpet repairman or a sneering hipster whose transportation needs can be met by a fixie

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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The CA self-described political refugees are certainly a spectacle - until they realize TX ain't the low-cost libertarian utopia of their fever dreams. At which point there's falloff: some decide CA's grass was greener and retreat, some double down and dig in.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Unfortunately the rush of transplants flush with *coastal states* money from the sale of their prior homes alongside private equity has resulted in (locally) astronomical sale prices being recorded

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Asphalt develops potholes. Concrete develops craters. Suburbia doesn't collect enough taxes to maintain the roads *anywhere*. Looking at the appraisal district's creative assessments property values reminds me that property taxes makes up for the lack of income tax in Texas.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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A far more enduring meme than most of /r/wsb for sure. One with institutional buy-in given the inexplicable market cap. "Media darling" a better analogue.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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The cost of the electricity - the thing consumers fixate on since the know it well - may well be a marginal thing compared to the immense CAPEX and additional OPEX of a fast charger. Outside of travel corridors, grocery stores and other destination shopping might work them into loyalty programs.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Memestocks are immune to the ratios and metrics that mere mortal stocks are judged by. Until something else captures the attention of the media and is welded into peoples' identities.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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As long as the memestock effect continues - and the company remains nominally afloat - they're going to live in a very different reality than mere mortal companies.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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But there have been plenty of longstanding reasons other than the persona of its CEO to be leery of Tesla

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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If you're going to be *the* face of a large company that sells a product with wide appeal - like automobiles - you need to cultivate a more bland image than Musk is capable of

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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I miss the OR coast. But the *hilarious* property values atop the lack of employment opportunities will keep it in the nostalgia of youth in decades past.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Ah the SA forums. I'm sure I said a reprehensible thing or several there some 20 years ago.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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At this point might as well send a letter to - or request an appointment at- 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and argue your case

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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... or their understanding is limited to the most bland, whitewashed, watered-down primary-school version of history

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Historically, it's been the incumbent's decision to make

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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As one of the roles of politicians is to frame history to make an argument for present policy goals, it's damned important to understand history

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Rural voters have real economic grievances - globalism, the decline of extractive industry, consolidation of agriculture have pounded their economies to dust - but like their urban allies their main focus is social issues and loss of cultural primacy

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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And while the rural population is small at ~20% of the population, the mindset has extended to conservative voters everywhere

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Recall a ~2016 piece I can't find any more that summed it up. TL;DR the core rural GOP demo doesn't believe anything will ever get better so they want to see it burn down. Other candidates will carefully torch effigies while Trump is using a flamethrower in public.

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Watching an enterprise system debug in realtime has a Matrix-like quality

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E-Something's avatar E-Something @nullinterface.bsky.social
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Testing them in my 'burg. Not sure if anyone's tried to shoot any down yet. My location doesn't qualify - presumably because I'm within the innermost radius of the nearby airport's airspace thus even a <400' AGL drone isn't allowed w/o ATC permission.

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