Crank Turner's avatar

Crank Turner

7 followers 18 following 91 posts

Rider of bikes, hater of cars, supporter of arming the left. Liberation for all. This is my place to be unhinged for my mental health, don't ruin it for me.

Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Ed Flynn calling for "free Palestine" graffiti to be charged as a hate crime is such a pathetically evil stance to take. May he be hit and killed by one of the car drivers he's so desperate to not inconvenience.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Swear to god if you make me support Kamala Harris I will step in front of a fuckin bus.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Y'know what, fuckit, let her run again. I don't even fucking care. This is a stronger, clearer statement than the one offered by the actual fucking candidate and sitting president.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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We are all going to die because a small group of rich, powerful assholes want to be more rich and powerful and genuinely do not care if they take us all down with them, as long as they get to be the one pushing the button on the bomb.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I predicted this in 2016. I said it was the end. Layed out all the ways things could/would break. I was called paranoid. Insane. So much that I doubted myself. Almost allowed myself to hope. And now here we are. Presidents are kings. Corporations can do whatever they want without restraint.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I honestly don't know how I get through the rest of the day. It all feels so pointless. Can we just kill these fuckers now? Are we allowed to do that at this point, finally?

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Regulations are written in blood. Every time you see a goofy looking regulation and think "lol how stupid do these regulators think we are? Nobody would do that." Somebody has done it. Some company, somewhere at some point, figured it would save them money, and people died.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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It's ok to be an idiot, but there has to be a line. At some point you're just too stupid to live anymore. We call those people "libertarians".

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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If I see another "ok but disasters happen under the current regulatory structure so clearly the structure causes those disasters and they'll stop once the regulation is repealed, I am very smart" take I swear to every god I will kill so many people to prove that laws against murder cause murder.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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SCOTUS staff: you are uniquely well positioned to do what needs doing. I guarantee you could at least get Gorsuch before anyone stopped you. Those in power refuse to save us, and you will not be protected from what is coming. Sharpen your knives.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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It's been nice living in a civilization while it lasted. Get ready for 0 workplace safety standards, massive outbreaks of foodborne illness, the rollback of consumer protections, and elimination of all environmental protections. I don't think people understand how fully fucked we are.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Damn lookit "three stickers" money haver over here! In seriousness, I'd cover the whole damn thing in stickers, windshield and all, if I were so fortunate as to be well resourced enough to do so.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Everything the cops are supposed to prevent, according to their supporters, are things they do. Every breath taken by a pig is a waste of precious oxygen.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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By the way, if you'd like a fun new sticker design to use, I offer you this one, free of charge.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I know, but I'd like to add "fear of legal repercussions" to the list of things drivers have to grapple with as they scrub sticker goo off and reflect on their actions. And who knows, maybe they'll get spotted by the one cop who actually cares about doing their job right.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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If you're putting "I parked in a bike lane" stickers on cars, put it on the license plate. Make them get a ticket. You're already technically committing a crime, go big or go home. Do that for the tinted license plate covers too. Make them buy a new one. Hit them in their wallets.

3 replies 14 reposts 91 likes

Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Another cyclist dead in my city and there are dozens of comments on each article saying something to the effect of "good, they deserved it". I am no longer joking, it is time to start shooting drivers. Level the playing field, my friends. Be as much of a threat to them as they are to us.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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God I wish his airbags had failed and we didn't have collapsible steering columns or crumple space.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Yeah my point is that the graffiti is an explicit call for the murder of cyclists, and we absolutely should take that as a threat. For my part, I intend to act accordingly because I, too, do not want any more ghost bikes and I especially don't want one with my name on it.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I am once again insisting that shooting a driver who menaces a cyclist is legitimate self-defense. There is a contingent of drivers who want us dead and there is no way for us to distinguish, and no meaningful distinction in the result, between malicious and negligent impacts.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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We are speedrunning fascism under a "democrat" and I'm still the crazy one for sounding the alarm bells over shit like this.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Love being right *and* wrong in the same breath. They moved the goalposts not from "this isn't peaceful enough" to "peaceful isn't enough". Fuckit, break out the rifles.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Really feels like Ireland has been waiting forever for someone else to step up so they can say "and my axe". Tiocfaidh lá an Phalaistín! Saoirse Don Phalaistín!

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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In a just world, every one of these bloodthirsty fascist freaks would be rotting in a ditch with a bullet in the head. May such a world come to be.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Forget resigning, I'd commit ritual suicide on national television to try to regain some semblance of my dignity. Clear demonstration that automotive regulators genuinely are completely and utterly shameless.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Imagine being a regulatory agency that is both so fully captured and asleep at the wheel that you let this humiliatingly poorly designed and built monstrosity ship to consumers.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Reminder: there are more of us than there are of them. They're cracking down so hard because they need to break resistance before it gets too big to contain. Do not stop. Swarm them. Overwhelm them. Crush them under our defiant hordes. They will break before we do.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I appreciate the invocation of "[t]he law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread." in the question "[i]s it applied to me as well?"

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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One of my favorite things in life is having someone with a twitter full of "trust the experts!" statements say to me, an expert, "well, that's debatable" about an objectively factual thing I said. Like, as true as saying "injecting a gallon of sulfuric acid into your veins will kill you."

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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They don't care how absurd it is, they don't expect it to fool anyone. This is a flex. They know they can come out and say this insane shit and the media will nod along with vacant stares and they won't lose a single person's support. The folks at home don't give a fuck.

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Reposted by Crank Turner

Jonathan Cohn 's avatar Jonathan Cohn
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I checked the weather forecast, and it said that it’s perfect weather for the City of Boston to issue an apology to Emerson students who were attacked by BPD officers.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I hope Eric Adams falls through an open manhole and gets slowly eaten alive by a sewer gator.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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The only good cop is an ex-cop, and I'm getting more and more picky about which types of exits from the profession are acceptable. There's not a cop alive who deserves to keep breathing.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Hey creative people (who aren't gonna see this because I have no following) can someone make a t-shirt design with a picture of one of the cop snipers and the caption "it's not a sniper; it's a sparkling long range cop"

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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I'll never advocate for a right to "peaceful" protest. It's protest, period. They'll always move the goalposts. Nothing you ever do will ever be good or acceptable enough. Free yourself from the constraints of "peaceful" rhetoric. State violence against protest is horrific, full stop.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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There's no such thing as peaceful protest. There will never be a form of protest that the ruling class will not, in some way, spin as dangerous to some hypothetical prospective person in far flung crisis. All protest, regardless of form, is violent according to the media and state.

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Reposted by Crank Turner

Prisonculture's avatar Prisonculture
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Yes, please realize that this IS policing in the U.S. This isn't "bad apples" or "a glitch." Cops ARE VIOLENCE WORKERS. This is what they are. If you're finally convinced, don't just passively allow 50 to 60% of your municipal budgets to be allocated yearly to violence workers.

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Reposted by Crank Turner

Random Street Medic's avatar Random Street Medic
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Medic reminder. Don't use milk or LAW for pepper spray exposure. Flush with a large volume of water. Milk contains bacteria and is a great way to introduce an eye infection. LAW turns into an abrasive crust. Also, having a bright white face makes people easily identifiable.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Nobody was born with perfect knowledge of our unjust systems. You had to learn, either through experience or someone teaching you. Attacking people for coming to the same realization as you did but "too late" is elitist bullshit and if you do it I hate you.

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Reposted by Crank Turner

Asher Elbein's avatar Asher Elbein
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There’s no actual organizing prize for being right first, unless the prize is a sense of smug self-satisfaction

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Reposted by Crank Turner

Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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For legal reasons this is satire, or whatever. You pigs would find any excuse even if you weren't humorless wads of animate rotted bacon.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Since Boston Police have clearly demonstrated that disproportionate violence against individuals blocking a public right of way is not only acceptable but laudable, from now on I will be shooting drivers (especially cops) parked in bike lanes, bus stops, and on sidewalks. Goose, meet fuckin gander.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Just saying, I feel like politicians are a lot more responsive to calls to be better when they know people are willing to beat their asses for doing evil shit.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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Have our backs or watch yours. It really ought to be that simple, but unfortunately we've apparently gotten too far removed from...aggressive recall provisions. Maybe those should make a comeback.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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My advice? Step back before people start to step up. Or some pigs with hurt feelings and knuckles bruised from punching kids won't be the extent of their injuries for much longer. The time of fuck around will end before you know it, and the find out era won't be fun for anyone.

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Crank Turner's avatar Crank Turner
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My generation is on our umpteenth iteration of "reasonable mass protest against obviously bad thing" being met with force and ever escalating calls for increasingly brutal violence. Frequently against literal teenagers. College students. Reasonable people, righteous protest, unreasonable response.

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