PsychoSerenity's avatar


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Want a kinder & more sustainable world. Studying environmental science. UK.
#ClimateJustice #CivilDisobedience #TransRights #BlackLivesMatter #EndCapitalism

PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Congratulations to the 4 Green MPs, but the system is clearly broken. Nature barely got mentioned in the election campaign despite it being an existential crisis & 80,000 people marching through London. #ElectionResults #ExtinctionRebellion #RestoreNatureNow

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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If Starmer doesn't pivot again and implement some radical progressive system changing policies that engage & empower communities, then in 5 year's time we could be facing a Tory/Reform populist fascist hybrid gaining power. #ElectionResults #CitizensAssemblies

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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I've long known the UK political system is bullshit but even I'm surprised that Labour's landslide victory under Starmer has been won with about HALF A MILLION FEWER VOTES than their 2019 "worst ever" defeat under Corbyn. #MakeVotesMatter #ElectionResults

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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#GeneralElection2024 #VoteGreen

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Did you know that if you have enough money you can get what is effectively a private law to keep people away from your property? It's what fossil fuel companies do so that environmental activists face harsh sentences if they protest at their sites. #JustStopOil

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Keir Starmer made a pact with the devil to become prime minister but any commitment he makes he has to break.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Most saw reason and ran away when given the chance, but one of the big ones ran right towards me and I had nowhere to escape to so we had to have a fight. I felt like Sam Gamgee.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Have been tackling dozens of spiders including my least favourite giant house spiders in order to sort out the back yard into more of a garden. I've been disturbing as little as possible because I don't like to evict them for multiple reasons, but some of them had to go.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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For Christmas - It's a Wonderful Life The rest of the year - 12 Angry Men

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Under this legislation "key national infrastructure" includes every road. So for example planning a Pride march or any other peaceful protest down a street, without permission from the police, is now a crime. The Tories took away our right to protest and Starmer isn't planning to give it back.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Just planning a protest that's even slightly disruptive and that isn't approved by the police can now get you arrested in the UK. #Fascism #PoliceState #JustStopOil

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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To keep within earth system planetary boundaries & achieve genuine sustainability we probably need global production to be cut roughly in half. But we also need to make sure there’s sufficient redistribution so that the majority of people can have an improved standard of living while that happens.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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I'm pretty sure those losses from business as usual are a massive underestimate. Even the idea of measuring it in terms of GDP makes no sense when the consequences could be civilisation collapse from global famines and resource wars.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Iced chocolate coffee.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Loads I want to do right now but can't really settle as I'm expecting a call from my doctor at some point this morning. Nothing serious but don't want to miss it or I'll have to call back to arrange another call some other time. Not a fan of expecting something but not knowing when.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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There's a spider living just outside my window that I would really like a sparrow to eat before the end of the summer and it decides to come inside.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Hundreds more pics here:

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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I'm old enough that I've started thinking about my age more in terms of counting down towards the inevitable, even though I don't know when that will be. Got to make the most of what remains. 😘

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Can it be a hypersonic cross Atlantic train?

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Even media that did report downplayed it as "thousands" rather than tens of thousands. Our political system is so resistant change & I think the media dividing protests into those they can ignore, and those they can demonise, is a big part of that. It's why I think mass civil disobedience is needed.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Stretch of the legs, a wee, and a hot chocolate from the services. Now no more stops till home. It's a longer day, but much more comfortable and enjoyable going to an action by a shared coach with other environmentalists than on a crowded train. It took a lot of organising, but worth it. 😊

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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On the way home now. Was an amazing turnout.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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London tomorrow! it's going to be a long day up on the coach and back. hoping for a big turnout! #RestoreNatureNow

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Reposted by PsychoSerenity

Anna Orridge's avatar Anna Orridge
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β€˜Go for the fossil fuel execs, go for the polluters.’ They have and they do. My social media was full, just a short time ago, of an incredibly brave young woman telling investors in the most powerful terms exactly what she thought of their decision to press ahead with the Rosebank oil field.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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The massive granite stones that have stood for 5,000 years have been terribly damaged by a bit of orange corn-starch, but don't worry, nothing bad will happen to us or our cultural heritage as we continue to drive our life-sustaining earth systems into collapse. #Stonehenge #JustStopOil

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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I'm not really a beach person, but we do have some good coastlines around here.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Woke up at 4am. Decided to watch the sunrise down by the river. Bats still flitting around while the birds sing and the city sleeps.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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One week to go. Book your coach tickets to join the march for nature with Chris Packham, the RSPB, Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Woodland Trust, Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth, and many more. #RestoreNatureNow

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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teriyaki tofu stir-fry with rice feeling full and happy

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Reposted by PsychoSerenity

Rachel Lense is Professionally Curious's avatar Rachel Lense is Professionally Curious
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. β˜ΊοΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ’–

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Reposted by PsychoSerenity

Andrew D Thaler's avatar Andrew D Thaler
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"We made a computer that can't do math" seems to be the value proposition for AI.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Drink up me hearties - Pretty sure I Yo'ed the wrong Ho!

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Civil disobedience is more fun with friends. 😁

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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It's always been obvious that these "not cutting down trees" carbon credit schemes are a bullshit capitalist accounting trick that do nothing but justify increased carbon emissions, but I didn't realise they had descended into corruption and criminality even on their own terms. Not surprised though.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Brilliant work by #AnimalRising activists uncovering the terrible and widespread abuse of animals in industrialised farms even where the RSPCA have assured they meet welfare standards. Industrialised animal agriculture must end.

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Reposted by PsychoSerenity

Francesco Francavilla's avatar Francesco Francavilla
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"Nobody Trusts Anybody Now, And We're All Very Tired." John Carpenter's THE THING

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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"Can you explain this gap in your resume?" That's where I decided to change career by studying environmental science, got depressed about what I was learning, and joined the rebellion of mass civil disobedience against the government hoping to force a democratic revolution for a sustainable future.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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It's a huge hassle and expensive and I miss out on loads of good food. I'm going to need to feel some benefit for it to be worth it. Minor long-term risks be damned.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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They've also said the previous blood tests are enough to recommend I stay permanently on a gluten free diet. I'm going to stay on it while I try the anxiety meds to avoid confusion between variables. But realistically if it still makes no difference to my day-to-day life, I'm not going to continue.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Doctor is putting me on anxiety meds for #LongCovid. I'm not particularly anxious at the moment, though I've always had a bit more anxiety than I'd have liked. But there's literally nothing they can do for the physical symptoms so it's a vague hope that calming my nerves might improve things.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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If you see this repost with something green from your gallery.

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Reposted by PsychoSerenity

Ed Morrish's avatar Ed Morrish
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when the left party loses popularity, they must move to the right. when the right party loses popularity, they must move further to the right. hi, i’m a proprietor of a british newspaper, and that’s… Just The Way Things Are.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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This was unfair. People are fine and doing their best. I was just feeling stressed and frustrated to be unable to do more myself struggling with long covid. Have now had a bad night's sleep but at least somewhat rested, and a busy day ahead.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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The big spider that lives behind the plant pot outside my window has been building it's web increasingly close to the bit of the window that opens, and I'm not sure I can allow that, but I'm also not sure what I can do about it. #Arachnophobia

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Working with people who can't follow instructions, but also can't figure things out for themselves, and constantly ask to be told what to do. I've written it down already. Read it and do what it says. I will happily clarify any point, but you'd better be able to quote the bit you don't understand.

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PsychoSerenity's avatar PsychoSerenity
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Needless to say my relaxing walk out in the local park that we've been rewilding was not as relaxing as I'd hoped. Luckily I've been able to return them for a refund easily enough.

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