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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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I.e. plausible an island could use panopoly of mechanisms to interrupt transmission, test, isolate & just "max remote work + lockdown" for some months (in the style of these Germans www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS1D... ) & so eliminate it (+quarantine new arrivals) but dogs/wildlife could scupper it all.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Flu that went extinct (www.nature.com/articles/s41... ) crucially had no animal reserviors - so COVID has difficulties - even with political will. From flu example: in theory NZ could take a 5% GDP hit but become COVID free - but "need to kill your dogs or quarantine dogs for months" a hard sell.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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But it's more disappointing & clanging when it is progressive political project that has plenty of energy for "us vs them" but little or none for "us vs the societal problem" - but of course politics thrives on us vs them. So denialist response (compared to "will do v,w,x,y,z") not good, not unusual

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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So: inexperience of running large projects on Corbyn's part. Also in mind: people not being good at responding to MeToo allegations, especially in terms of building structures and in context of political tribalism. I.e. defensive/denial/selfcentred rather than thorough response is awful & common.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Relevant that catapult from the margins to the centre: listening to Oz Katerji podcast my impression of Corbyn selection as leadership candidate as being the Socialist group of MPs picking one of their number - without necessarily that much thought (Abbott last time, let's have Corbyn this time)

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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The factional analysis of "Is this our person or not?" I think certainly poisoned things but not limited to one side - search "attacked by leprechauns" in labourhub.org.uk/2021/10/15/a... from someone involved in Jewish Voice for Labour and read 2 paras from 1 para above that - folks got entrenched

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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If a representative body of an ethnic minority says "here's how to improve the complaints process" I think treating each point on its merits - separate from the politics of the proposer - is correct approach - replying with evidence if a point is already thoroughly implemented. Not LAW way it seemed

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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On the antisemitism I think Starmer ended up doing the right thing at least as far as Labour Against The Witchhunt (LAW) - but when he had power & it was going with the flow
web.archive.org/web/20200209... shows LAW wholesale rejection (tinged with "they're outsiders") of 10 pledges - not on merits.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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UK right has fractured - double edged sword from point of view of fractured centre-left in terms of how far right the right might go in future.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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So fracturing is not necessarily a good thing and Conservatives might conceivably move rightward again in effort to regain a unified vote. One is then left hoping a large enough group of people who might otherwise vote Conservative refuse to move right with them.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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As people may spot this both very racist (largely affecting non-white people) and threatens the separation of powers - in that the legislature decides the laws while the courts applies the laws on the basis of the facts - that act is telling people to ignore factual evidence about Rwanda.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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2) 1) says "Every decision-maker must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country." - essence is that in response to courts finding Rwanda an unsafe country to send asylum seekers to the Conservatives passed an act telling decision makers to ignore the evidence.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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The anti-immigration stance of folks into Reform & its related predecessors (UKIP, Brexit Party) are arguably behind Conservatives extremism on non-white asylum claims (Ukrainians got a scheme) result in Rwanda scheme and this monstrosity www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2024/8... - see section 2.1

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Conservatives (in past) & Reform (currently) have made noises about leaving ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights). ECHR is written into Good Friday Agreement underlying peace in Northern Ireland & is how women were able to get justice for police fail re: rape

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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If you look at a lot of the Labour wins and sum the losing Conservative and Reform vote it will exceed the Labour vote. Previously the case was summing the losing Labour vote and Lib Dem or Green vote could have beaten the winning Conservative vote (but fracture is now on left & right).

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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If this it's UK: dig a bit deeper and the story is that the right has fractured - between Conservatives & Reform (Reform has Nigel Farage -previously high-up in UKIP and Brexit Party) on what is in UK terms right & extreme right - in a way that long affected the left with Labour & Lib Dems gaining.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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As a easy to memorise approach
SIFT (Stop, Investigate source, Find better coverage, Trace claims etc to original source)
is related & captures same ideas
Lateral Reading & SIFT guys got together and wrote bookshop.org/p/books/veri...

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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If it is a factchecking issue the internet can be an advance. The paper here papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.... on Lateral Reading has great diagram on page numbered 13 showing it is technique (not intelligence) that matters - PhDs & Stanford kids fail. Find out who a new source is is a key step.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Sounds a teeny bit like rediscovering a strict Judeo-Christian approach to the Sabbath.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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This. Uncontested picture alone makes him look very questionable - "don't try to have sex with your much younger employee while they are employed by you" is a very low bar & not clearing that low bar understandably reinforces any credible allegation that one is even lower in character.

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Reposted by rainofclones.bsky.social

Reposted by rainofclones.bsky.social

's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Of course a study on a key aspect of Rowlings' concern link.springer.com/article/10.1... doesn't find it moving the needle of publicly reported incidents (though sexual violence victims often don't report of course). Robust responses that support victims regardless of perp identity seem best.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Given she can write long posts the lack of studies is rather glaring! If buttonholing a guy then journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.... confirming view that ~10% of guys perpetrate sexual violence would seem one to go for - and pressing the guy on knowledge & support for systemic fixes.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Forgetting dog being there reminds me of Kristin Mulrooney post on replying that they had a dog to her 3yr old who'd wished for a pet & the child's surpise that "our dog is a pet and not just some other guy who lives here". That dog may be older than child, with "permanent fixture", not "pet", vibe.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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The demographics being: too many white/rich people willing to vote for extremists for a tax cut/racism. Voter suppression angle being if being more progressive is going to lose some voters then one has to tackle voter suppression to make numbers work & replace them, i.e. that's 1st job.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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J Burn-Murdoch on the hell-site did some 26 May 2023 analysis putting UK Conservatives closer to US Dems on lots of issues (but US Dems less racist) - with GOP quite extreme. Point being if Dems struggling against such an extreme party even in 2016/20 then demographics/voter suppression seems key.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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When one wants an informational message for Gollum to raise his self-esteem.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Not sure exact dollars it works out as but I think Libro.fm promo code of SWITCH gives 3 audiobook credits for price of 1 (so less than $7/book) for 1st month & books downloadable as MP3s - no lock in! Still making up my mind but On Repentance and Repair is strong contender for a use of my credits.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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It is clear the businessman is the one doing the soliciting here & my mind goes to the process of soliciting bids for privatisation via contracting out of services. A very silly train of thought but "if I had been able to talk to her rationally" doesn't merit serious consideration on its own terms.

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Reposted by rainofclones.bsky.social

Anil Dash's avatar Anil Dash @anildash.com
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The phone booth is sacred to them because it has no screen, and is therefore pure

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Seems a risk of equivalent of picking "savage flowers" in Spanish ("flores salvajes" when "flores silvestres" is better). svenska.se has kräm as a dessert dish but also cream for skin & shoes whereas is grädde is dairy product only! So not quite: "Cookies & handcream" but risk - unlike with grädde.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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What better place than Bluesky to announce my new startup: Rectngle - a knockoff competitor to Square. (/s)

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Justified present pride shouldn't deter from being cleareyed. The best I think are good on axes of oppression they have not suffered on. Often low income guys can be good on classism & fail re: sexism, women can be good on feminism & fail re: ableism etc. See also: colonialism & Magdalene laundries.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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If the regulators don't kill this a bare minimum is making it very hard after pausing the screengrabs then resuming to see that a pause happened. Using last screengrab before pause to paper over it might give plausible deniability if asked by abuser, in a way clear gap in a Recall timeline wouldn't.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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More constricted that what you are saying but: given ability of humans to disagree on meaning of 1 god - why would one expect them to agree on meaning of 0 god?

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Scientism does seem relevant to folks thinking "emotion", "poetry", "systems of work or government" should be entirely the field of scientific analysis. But for electrocution science does seem highly relevant. If some folks can have unusual voltage sensing then double blind should pick it up still.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Just a note about how that was strange: "You should’ve seen my dorm" is your comment. I reply & your replies to that apart from referencing scientism do not point to a clear idea of what your comment meant to you (I suspect "dorm of philosophers" now) or issue with my view.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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I am arguing that on average the folks who did science at university might be the ones who paid attention to and retained better the kind of basic science relevant to "Will this thing electrocute me in a meaningful way?". If there is a way of being electrocuted that does not involved volts do tell.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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You are not being clear as to what I am imagining. If I misread your comment about your dorm & wish to correct my misreading then please use a couple of sentences (remember you replied to me). I am not arguing for "scientific management" or other scientism type endeavours.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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volts = joules per coloumb and "what is an insulator and what is a conductor" is high school or below level stuff that I simply expect folks who go on to do a science major for years at college to, as a group, have paid more attention to than folks only listening as had to do some science.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Umm "Always going to be a minority of science trained folks who could do this - but I think key word is "minority"" roughly = to me "surprised if a science education doesn't make "holding a charging mobile will electrocute me" seem less than plausible for most science graduates vs non-science ones"

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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I would not see a science education as proof against dubious views on scientific matters - but surprised if a science education doesn't make "holding a charging mobile will electrocute me" seem less than plausible for most science graduates vs non-science ones.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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As in: uni students not being too studious? Doesn't surprise me but given most folks want to & get reasonable grades if they have been admitted to uni I'd assume some science is absorbed if that's their major. I.e. I imply difference between a (mandatory) school subject & "freely chosen major"

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Would I be wrong if I said they left a science education behind by age 18? Always going to be a minority of science trained folks who could do this - but I think key word is "minority". Before age 18 I think (high) school may have distracted them from really absorbing any education in this area.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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I.e. expectation is folks can lapse & others catch them - but if kid becomes an adult & their system for an issue is "someone else will play 'parent' for me on a common organisational/household task" then not great parenting (unless disability is necessary reason for continued parent level support).

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Only plausible, non-abusive, scenario in which one doesn't remind kid is a 10+ yrs old with a known issue where the parent has sat down & talked about various systems to mitigate that issue - message = "I don't want you to fail - I want you to know you can suceed without me & we've talked about how"

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Reposted by rainofclones.bsky.social

Courtney Milan's avatar Courtney Milan @courtneymilan.com
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Every time people say "but how will we afford universal healthcare," please remind them that our per capita PUBLIC spending on health care is already at the level of countries with universal public care. Private spending is just an additional fuckery on top of that.

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's avatar @rainofclones.bsky.social
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Frank Wilhoit (not, as Wikipedia notes, Frank M. Wilhoit) quote:- "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protectes [sic] but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." from crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/l...

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