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Anti-facist; pro-violence

NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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I would carry it as a deterrent against the 4 legged. The 2 legged require a response measured in f/s

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Oh, but I am right. A simple Google search will confirm what I've said about the promotion being over 2 decades old. Educate yourself. Dumbass

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Your ignorance is not an argument. I don't know anyone who isn't aware of the promotion that has been going on for over 2 decades now. And none of us are "devotees." Is that real enough?

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Yeah, it's not like it has been going on every year for 21 years now or anything...

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Yes, try and sell a product on the very day they're known for giving it away for free. Brilliant marketing strategy...

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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No doubt whatsoever. She is a trashcan human.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Oregon is full of copsuckers. Nothing will happen to him.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Are you familiar with the phrase: "two wrongs don't make a right?" It would be far better to protect them by protecting the environs they occupy. Prohibiting development, hunting, etc. I fully realize I'm screaming at a wall here, humans wont change, but screaming is all I got left my dude.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Why do lions need to be kept in cages to save these birds?

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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You know what else is a repository of biodiversity? The planet. The natural habitats these animals are SUPPOSED to occupy. Extinction is unavoidable. It will eventually come for all species. Nothing you can say will change my view that zoos are animal prisons

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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So, increasing the numbers of one species necessitates the permanent captivity of other animals? That's an incredibly stupid take.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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I didn't need to read the article to know that animals don't belong locked up in cages. Maybe we should lock you in a cage for people to come stare at. It would all be okay 'cause they're gonna release some birds, right?

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Yeah, no man has EVER given up their seat to someone else. As you say, it "NEVER" happens. Your personal experience is *literally* the only experience a person can have.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Me, who just received my second promotion and raise in a year wondering wtf y'all are doing working for shit people.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Fuck you and your animal prison.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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*to porn star who he went on to have sex with. Not like we haven't known for years that he wants to fuck Ivanka.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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I don't believe this jesus cunt ever even lived.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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J K Rowling is a holocaust denier. Sue me, you vapid cunt. I'm not taking this down.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Point of order, sir, I would very much like a (live action) Dead Space movie. But I want it done correctly. Not like those Doom abominations.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Because they can't recognize that the talents of another person being recognized is not the same as their own talent being disregarded. As you said, insecurity. Not very "alpha" in my book. My wife makes more than me. I'm proud of her hard work and success. People are dumb and shit.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Well, saying that is the opposite of having a functioning brain deserving the oxygen it uses. Of that much, I am sure.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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By any means necessary.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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I see one very happy, self-satisfied dog and one unhappy human. Certainly, a hilarious story precedes this photo.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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All that's missing is the StarCraft icon.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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I don't even need context, this is gold.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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I remember when that release was a big deal. Seems a lifetime ago. In a way, it was.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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If one of them were dumb enough to try and visit violence upon me... well let's just say I would do stuff that would cause Pinhead to avert his gaze.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Good. Imaginary friends are for children.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Whenever I'm asked, "Why do you need a 30 round magazine?" I immediately think of this photo.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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It should be a law of nature that saying something so incredibly stupid -- as in that tweet -- immediately results in the offending party suffering a fatal aneurysm. When I'm god.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Uh.... were they ever hiding it?

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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She's wishing she was kissing a different guy. And so does he.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Idiotic comments on Twitter?! Color me shocked! What's next, waves in the fuckin' ocean?!

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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That's a burl. Worth money to woodworkers.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Only because the cost of doing so far exceeds the value of the gold produced.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Stop it.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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It's... confusing... which is something, I guess.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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ANFO?McVeigh would be proud...not sure how Kaczynski would feel, though. 😂

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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And when it finds them asleep in their beds on some random night, they will have only themselves to blame.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Not soon enough, my winged friend. Not soon enough.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Yeah, sometimes I wonder how people survived childhood without drowning in their cereal. And then I wish they hadn't.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Hitler isn't famous for anything he did prior to his failed beer hall putsch. No one is going to use a photo of a young Hitler because they were a fan of his paintings or anything else he did in life. You're either incredibly stupid or incredibly horrible at devils advocate.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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OP understands AND needs an explanation?

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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It's hard to look menacing in the snow. Even with corpse paint.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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After careful review of this photo and consultation with the brightest minds in the field, I have determined this is indeed a dog. And what a good dog it looks like!

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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True, eventually everyone's hands are fuckin' dirty. It's the nature of the machine humans have built.

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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People could refuse to do business with these companies. That could hurt their record profits. But will anyone?

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NonServiam's avatar NonServiam
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Be careful; those holes in his hands and feet make him more aerodynamic when he fights.

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