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Librarian, writer, geek - not necessarily in that order. He/Him

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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You know, if I'd actively undermined American foreign interests and provided aid to a hostile foreign power, I'd avoid discussing the word "treason."

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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The only downside (at least for the GOP) is that he's too much of a narcissist to just do what they tell him to. He bypassed party leadership to appeal to their base, and now he's got the entire party by the short hairs.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I totally believe that he doesn't really know anything about Project 2025. I also totally believe that he'll appoint a bunch of people who want to implement every part of it to major positions, so it won't matter.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Trump and the GOP have been united since January 2017, if not since he became their 2016 candidate. The closest they came to breaking was January 7th, 2021, and even then it was only for a brief period.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Why do some people find this so difficult to grasp? Taking these kinds of accusations seriously doesn't mean unquestioningly accepting them as true whenever they're made. Wanting confirmation from another source isn't an unreasonable request.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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It's always weird to me how these types are so openly antisemitic, yet *also* engage in Holocaust denial. "The Holocaust didn't happen, but if it did, it would have been a good thing." Pick a lane, assholes.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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"Measles will resolve by itself. Don't make a big fuss." - a guy who *100%* got an MMR vaccine as a child.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Personally, I'd take the "sadism" bit a little further. I sincerely believe that Donald Trump derives no small amount of pleasure from seeing other people - especially those he considers his enemies - in pain. I think he would have liked to see some people being lynched on Jan 6.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I thought Boimler's transporter clone stay aboard the Titan, and original Boimler got put back on the Cerritos.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Yeah, but Scotty was a genius, so yeah. A better example might be the episode where Picard, Keiko, Guinan, and Ro all got turned into kids.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Well, like the QP saiad: no Nazis mentioned.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I've been wanting to call the Federalist Society the Monarchist Society for years now.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I mean, Republicans have allegedly wanted to run the government like a business for a while now, so...

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I don't believe so, but Roger Stone claims to have been one of the guys running it the day of.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Reminder: in 2000 "Brooks Brothers Riot," a bunch of Republican staffers forced their way into the room where Florida election canvassers were recounting votes. Their actions forced the recount to end. Not only did those responsible *not* face consequences for this, many were *actively rewarded.*

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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... okay, I don't even know *who* RFK Jr is supposed to be a spoiler for at this point.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I believe JFK said something about this kind of situation. Though he referred to it as "peaceful revolution" at the time. Still, I think the point stands.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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It's *really* obnoxious when it's coming from someone like Mike Johnson, who was an *active participant* in planning Trump's coup attempt. Like, of all the people who shouldn't be listened to when it comes to this...

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Ooh, umlauts are tasty, especially if you get them fresh.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Obama was under the impression that he could shame McConnell into letting him do his job. He failed to understand that Republicans have worked for decades to insulate themselves from consequences, so they're free to do as they please, and damn the rules.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Well, it's not like he came out of nowhere. The man's published several books pushing his claims. So, in terms of entertainment, it was a good call. Good, accurate, and not racist, though? Not so much.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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True. And in at least one occasion, the decision to do so has backfired in the long run.

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Reposted by LibrarianWriterGeek

Alejandra Caraballo 's avatar Alejandra Caraballo
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The regression on LGBTQ rights is global. This is certainly coming to the United States under a second Trump administration.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Again, Graham Hancock is not an archeologist. Because real archeologists wouldn't do shit like that.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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The fact that he tries to cast himself as a "brave, outside-the-box thinker being silenced by mainstream archaeology" is just so absurd. Graham, archaeologists don't discount your claims because of some sinister conspiracy, they discount your claims because *you are not an archaeologist.*

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Mike, you *literally* helped Trump plan his attempted coup. In a truly just society, you'd have been tried, convicted, and serving out a prison sentence by now.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I dunno, Anderson, because I listened to the things he said and believed him when he said them? Like, this isn't a hard question.

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Reposted by LibrarianWriterGeek

LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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That is generally how bullies work, yes.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Times like this, I'm reminded of JFK had to say about "those who make peaceful revolution impossible." And I really think certain parties need to be reminded of that as well.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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"Nothing someone says before the word 'but' really counts."

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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What are the odds that this was all a scam from the beginning? Because there's at least a non-zero chance this was all a scam.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I've been saying this for years. There are exactly two qualifications to be a "conservative intellectual." You must be able to: 1) Speak in complete sentences, and 2) Wear a suit without choking yourself with the tie (optional)

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Oh, sure. The guy who had to have his Daily Briefings condensed down into a handful of bullet-points on a few pages was *totally* making good, informed decisions.

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Reposted by LibrarianWriterGeek

LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I swear, some people treat a vote in the general election like it means supporting every stance a candidate has, and... no. Just, no. There's lots of things I don't like about Biden, but has the same (or worse) traits, *and much more.* It sucks that this is what we've got, but here we are.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Yeah, I re-read the first HP book several years ago (like, 5 years ago), and my response was that the writing was kinda "meh."

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Like, this isn't even an "in retrospect" issue. This is a "why did *no one* notice this?" issue.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Okay, the fact that this is from 2000 makes the other quote look like a huge red flag that *really* should have been spotted sooner.

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Reposted by LibrarianWriterGeek

LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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It might not be the *best* reason to vote for Biden... ... but it's far from being a *bad* reason.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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I mean, yeah, but also, Steve Bannon is just *the worst.* Like, I just want him to face *some* kind of consequences for all the shit he's done, y'know? Is that too much to ask?

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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True, the odds of rolling a natural 20 on any single roll are always 1 in 20 on a d20. That being said, gamers (like professional athletes) are a superstitious lot. For instance, I always roll my physical dice before a game to either warm them up or get the bad rolls out.

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Alright, in about 30 minutes, I'll be going live on Twitch with one last look at Tales of the Valiant from!

We've gone through the Player's Guide, but how does it run? Tune in to see for yourself!

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LibrarianWriterGeek's avatar LibrarianWriterGeek
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Seriously. Like, one of the *best* moments from the 2020 debates was him telling Trump to shut up. But we couldn't *get* that last night, because they muted the mics between answers. That was a *minor* inconvenience for Trump at most, because he was still allowed to freely spew his bullshit.

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