TheAntleredCrow 's avatar


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He/Him Tired or being called a Lib by people who don't know what the word means. Believes in a better tomorrow for all of us, and capitalism ain't it, chief.

TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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"Watching as people can't mind their own business and insist on trying to control others, often behind some bullshit religion or another. Watching as those who can't be bothered to think drag us backwards in almost every field, watching as bootlickers coddle up to corporations and billionaires."

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Sometimes I hate myself for saying I'm doing well when people ask, but can you really actually open that can? "Me? Not doing so hot. Watching the leeches destroy our planet with no repercussion while I, and you, are stuck here giving up a vast majority of our lives to making those parasites rich."

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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My biggest problem with these morons is the fact that we are all tied to them, all of us plummeting off of a cliff while those who can't be bothered to use their brains either debate or ignore what we're watching play out. I know I'm just summarizing the comic, but it's nice to see it said out loud

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

nattie winters's avatar nattie winters
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it’s easier plot-wise to make your game’s main character a cop but you can just make them a really nosy armed sociopath instead. way more likable.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Utterly stoked that there is some pretty good pushback though! Never go fu- Actually nevermind, never go cop at all, nevermind full.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Disgusting. The best I can say for this is that at least public sentiment is such that the cops feel the need for massive PR teams. But it's still spending public money to change public opinion about a bunch of corporate thugs.

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

-πš–πš˜πš‘'s avatar -πš–πš˜πš‘
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As always, The Bad Thread.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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I adore, adore, adore how executives make these huge hiring pushes only to lay everyone off regardless of the subsequent success. People are so utterly disposable to the owner class and it's disgusting. Maybe lay off the people making the poor choices for massive salaries?

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Truer words... A truer picture... Uh... A picture is worth a thousand words. And jokes aside, this is one of the biggest problems in our world at large these days.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Yes, we cannot just give America in particular a pass in this discussion, but the discussion needs to be held nonetheless about our own culpability. How many prominent right wingers are Canadian, for instance? Who runs the IDU that so many Conservative parties are members of?

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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One of the problems with Canada is that we think our fascists and our right wingers are shipped to us from America or Russia or this or that. We were founded on White Supremacy and Colonialism: the very structure of our society creates these monsters and is in desperate need of change. (1/2)

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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"[...] Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth isn't." Living in an absolutely insane and nonsensical system appears to be having insane and nonsensical results, it appears!

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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One of the most destructive and horrendous men in Congress, and Biden is sorry to hear he's stepping down. We all know they're on the same time, but there is something especially infuriating about how brazen they are about it.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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I can't link the actual bill itself for reading on my phone due to it being a Pdf, but if you look it up from the link here you'll be able to give it a read. Essentially it is the banning of LGBT+ persons and activists.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Seeing monsters celebrate Ghana's approved bill is making me sick to my stomach. In no light terms: if you as a westerner agree with the 'Proper' Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill of 2021 then you're a monster and the world would be better off without you.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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We can all thank the anti-intellectuals and anti-vaxxers for the maimed and dead children, the resurgence in bested afflictions, and the massive quantity of general human suffering that is going to arise as this continues. I hope they'll just stay home when they get sick. Selfish monsters.

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Unfortunately, I'm certain that the only lesson they've learned from this is don't announce the change next time. We'll see though - hopefully I'm just being pessimistic.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Just wanted to say I love your work in Pacific Drive - I adore this game and no small measure of that adoration extends towards the user interface and how we interact with the menus/inventory/et cetera

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Pacific Drive is a nifty game, I'm enjoying it, but man the discourse with flags is killing me. Have a boatload of country flags for no particular lore reason? Crickets. Have a bunch of different pride flags and you've got the bigots screeching "politics" and the moderates saying it's "kinda weird."

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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What kind of cheese? I'm never satisfied with my grilled cheese sandwiches for one reason or another, so like to collect recipes I'll probably never actually use.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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I'll be honest. I usually try and read these things - I like to be informed about what I angry about - but had to stop half way through. The constant references to her 'daughter' when she has a son just pisses me off too much. It's a tiny and easy thing, yet she can't do it for someone she 'loves'.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Hey, yeah, don't pay attention to the megapolluters - the parasite class, the corporations, the military - it's YOU and your damned insistence on surviving that is truly killing the environment.

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Congratulations! Better late than never, I suppose

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Maybe it's due to this individualist society bullshit, this hyper competition in capitalism, but the inability of so many to truly care for their fellow human... To be a part of a community with EVERYONE around them; it's killing us as a species.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Go for <insert good thing here> but don't do it in a way that is inconvenient. Don't disturb anyone else, don't make any ripples in their lives. Fight quietly for your own, as silently and as far away as possible so that I needn't be bothered.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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It's the same as it ever was. MLK lamented the white moderates that 'sympathized' but urged negros to strive for their liberation in a more convenient time or way. People want to be sympathetic, but often only as long as it does not require anything more than that. No discomfort to themselves.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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I used to love Reddit because when you went to a specialized subreddit you were reading questions and answers from real people who were passionate about the topic, even if the answers could be wrong or needed to be confirmed. Everything is about rounding us up to be a product now.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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I really hope that things turn out for him. I believe it was a group of Irish scientists who believe they have an idea as to what is causing Long Covid (compromised integrity in blood vessels in the brain). I hope that his body is able to compensate - it is remarkably adaptive - and repair.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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The only good news I can think of in that regard is that it will only be those looking for an excuse that will believe it. Looking for a reason that they don't have to pay attention or care. Those who do care will at least see their attempt to slander him for what it is: cowardice and complicity.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Two things about Aaron Bushnell, may he rest in peace. I wonder how fast the media is going to try and spin the whole thing into a mental health issue and try to ruin what he was attempting to do. ACAB. They literally cannot do anything but shoot that which disturbs the so-called 'peace'.

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

Alexander The Meh's avatar Alexander The Meh
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US Police forces are filled to the brim with MAGA and White Supremacists itching to shoot the Liberal elected officials they see at the only thing standing between them and "cleaning up" the towns they subjugate. And Liberals keep giving them better weapons.

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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There's no such thing as a good slave owner, but if they can convince themselves that what they do is out of kindness then atrocity is easy to commit.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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I believe that unions are important and valid and worth fighting for, but they're a Band-Aid on a very deep and infected wound. With unions we gain rights we have to fight for for the rest of our lives or risk losing. The only way to truly win is to tear it all down and start anew.

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Reposted by TheAntleredCrow

Christos Gage's avatar Christos Gage
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Because becoming more conservative as you age was never a result of getting older, it was a function of getting richer. The greedy fucks took all the shit, so we never got richer. It's not fucking rocket science.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Unrelated indeed. It is they who cannot accept that the human race is moving beyond a disgusting past and into a brighter future that is filth. They who seek to hold our species down in their... Frankly, I don't even know why they do it. But I know that we can't allow them to continue.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Disgusting beyond measure. It is incredibly disappointing that hate and exclusivity are still the watchwords in so many places, though there is some consolation in the vote having been neck in neck. Ultimately an abhorrent move, and one I think worthy of protest.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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We'll get there. As we get closer more will feel emboldened to lend their shoulders to the shifting, and what was a terrible and agonizing crawl will become a full out sprint into something far greater.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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One day we'll have things get better without it having to be over the blood of the innocent. One day we'll grow up as a species enough that we don't continue to see this hate and idiocy. Where people will be free to be who they are without this being what befalls them. Things can get better.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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This is so utterly repugnant I could feel bile rising just reading it. I do not understand what wires have to be crossed to be this broken. To not realize that this is so very, very wrong.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Thank you. Perfectly encapsulates a feeling I haven't been able to put to words. Now instead of being famous for who they are, they're famous for what was done to them. Monstrously unfair indeed.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Screaming doesn't quite cover what I'm in the mood for when evil like this lords it's power over what is supposed to be a display of justice and a dignified society.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Insanity, no? I genuinely thought that automation was going to help us see what a farce the modern world is - how we can live lives with more time for art and learning and living... But the parasite class looks to steal our soul away instead. I hope this helps break the camel's back, at least.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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It's utterly disgusting. The parasite class will do anything but pay the serfs in order to ensure that the green line keeps going up no matter the cost. They trade our joy and our very lives to continue making more money than they can ever use and perpetuate a broken and morally repugnant system.

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TheAntleredCrow 's avatar TheAntleredCrow
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Slowly but surely the fascists creep out, spreading their filth and working to secure power. Cutting off our access to news, the internet, and libraries. Ramping up police funding and decreasing public education... These parasites need to be removed before this all comes to fruition.

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