tidinzeo.bsky.social's avatar



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Trans lesbian miniature painter.

Links - linktr.ee/Ti_Dinzeo

's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Possibly something to do with this.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I saw something on Facebook I think. Give me a minute to see if I can find it.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Only because nothing changed. So many brave women and nothing changed because of the men in power who don't care about other people.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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You may need to go see a doctor if your testicles feel drop pod shaped.

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse @jbouie.bsky.social
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we’re in danger

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

Rhea the Retropony's avatar Rhea the Retropony @succupony.bsky.social
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They're allowed to say again and again; loud, quiet, implied, explicit it never matters. They never get deplatformed, banned, chided. They never lose their jobs or positions, and no democrat majority is going to make them change their minds. I never thought I would say this but, start buying guns.

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

Tilly Bridges's avatar Tilly Bridges @tillybridges.bsky.social
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people will put “trans rights are human rights” in their bio and then say without a hint of irony that they won’t even vote to keep Trump out of office “ally” is a verb, and if your ACTION isn’t supporting and defending us you don’t get to call yourself one

4 replies 31 reposts 82 likes

Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

Kate Forrest's avatar Kate Forrest @kateforrest.bsky.social
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Not voting is a vote for 45. Third party vote is a vote for 45. Voting for 45 is a vote to put me in a camp. Biden sucks, absolutely. But he's not going to put me in a camp. Biden will actually let us vote again in 2028.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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The pair of them should be ashamed of themselves, drowning out actual women’s issues for their lying bigotry and claiming to be feminists or interested in women’s rights.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I know they probably didn’t, but they should have.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Thanks. I have a multivitamin that includes iron and the doctors have prescribed me folic acid. And today I’ll be sorting out my month’s groceries which will hopefully deal with the rest. And give me more than the meal per day except when I forget even that from the past few months.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Sunak is the one who needs to remember. I hope his family disowned him for what he was trying to do to migrants.

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

Andy Clark, Nerdling Herder's avatar Andy Clark, Nerdling Herder @andycruns.bsky.social
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It’s Friday and here in the UK at least we’ve woken up to a new government.

So I guess this weeks theme for Find Folk Friday is…change.

Make of that what you will.

As usual I’ll repost the lot and if you like something, share it!

#Nerdlings #FindFolkFriday

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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The worst part is if I actually manage to get up to around RDA of calories, I might actually start losing weight as well.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I fully understand the temptation, but the surgery is the better option.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Oh, I absolutely need to find better options when I do my grocery shopping for the month when I get home. But what I need is Iron, Folate, Vitamin B12 and vitamin C.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Nah, she shouldn’t even be meeting. Or even talking about meeting.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Ironically, I need to eat more meat (and vegetables but we’ll ignore that for this post) to shake this anaemia I’ve got. Had a burger ladt night and s sausage bacon and egg barm this morning.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I couldn’t remember exactly what was said. I was too busy pointing out at mediocre at best author shouldn’t get meetings like that and policy should be advised by actual experts.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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As for austerity, I vaugely remember Starmer saying that’s going to continue. When what the country actually needs, what will improve things, is public spending.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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No, Kier Starmer quite definitely said we shouldn’t be in women’s spaces when asked. And iirc a bunch of high profile labour members (i.e. about to be cabinet members) are pretty outspoken transphobes. Hell, they met, or at least agreed to meet with rowling.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I know that one snd all I write nowadays is social media posts.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Yeah. Pretty much. Hopefully people actually take notice of what will happen in the US over the next year or so.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Come to think of it, if he’d been leader this election, the media hatchet job might not have worked. Iirc a lot of it was them pointing out he’s pro-palestine. In today’s political climate that alone could have handed him the election.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Oh certainly he didn’t help himself either.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Well, you’re a writer. You know words and their meanings are important.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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He’s *just* left of tories. Still centre-right at best. This is how the US’s politics got so fucked up. The two major parties keep moving right.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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If only the Labour party actually got it’s shit together in a way they haven’t really in my lifetime and became a party for the workers again. They got close with Corbyn. Then ran scared when the media took a hatchet to him.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I honestly think the ‘influential’ part is more important. I was just teasing a little.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Surely no-one in their right minds thinks labour’s anywhere near close to being on the left. Especially with self-proclaimed thatcherite Starmer as leader.

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

Rhea the Retropony's avatar Rhea the Retropony @succupony.bsky.social
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Ah I see how it is, now the neoliberals come out to shame and mock the left for wanting better things, things like actual left-wing policies from the 'left-wing' party...

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Nah. If the world was anywhere near that lucky he’d have had one decades ago. Before he started on his grifting.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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If he had anything close to whatever passes for decency with turds like him, he’d have a fatal heart attack before Monday.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Are you *sure* that counts as a book? I'm not doubting White Dwarf can be influential. For years I believed I could eventually be a competition level painter thanks entirely to that magazine.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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How much longer before companies decide to finally pull the plug? The majority of people don't want it and it doesn't actually work right anyway.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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If only dude in the bad Elmo suit had actually won that one. We might have had an outside chance for a decent PM rather than yet another damn tory.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I wonder if Lindsay Hoyle would like a gag that he can make Farage wear whenever he's in the house of commons...

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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One specific dead body, yeah. Afaik it’s not actually dead yet but I’d like to see it in the next three months…

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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Just talks absolute nonesense and rambles incoherently.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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I think the fashion part only happens after the apocalypse. Right now we’re before the event but can see it coming

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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To me this reads as ‘Trump says he will do everything in his power to cause civil war if elected’

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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You work at the pleasure of the people of the United States of America and they put you in office to make changes for the better, not to oversee its final days before falling to fascism or civil war. DO YOUR JOB.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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If you do nothing of substance, to actually prevent the violence, and appealing for ‘calm and order’ from your pulpit in the white house doesn’t count, you will have failed your nation and your people. YOU work for the PEOPLE remember. THEY are YOUR boss, not the other way around.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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@joebidenpotus.bsky.social this is a threat of violence against millions of US citizens based on nothing but their political leanings. DO SOMETHING. Get off your ass and actually help your citizens for a change. If you don’t, their violence will be on YOUR hands.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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If you’re on the left in the US, I never thought I’d say this but get yourself a good rifle and learn how to use it. Stock up on ammo, food and water. Even if all you do is stay at home and defend yourself and your family.

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Reposted by tidinzeo.bsky.social

Scarlett's avatar Scarlett @scarletttheharlot.bsky.social
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I know Greenstuff world sells UV clear resin, but i am still buthurt about them, anyone know any subsitutes?

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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So what if protests are being outlawed? GO ANYWAY if you can. If the law is wrong then fuck the law, do it anyway.

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's avatar @tidinzeo.bsky.social
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How about you wake up now and start actually doing something rather than complaining that no-one is?

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