Toronto Will's avatar

Toronto Will

22 followers 41 following 187 posts

Hobbies: video game enthusiast, Trekkie, cat lover, NE Patriots fan. Professionally: lawyer.

Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I was genuinely about to chime in and call him a "racist piece of shit", but top of the replies, you beat me to it. A lot of people will ascribe Republican viewpoints to him, but he has only one consistent, unifying social value, and that is that he is a xenophobic white supremacist POS.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Wouldn't the murder be prosecuted under state law, though?

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Curve ball: my reply is to say I actually don't think it's that bad? Their Copilot push can go die in a fire, but through decades of experience and persistence I can get it to do what I want, and through brute force of CPU power it does it quickly.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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This is what I would have guessed is the correct approach (as someone who knows a bit, but is not an expert). And I’m figuring that using Rabbit servers as a go-between on all the API calls would add a non-trivial amount of delay, and require servers with decent CPU power and bandwidth capacity.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Not sure I understand “proxy”, which is why I’m genuinely asking. If you just mean retrieve the key from a server, does that actually keep it secret? Firmware dump won’t give you the key, but will give you the query to *get* the key. Don’t you need to intermediate all the API calls?

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Programming question — the proper way to hide API keys would be to store them on Rabbit servers and route all queries through them, right? In which case it’s obvious why they didn’t do it, it would make queries even slower and cost them a lot of money to rent high performance servers.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I'd understand specifying "without injuries" if someone survived a plane crash or a bear attack, but if all you're telling me is that he was lost in the woods, my first question is not, "is he injured". Just seems like weird headline writing.

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Reposted by Toronto Will

Baldur Bjarnason's avatar Baldur Bjarnason
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“I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity”

> This isn't a recipe for disaster, it's a cookbook for someone looking to prepare a twelve course fucking catastrophe.

Today’s must-read

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Terminator got so many things wrong. Time for a reboot. It’s not just one SkyNet, it’s 20 different competitor versions, all of which are dumb AF. Microsoft sends a Clippy back in time to spy. Google sends back a chef to cook rocks and glue pizza. Tesla sends back a guy in a robot suit to dance.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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On just about any other platform I'd be terrified what liking a post with these tags would do to my algorithm, but such is the liberty of only using the "following" tab. #owgodwhydidshedivorceme

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Welcome. You arrived for, without exaggeration, the most unpleasant weather we’ve had for months.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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WTAF. Yeah the image is weird and creepy and bizarre and why please just stop, but I'm even more stuck on the text of the message: "I'm awake and ready to surf and celebrate you". Humans don't talk like this!

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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My favourite part is him quoting this other person as saying, "nobody's ever asked me that question". He thinks that means, "because it's such a smart and perceptive observation", when really it's the cashier's response if you went to Wendy's and asked, "where do you keep the plutonium?"

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I've been bamboozled, nice work Apple. Below is my favourite photo taken with a 14 Pro in portrait mode, but to me it's obvious that the blur is faked, it's too harsh and sudden around the edges and doesn't map well to the actual 3D space. In your photo the blur is graded in really plausibly.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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What kinda glass you got? That looks too good for the phony background blur "portrait" mode on phones, that looks like a real lens with an aperture the size of a baseball. But if it is a phone I'm reluctantly impressed, and still curious to know.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I actually thought it pivoted well--having been worried how they were going to stretch it into 10 eps given the pace things were moving--but those first 4 or 5 eps are certainly sharper in focus than what follows. "Nostalgia sweater" is fair, but I craved that. I was cold and it was warm.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I was forgiving to early seasons because they were ambitious with serialized story telling in a way that upped the degree of difficulty. Plus all the showrunner problems behind the scenes. But they never quite figured it out. Then Picard S3 snuck in and declared, "it's not that hard!"

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I found the show frustrating because it was incredible in so many ways (production value especially, top to bottom, plus the talented cast) but then the writing was just never near the same level. S5 improves in some ways, but is still really scattered in what it’s going for.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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There’s just no end to the mindless jamming of “AI” into products that don’t need or benefit from it, and in many cases are actively harmed by it. People care about privacy and security with a video call app far more than whatever the hell this is supposed to do.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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This is savage. And spectacular. If I try to muster some sympathy for Roose, I think he is THE target of the con, with spear phish-like precision. No need to win over the public, just win over Roose and Swisher and they'll do the rest. It's a play written for an audience of two.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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When I was a teen I thought colognes were manly, and a sign of maturity (and a potent tool of seduction -- it was also the heyday of Axe body spray). The great con is it's the opposite, I think teen boys are basically the whole market, and also it's a girl repellent, the stench is nauseating.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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In looking this up I stumbled into the discovery that my pet insurer is 39.8% shorted. So fortunately my cat is healthy, I guess?

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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1.1% of market cap. Shorting is perilous at the best of times, and it's playing with fire on a bubble that could burst tomorrow or 3 years from now. Also Nvidia still has a core business without AI. The big upside is with companies that will go bankrupt. TSLA short interest is 3.9%.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I'm so eager for this hype cycle to end, I'm tired of being fire hosed in the face with "AI" bullshit, and it displacing or ruining the things I actually want. But whereas the crypto bubble was somewhat well contained, the AI bubble has enveloped everything. It's going to be ugly when it pops.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Even more embarrassing that he's saying that about SAMUEL ALITO, who is so shamelessly biased towards a particular political viewpoint that his decisions can be predicted with virtually 100% accuracy.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Such an embarrassingly circular argument for an "expert" scholar. It's "hard to believe" that Alito wasn't involved in conduct that gives the appearance of bias. So then there is an appearance of bias? No! I can't believe he would've done something that creates the appearance of bias.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I'm still catching up on X-Men '92 to '96 (after watching the first couple episodes of '97 and realizing I was missing out on quite a lot of backstory). It's much more of a kids' show, but has some great moments. Wolverine's quipping is legendary.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I think it’s a choice to funnel their new scripted content to streaming (Disney+). They still make lots of “TV”. I’d say they don’t know how to make network TV profitable any more, except D+ isn’t profitable, either. Only difference is D+ shows are *allowed* to lose money.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Fast forward to Bennett drunk on power, posting videos recommending the investigation of all his enemies.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Don’t know what they said, but I’ll take it as an affirmation of past-me’s sound judgment.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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"The more genetically similar people are, the more traits they have in common", this and more in research dispatches from 1920.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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The bugs created by the patch are worse than the bugs fixed by the patch -- I can relate. But then I'm not programming a lending protocol with irreversible transactions.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I miss what the AV Club used to be. Which is maybe too micro for this question, but it represented something. A like-minded community that formed within the walls of a specific website, in a way that just doesn't happen much anymore. Things are funneled to the big platforms with the algo feeds.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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For me it's more things I miss the *absence* of, like the SEO-baiting pages that now flood search results, and force you to scroll 12 paragraphs to find the title of the article is a lie. On the whole things have gotten a lot better. Email clients, especially. And UIs are way more polished.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Non-compete, I think. Twitter was a loophole.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Don't forget Glenn Beck. Who was a BIG deal with his own primetime slot, and then fell off a cliff basically within seconds of leaving Fox News. He's so big of an afterthought that nobody thinks of him at all.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
[ View ] Thought you might be interested in this -- reddit has started feeding me posts from r/windows and r/windows11, and it is fascinating how overwhelmingly hated Microsoft's new "AI" features are, even among what you'd expect is a pro-Microsoft audience.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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But who gets that power instead? It's the executive branch who engaged in the abuses of power (and who appointed the morally corrupt justices), and the legislative branch equally refused their chance to hold Trump accountable, despite being the direct target of the violent mob he incited.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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But what makes it a felony is the falsification of the financial documents *in service of* another predicate crime, i.e. election misfeasance. So it is within the realm of what's at issue. I described it as "relatively minor" in the sense of likely legal consequences. Morally, it's reprehensible.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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When Microsoft pumps this trash into all its services, I sort of get it, because they own the servers, their worst case scenario if it doesn't work is moving money from their right pocket to their left pocket. But Meta's gotta actually pay for this, right?

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I wonder what the chances are that Trump, in defending against a relatively minor crime (that'll likely just result in probation), manages to commit a far more serious crime (like jury or witness tampering). That seems like the screenwriter's ending.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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I wonder if this is the Bored Apes moment for the AI hype bubble. The thing that is just so oppressively stupid that people start to reflexively vomit out the hype that’s been stuffed down their throat.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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Human artists are not exactly expensive, whereas image-generating LLMs are a cash furnace. There are lots of tools that are free to use right now, but only because they're operating at a loss.

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Toronto Will's avatar Toronto Will
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The Sorcerer. And having now watched it (last night), these 3 reviews are indeed a perfect summary. Must see movie, but not for the feint of heart.

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Reposted by Toronto Will