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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I printed a photo and put it behind one of the roundels. Ended up looking way better than I expected.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Random thought: I bet Klingons would like cats. Especially given how when little kittens get scared, instead of running they try to look big and scary and hiss, convinced they can take on the human that's like 10 times their size. Truly the fierce heart of a warrior beats in their chest.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Glow-in-the-dark TARDIS wall tile replacement continues. The combination of a UV flashlight to charge them and slow exposure helps make it look really good in the dark.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Yeahhhh.... these look way better. Darnit.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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So, yeah... in the dark with flash vs long exposure to show glow. (Long exposure makes it look brighter than it really is, but enough to get the idea.)

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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-sigh- why is it projects - especially unimportant ones - are never actually done? One of the glow filaments I got is more "frosted glass", so I'm trying a 2 color print; white outer, inner glass. If it comes out right, it might look awfully close to how I picture the classic console room...

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Ooh. I like your version of it very much, yes.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Clearly I have justified all the expense and time spent learning to use the 3D printer, but I suspect I may also have peaked. I should probably throw it out so I can go out on top.

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Reposted by Zaktar

iucounu's avatar iucounu
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Reminded that I think we ought to normalise ‘From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee’ as an email signoff. Hi Martin Here are the Q4 figures, attached. Please do let me know if you have any questions. From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee, Geoff

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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In true "no project is ever finished" fashion, "toying with the idea" has been upgraded to "I ordered some glow-in-the-dark filament and it will be here later this week."

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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There's a couple edge pieces I can probably reprint just to fit a little better, and I'm toying with the idea of redoing some roundels in glow-in-the-dark filament, but for now I'm calling TARDIS wall finished. Behold, a regular shot and a glamour shot:

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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They just mean that's the most important bit.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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It's fun too. I mean, I don't stand around staring at it for hours, but every time I walk past it I can't help but smile a little.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Thanks. I thought it was just sort of a goofy fun idea when I started, but it's also turning out to look way better than I expected.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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TARDIS wall is almost done. Printing two more top partial pieces, one more partial for the bottom, and a few more slivers for edges. I still need to measure for the partials above the door, but it's actually looking pretty good.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Make a movie milder: Eleven Angry Men

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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A bit to go yet on TARDIS wall but it's hit that "Hey I think I'm actually going to finish this" point.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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The Dragon Age trailer was weird because it felt like the kind that's meant to get you hyped just for "A new Dragon Age game from Bioware!" rather than really any details. And like you said "Bioware" just isn't enough to get me excited anymore.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Still a work in progress.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Adding more panels confirmed that the TARDIS wall looks better the more it covers, so I guess time to move some stuff, take everything down, and start from the bottom and keep going until the whole wall is covered.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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1986 - 2023?! I can't believe nobody ever told me there were 33 more seasons I was missing out on.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Keeping your eyes closed the whole time is cheating, though.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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And so far I've been lucky because I've been able to sell my prior models locally and get half or more of the purchase price back, but that won't keep up forever I know.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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3D printing is a slippery slope expensive hobby. Bought a little printer on a lark because it was on sale for $75. Liked it, still into it after a few months, bought a bigger model. A few months later, bought a bigger fancier model. Now I'm already thinking of a bigger fancier Core XY model...

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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TARDIS wall seems to be popular. ("Wow, more than two people liked/responded"). Guess I'll post an update in a few days or a week or whenever it gets looking more finished.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Perhaps HP will buy Humane, release a new version of the pin, and then cancel it two months later....

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Test/proof-of-concept for TARDIS wall actually looks kinda good. I guess I'm doing this.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Yes, it replicates the color layering used in ink printing but done with the filaments so when you shine a light through you get the different colors based on the thickness and mix of colors. (There's programs that do all the work and just give you the model file to print)

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I tried the full color CMYK lithophane thing. Came out pretty good.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Yeah I guess it came out OK. Still not sure if this is a great or terrible idea, but I've printed two of them so it's not like I can stop now, right?

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Not-sure-if-best-or-worst-idea of the day: Found a model for TARDIS roundels.
I have a short section of wall that I *think* would fit 30. Roughly 3.5 rolls of filament, 4 days total print time, plus a bunch of command strips. But... TARDIS wall....

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I need a second desk to hold all the stuff I can't figure out where to put on my desk.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Random good idea: A double feature of The Dirty Dozen and Twelve Angry Men.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Well that’s cool, fifth 3D printing commission sold. (The guy who bought the squirrel model wanted a larger color version of it)

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Honestly at this point I’m sort of wondering why masking hasn’t been a general thing during cold and flu season. Or at least even if it never gets common, it should be not entirely uncommon. But I’ve seen a few people masking in public and my only thought is “I guess they’re being careful”

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I don’t know if they’re wrong (unless they’re saying you shouldn’t), but you’re absolutely right to. A guy I work with was out a couple weeks ago for Covid again, and my mom’s still suffering some long Covid effects.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Something I’m still getting used to with 3D printing: scaling a model up to 200% is 200% on each axis, so it’s not twice as big but EIGHT times as big.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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"You wouldn't download a car, would you?" You better believe I would.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I guess the one nice thing to come out of Dryer-Using-Jackanapes is an excuse to 3d print more signs. I'm torn between these two.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I don't mean to brag, but I still think it's pretty cool that Carly Simon wrote a song about me.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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You’re telling me what I want to hear so you must be right :) Also thank you.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Yeah. I probably didn't handle it well - I was pretty heated, I should've been calmer, but it's also wild to me that he didn't apologize but tried to push it back on me "You should have a sign" like... you KNEW it wasn't yours or for the public... -sigh-

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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Oh wow, that's the best idea in the history of good ideas, but I only ordered the appliance locks afterwards and they won't get here until tomorrow. What a crazy situation though, I mean, just... what the heck.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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But also, come on, what a hassle! And also I'm currently in the jumpy-starting-to-die-down adrenaline crash because of course my body decided a "Hey man why'd you do that" confrontation was a red alert "We're about to get eaten by a pack of wolves!" adrenaline emergency.

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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(He told me I should have put a sign. Which I've done now, but also *hasn't been an issue for 15 years*!) I also ordered a fridge lock thing I'll put on washer and dryer and I guess e-mail the realty company just "This happened, hopefully is done with, but just in case wanted to let you know."

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Zaktar's avatar Zaktar
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I took the stuff and was writing a note that it's not public (was going to leave the stuff on top of the dryer) when he knocked at my door. Gave him his stuff and asked if he knew it wasn't public. Yeah he did, but he didn't know whose it was, so I guess he just decided to use it.

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