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Aaron Radney


473 followers 207 following 1253 posts

He/Him. Illustrator at www.aaronradney.com No AI or NFT. Patreon: patreon.com/aaronradney. Buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/aradney.
Email: aradney20@yahoo.com

Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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It won't die with him because it's merely the continuation of a mindset that wasn't eliminated with the civil war unfortunately.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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My guess? Human evolution. Doomerism feels like a modernish reaction to our evolutionary instinct to prioritize and remember the bad/negative things that happen to us over the positive ones.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Saly is so good and almost single handedly the reason my brain is thinking "maybe I should try comics again." PLEASE hire her.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Doesn't always work like that but there could easily be other mitigating factors. My mom is ex navy and worked for the JAG corps as basically an office manager. She's VERY lefty but being a Black woman who lived through Regan's 80s probably has a lot to do with that.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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The thing that worries me is they're probably thinking that the average person wouldn't really understand why this needs to be done and it would look like a power grab rather than an attempt to undo one. Largely because a lot of people feel dems should have to follow rules the GOP ignores.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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The REALLY frustrating thing about stuff like this is that it makes me feel like art is wasting my time. It's not... but that's how it feels. And I know a lot of creatives feel similarly. There's always this "am I doing enough?" question. But I'm getting ideas.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Iron Spike's avatar Iron Spike @ironspike.bsky.social
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You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Saeed Jones's avatar Saeed Jones @theferocity.bsky.social
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I salute E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels for being braver than all three branches of our government.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Iron Spike's avatar Iron Spike @ironspike.bsky.social
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Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Take time to not despair today and store energy for the fights ahead. I know I will be.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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I work in a library. I've been INCREDIBLY lucky to avoid Covid so far. But I'm also careful to a level I've only seen out of chronically ill people otherwise (thank you to them for their insights and tips btw). But I've had multiple co-workers get it and I know one has had it 3 times at least.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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*facepalming so aggressively an imprint forms on my face*

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Also, and this blows my mind, I was in the minority when I tell people I had a family that taught me about voting, why we do it and how to think about a political candidate. I'm not talking by example. Legitimate discussion.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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One of the things I think about a lot is how one of the first lessons my mom taught me about voting was that it's not enough to consider what's best for your interests but those of the people around you. Your actions/vote will have an impact on them too. It's a principle I wish more ppl learned.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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And it was VERY much the flu. The way it knocked me down and the fact that I did covid tests for a week with no positive results pretty much confirmed that for me. But still.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Should've read this when I got put down hard by the flu earlier this year.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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One of the only things keeping my blood pressure down right now is that Dems have outperformed pretty much every poll since the Dobbs decision, the GOP has been putting its foot in its mouth constantly and the only people answering polls seem to be old conservatives. But it can only do so much.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Like, I'd ask some more questions because I know how hard it is to clearly communicate in a space where text is this limited. And naturally I think Black folks have some specific and real reasons to view the US as skeptically as anyone.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC's avatar Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC @mattnegrin.bsky.social
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Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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I think you could argue, if you wanted to give someone the benefit of the doubt, that they're aware of that and are functionally arguing no country has ever truly been legitimate and as a species we can do better. But I don't really know enough to know if this person has earned that read or not.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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He's actively trying to pull the same kind of library restrictive policies DeSantis pulled in Florida and most people don't even really know!

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Tyler King's avatar Tyler King @tylerking.bsky.social
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This means romance authors. This means poets. This means screenwriters and playwrights and actors of anything remotely risqué. And eventually, anything secular. They have no point of satisfaction until they’ve erased all of non-Christian expression.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Like, there was a story we read in college I remember misinterpreting pretty egregiously. The author was saying something important and I engaged in some weak death of the author interpreation because I felt called out by the message and didn't want to engage with her point.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Random thought because I need to take my mind off the serious things happening for just a moment. I've been thinking about "death of the author" a lot lately and while I understand the idea... does anyone else feel like it gets trotted out as an excuse for poor media literacy and missing the point?

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Sean Kelly's avatar Sean Kelly @storyslug.bsky.social
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Meanwhile, Trump could've opened yesterday's debate by authoritatively bellowing, "I have made boom-boom" before shaking a corn-studded turd out of his pant leg onto the carpet, and any change in his support would register as less than statistical noise. THAT'S HOW YOU GET THE SUPREME COURT.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Sean Kelly's avatar Sean Kelly @storyslug.bsky.social
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Like, every time some young voter posts something like "the Democratic party needs to give the voters what they want and force Joe Biden to step down," a bunch of MAGA dipshits hoot and cheer that their plan is working and their narrative is gaining ground.

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Reposted by Aaron Radney

Sean Kelly's avatar Sean Kelly @storyslug.bsky.social
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Is Biden a great candidate? Probably not. But I notice the GOP/MAGA set is *also* pushing the idea that Biden is feeble and should drop out of the race, which is kind of all the reason I need to not agree with that sentiment. If they want it, they think it helps.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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My ancestors survived bondage and depravation to levels I cannot truly fathom. They fought a world that hated them, saw them as subhuman and thrived in spite of it. They clawed their rights from the grip of wicked men who would deny it to them. They didn't give up. Nor shall I.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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I'll not mince words, we're absolutely in 'check' on the board. But mate hasn't been handed to us yet. And we have to fight like hell to get out of the current situation. Falling for the doom game ain't it though.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Can't stress enough how much what we're seeing now is an exhaustion tactic from the right. The goal is demoralization. It's a distraction to avoid showing how weak their hand actually is. They have a unpopular convicted felon as their candidate and two justices that are very old.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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If the war were over the right wouldn't be working so darn hard to convince us it is. All of what's been done can be undone but we who wish for progress have to actually get off our asses and do something rather than doom scrolling.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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But, and it's a big 'but' if we can hold the line we have the chance to start the hard work of fixing these issues. But we have to fight for the Supreme court the way the conservatives have for 50 years.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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I've said it before but this radical court isn't as solid as it looks. Two of the conservative justices are VERY old. If a GOP president gets in during the next one to two elections they'll retire and leave the door open to lock the court down for ages and that's basically checkmate.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Like having safe water? Food that doesn't make you sick? Do you like the idea of regulating what can be pumped into the air and soil? A lot of that was all connected with Chevron. This court is out of control but we have a chance to rein it back in. But we HAVE to recognize how important it is.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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More directly this will limit the ability of congress to craft broad laws with leeway for the unexpected realities of actually having to do stuff in the real world AND limit the abilities of agencies to regulate what businesses can do. That has the potential to impact literally everything!

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Their actions will snarl the workings of agencies, the government and courts causing suffering through inefficiency. In otherwords they're breaking things on purpose to further the conservative belief that government doesn't work.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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The conservatives on the court once again did what they've done numerous times when it undermines established precedent and lobbed a bomb into the functional workings of government. They've furthered the conservative project of anti-intellectualism and distrust of expertise.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Much of the progressive action we have managed to get out of this admin came from actions allowed by chevron. And while this action was telegraphed to those paying attention it is worth it I think to take a moment and really think about what this means.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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This headline framing really bites. What this did was take the ability to interpret ambiguity out of the hands of experts in various regulatory agencies and hand it to courts who don't share that expertise. And it demonstrates again the peril we're in.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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And this is why I don't feel that bad about having to tap out and being unable to watch the thing.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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I really hope that last bit actually happens!

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Like, 3. You're much tougher than me.

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Aaron Radney's avatar Aaron Radney @aaronradney.bsky.social
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Working on cool stuff for patrons tonight!

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