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Alexander Fanta

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Journalist with Follow the Money. All things tech, EU, transparency. FOI curious.

Reposted by Alexander Fanta

Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Our story about about Sanna Marin quietly becoming Ukraine's (and Moldova's) most high-profile lobbyist in Brussels made the cover of yesterday's Iltalehti and was picked up by media across Finland. In case you're wondering what all the buzz is about, check it out:

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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After being ousted as Finland’s prime minister last year, Sanna Marin is being paid to help Ukraine and Moldova on their path towards EU membership, according to documents obtained by Follow the Money.

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Reposted by Alexander Fanta

Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Under the leadership of Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission has become more secretive. Here are the top things it’s hiding from you. Listicle alert 🚨

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Sechs Monate nach seinem Abtritt heuerte Sebastian Kurz im Stillen bei einem Wasserstoffkonzern in Abu Dhabi an. Auch seine engsten Vertrauten sind im Emirat umtriebig. Das wirft Fragen auf.

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Reposted by Alexander Fanta

Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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In July 2021, then-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz pushed Austria into a hydrogen alliance with the United Arab Emirates. Eight months later, he quietly joined the Dutch subsidiary of an Emirati state-owned energy firm that wants to ship hydrogen to Europe.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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How Ursula von der Leyen has ducked public scrutiny of her billion-euro emergency purchase of Covid vaccines, and what that means for the transparency and accountability of the EU institutions: very interesting documentary featuring yours truly aired on Arte last night:

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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The EU’s anti-corruption watchdog OLAF has cleared ex-Commissioner Neelie Kroes of conflict of interest allegations. But OLAF’s final report on the Kroes probe, which Follow the Money obtained, reveals investigator’s frustration over “selective disclosures” by Uber.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Legal scholars, is there anything in EU law that suggests that the European Commission should not suppress knowledge of violations of international law?

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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The launch of the digital euro could give every European a free, universal payment account. But this grand vision is at risk of being curtailed by a well-coordinated lobbying campaign of the banking industry.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Journalism rap taunts "If you're having lede problems I feel bad for you son / I got 99 problems but the pitch ain't one"

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Controversial non-profit Thorn touts its software as a privacy-friendly way to detect child abuse content. The European Commission has praised Thorn. But the tech is less reliable than it purports to be, new documents obtained by Follow the Money show.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Warum lässt sich die EU beim Kampf gegen Kindesmissbrauch von der NGO eines Hollywoodstars helfen? Und wer verfolgt dabei welche Motive?

Darüber habe ich mit ZDF Die Spur geredet. Ist eine spannende Sendung geworden.


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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Morgen bei ZDF Die Spur 🍿

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Some to-weird-to-be-true news from the #PfizerGate lawsuit. Ironically, vaccine sceptics are delaying scrutiny of a vaccine deal.
Source: Newsletter

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Documents obtained by Follow the Money reveal how, a quarter of a century ago, Europe’s most powerful politicians torpedoed an initiative that could have safeguarded media pluralism across Europe.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Vor 25 Jahren arbeitete die EU-Kommission an einer Richtlinie zur Bekämpfung der Medienkonzentration. Doch ein Brief aus Bonn torpedierte das Vorhaben. Das hat bis heute Folgen.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Linz ist auch nur Workingclass-Salzburg

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Airfryer und einem Umluft-Backofen?

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Solche Fragen sind eher was für Mastodon, dem Nerd-Heim

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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The European Media Freedom Act is meant to protect the press from government overreach. But behind closed doors, a group of EU member states are threatening to block the new law over their demands for a blank check to use spyware for the purposes of “national security”.

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Reposted by Alexander Fanta

Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Since Elon Musk took over Twitter a year ago and re-named it "X", the platform has lost half its value, big advertisers and millions of users. Documents obtained by Follow the Money reveal how the company struggles to comply with a new EU social media law.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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To my mind, this is good news, as it means the NYT's case will not be hijacked by vaccine sceptics. The decision for the court, ultimately, is about whether the Commission can arbitrarily exclude things from their definition of "document". It's not a ruling about vaccines per se.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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However, the court found that, just because BonSens was litigating elsewhere, it's argument was "clearly not sufficient to establish a direct and existing interest in the result of the case". Court dismissed the motion on Oct 5, together with a similar application.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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BonSens apparently argued that as they had brought similar lawsuits in the EU and the US, they were entitled to join the case brought by the NYT for Von der Leyen's text messages with the CEO of Pfizer in the vaccine procurement.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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According to court filings, the General Court of the EU has rejected an application by French vaccine sceptic organisation BonSens to join the #Pfizergate lawsuit of & The New York Times against the European Commission.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Was heißt kennen, ICH BIN DER ANDREAS!

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Today, the EU and its member states are the biggest funders of the Palestinian Authority. Experts agree that its collapse would strengthen Hamas and destabilise the region. But for how long can Europe fund a state-building project that is going nowhere?

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Müsste der Ablauf eines solchen Verfahrens nicht klar gesetzlich geregelt sein?

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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If the EDPS decides to investigate the Commission over using potentially illegal microtargeting, this could certainly spice up the CSAM trilogues...

Here the the story by Danny Mekić which brought the Commission's questionable microtargeting to light:

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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The EU's data protection authority told me that while "this step does not constitute opening of a formal investigation, the EDPS will assess the information, once received from the Commissions, and decide on the potential next steps accordingly."

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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The EDPS requested "information related to the described use of microtargeted ads, to be provided by 20 0ctober."

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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BREAKING - After reports that the EU Commission used political microtargeting to sway key groups of their controversial CSAM proposal, the European Data Protection Supervisor has reached out under the "so-called pre-investigation procedure. What could this mean?

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Die nächste Wahl in Österreich ist noch ein Jahr weg, aber trotzdem schonmal der Reminder an alle, die Umfragen teilen: Es ist ganz gleich wer auf dem ersten Platz ist. Die Schlüsselfrage ist, ob schwarz und blau eine Mehrheit haben. Wenn ja, ist die nächste Regierung fix.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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You found our about whole roasted cauliflower only know? What were you doing through the pandemic??!

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Wann tritt die Tagespresse dem Presserat bei??!!

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Der Vorschlag der schwarz-grünen Bundesregierung für ein österreichisches Informationsfreiheitsgesetz ist eine wesentliche Verbesserung zum Status Quo - und trotzdem nicht stark genug, um für Journalist*innen zum Game Changer zu werden. Warum? Hier ein Thread 🧵

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Ich kann Sie nur ermutigen, das zu tun. Vielleicht lässt sich das Gesetz noch in ein paar Punkten wie diesen verbessern.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Das ist interessant, da würde mich eine genauere Analyse interessieren.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Interessanter Punkt. Als juristischer Laie tue ich mir schwer zu sagen, ob die Geheimhaltung "erforderlich und verhältnismäßig" zu machen gleich schwer wiegt wie "ernsthaft unterlaufen". Meine Befürchtung ist halt, dass Behörden in der Praxis das als Catch-almost-all-Verweigerungsgrund benutzen.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Ich glaube, in der Praxis gibt es diese Unterscheidung nicht so stark. Wenn Bürger:innen oder NGOs Missstände anprangern wollen, dann gehen sie ja zu den Medien. Ob die Anfragen jetzt Journalisten stellen oder wer anders, die Frage ist ob es dann irgendwann sinnstiftende Antworten gibt.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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Mehr dazu: Besprechen durfte ich das Thema im heute erschienenen Falter-Podcast mit der grünen Klubobfrau Sigi Maurer, sowie Falter-Kollegen Barbara Toth und Raimund Löw. Gibt es hier gratis zu hören:

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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10. Gelten soll das IFG ohnehin erst ab 2025. Klar, so ein Gesetz braucht ein bisschen Vorlauf. Aber mit dieser sehr großzügigen Frist ist vielleicht doch etwas länger als nötig und enthebt diese Bundesregierung, in ihrer Amtszeit unter das Gesetz zu fallen.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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9. Der Entwurf hat immer noch einen "Querulantenparagraphen". Demnach muss die Behörde nicht antworten, wenn Anfragen "offenbar missbräuchlich" erfordern oder eine Antwort ihre Arbeit "unverhältnismäßig beeinträchtigen würde.“ Fürchte, das wird die Generalausrede kleiner Orte.

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Alexander Fanta's avatar Alexander Fanta
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8. Überdies sind die langen Fristen eine Hürde. Behörden haben bis zu 2 Monate für Bescheide Zeit, danach können Anfragende vor Gericht ziehen - dieses hat nochmal 2 Monate Zeit für eine Entscheidung. In Schweden oder Estland ist die Frist hingegen nur ein paar Tage.

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