Annika Brockschmidt's avatar

Annika Brockschmidt

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Author @Rowohlt, freelance journalist, senior correspondent Religion Dispatches, Agentur: Landwehr & Cie, podcast host. 1/2 of

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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“Colored”? They’re going to be causally saying the N word on air by September

52 replies 215 reposts 860 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Kliniken, in denen Abtreibungen durchgeführt werden, werden darin das "modernes Äquivalent zu Nazi-Gaskammern" genannt. Das ist recht typisch für Abtreibungsgegner hier, die Existenz von Abtreibungen wird oft als Genozid und als schlimmer als der Holocaust bezeichnet.

2 replies 2 reposts 46 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Eine kleiner Einblick in die Materialien, die hier verteilt werden - wie diese Broschüre der Liberty University, in der der Uterus als "Konzentrationslager" bezeichnet wird, als "modernes Auschwitz", solange Abtreibung nicht vollständig verboten ist.

2 replies 10 reposts 49 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Tag 1 der "National Conservatism" Konferenz in D.C. - "Familie, Glaube, Fruchtbarkeit" war das Motto, man wähnte sich im "Krieg für eine christl. Nation", völkisches Denken und Verfolgungsfantasien bestimmten den Tag. Hier die ausführliche, dt. Zsfassung für Patrons

4 replies 22 reposts 60 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Unausweichlich ist nichts, aber ich bin ehrlich gesagt im Moment nicht sehr optimistisch.

0 replies 0 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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Are you looking forward to a Trump administration cutting off federal funding to public schools? This is in the GOP platform.

5 replies 43 reposts 112 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Mario Sixtus 's avatar Mario Sixtus
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"Nach einer Studie des Momentum-Instituts, des Netzwerks Steuergerechtigkeit und Oxfam Deutschland würde die Vermögensbesteuerung der Schweiz, übertragen auf Deutschland, rund 73 Milliarden Euro in die öffentlichen Kassen spülen."

12 replies 197 reposts 445 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Frau Büüsker's avatar Frau Büüsker
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Die Bundesregierung möchte übrigens im Rahmen der Kraftwerkstrategie 5GW Gaskraftwerke ausschreiben, gefördert über eine Umlage, die keine Vorgabe für eine Umstellung auf Wasserstoff bekommen, also bis 2045 Erdgas verstromen dürfen. Happy Klimakrise.

11 replies 49 reposts 184 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Black Bancho's avatar Black Bancho
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Ihr braucht diesen Leitartikel wirklich nicht lesen, ich hab’s getan, und die Aussage ist sinngemäß wirklich die, dass parteiübergreifende Wahlempfehlungen gegen die Faschos am Ende nur der AfD helfen, und dass man sie lieber auf dem Marktplatz der Ideen inhaltlich stellen und so entzaubern sollte 🥲

8 replies 13 reposts 125 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung's avatar Amadeu Antonio Stiftung
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Es sind Szenen wie aus den 90ern: rechtsextremer Straßenterror inmitten Berlins. Am Samstag griffen mehr als 15 vermummte Neonazis mit Schlagstöcken Anreisende zu einer Demonstration gegen Rechts am Berliner Ostkreuz an. Es gab Schwerverletzte, die Polizei sucht nach Zeug*innen, Nazis jubilieren.

2 replies 76 reposts 142 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

NPR's avatar NPR
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BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.

55 replies 571 reposts 2278 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness

134 replies 756 reposts 3109 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Vague statements about how America is the greatest country in the world combined with technocratic details (no matter how accurate and consequential for the lives of ordinary Americans) just aren't, IMO, the kind of messaging that's going to break through.

4 replies 4 reposts 71 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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"I'm on the phone with Prime Ministers of other countries every day" is not an answer to the age question that will make any sense to the people of Scranton, and if anyone should know that it would be Biden.

3 replies 2 reposts 64 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Anyway, I'm just watching Biden's interview and am wishing he could make the case for himself in a way that could be heard by the 99% of his gettable voters who don't give a crap about Japan's budget or vague promises about the tax code.

2 replies 4 reposts 91 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Every day Donald Trump says that the people who don't for him are his enemies. He says he wants to get retribution against other Americans. No President has ever expressed such hatred toward his fellow Americans. I want to be the President for all Americans, whether you vote for me or not.

2 replies 27 reposts 148 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Asawin Suebsaeng's avatar Asawin Suebsaeng
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In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2

It’s not great!

19 replies 318 reposts 713 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.

28 replies 212 reposts 652 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Jonathan M. Katz's avatar Jonathan M. Katz
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McEntee for those of you who don’t know is a wildly misogynistic alpha male TikTok influencer who posts on an account called “Date Right Stuff.” He’s also a failed college quarterback who entered politics through via a Fox News job he got from his industry dad and a viral trick shot YouTube video.

8 replies 60 reposts 176 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Asawin Suebsaeng's avatar Asawin Suebsaeng
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Project 2025 is stacked from top to bottom as is Heritage with Trump and MAGA guys, including ones put there to be Trump’s own personal enforcers. If he’s feeling inconvenienced occasionally by them, tough shit Fwiw people leading Trump’s campaign including Susie wiles hate dealing with the…

1 replies 31 reposts 135 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Derek Powazek's avatar Derek Powazek
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You’ll never guess which of the two candidates is a convicted rapist.

9 replies 156 reposts 661 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Der Oberste Gerichtshof hat's offiziell gemacht: Er ist jetzt der MAGA Court, ein für alle Mal. Eine Analyse des unfassbaren SCOTUS Urteils, der neuen bizarren 3er-Regelung für präsidiale Immunität und ihrer dramatischen Konsequenzen. #USAUpdate

3 replies 76 reposts 204 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Katharina Nocun's avatar Katharina Nocun
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Uff, also wenn’s mal auf einen Schlag so viele Artikel zum Thema Vermögenssteuer, wie zum gestrigen Spiel gäbe…

10 replies 65 reposts 365 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Paul Renfro's avatar Paul Renfro
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That’s … uhh … decidedly not what this is about.

1 replies 6 reposts 62 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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President can now dole out pardons for bribes so I guess everything goes now

1 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Volker Dohr's avatar Volker Dohr
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Die sehr gute Nachricht heute: Gehsteigbelästigung durch Abtreibungsgegner kann selbige künftig bis zu 5000 Euro kosten.

18 replies 209 reposts 778 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Markus Pössel's avatar Markus Pössel
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Faszinierend wie bei der Analyse der Wahl in Großbritannien der Einfluss des Wahlsystems so gut wie kein Thema ist. Bei der BBC natürlich schon gar nicht, die sind ja sozusagen betriebsblind. Aber auch bei der Tagesschau wird einfach das Standard-Narrativ abgespult. 1/

5 replies 15 reposts 79 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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I've written for years about the Christian right's calls for "spiritual warfare" against demonic enemies of Christian America. They used to claim their struggle is against "powers and principalities" not "flesh and blood," citing Ephesians 6:12. But it was still dangerous. Now we see how.

2 replies 45 reposts 149 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Mark Robinson, GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, endorsing political violence in an official speech: „Some folks need killing! It's a matter of necessity!"

7 replies 24 reposts 60 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Ich habe gelernt: In München gibt's in der Sbahn WLAN, aber nicht unbedingt (zumindest im Vorort), sobald man aus der Sbahn aussteigt. Und ich hätte luftigere Klamotten einpacken sollen.

0 replies 0 reposts 43 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Deswegen sind die Rechten ja auch sehr into „Cäsarismus“

0 replies 0 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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It also appears this mendacious fool was lying about not voting. Which was publicly available information the fact checkers at the Times apparently failed to look for.

6 replies 27 reposts 154 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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When I first saw this I thought "no, that can't possibly be true." But alas, the Times did indeed choose today of all days to publish a right winger's recycled piece about how they don't vote, failing to mention that the author basically thinks absolutist theocracies are cool.

15 replies 81 reposts 371 likes

Annika Brockschmidt's avatar Annika Brockschmidt
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Der Oberste Gerichtshof hat's offiziell gemacht: Er ist jetzt der MAGA Court, ein für alle Mal. Eine Analyse des unfassbaren SCOTUS Urteils, der neuen bizarren 3er-Regelung für präsidiale Immunität und ihrer dramatischen Konsequenzen. #USAUpdate

3 replies 76 reposts 204 likes

Reposted by Annika Brockschmidt

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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very much the words of a man who has never once worried, not for a moment, that he would be outside the law

34 replies 220 reposts 1709 likes