ariel gordon 's avatar

ariel gordon

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Dog person. Cat person. Now old enough to be a bird person. She/they.

ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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And according to the people of Minnesota, it worked out really well. They're happy with Tina Smith.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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If Trump is Jabba the Hutt, does that make Stephen Miller the Sarlacc?

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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The media feels like it was deprived of a competitive primary and is looking to manufacture one, and rather than trying to get the fascist to drop out, they're going after the guy who's old(er) instead.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Especially since the other group of people over there are the normalizing media and politicians trying to convince themselves/us that the fascists don't really mean it, even though we've all watched them follow through on every grotesque and cruel promise they've made.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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They view Democrats as people worth protecting, but not Palestinians.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Yeah, especially because of the picture - which I’d bet is not something people in cultures where it’s normal to eat dogs do regularly - it’s less embracing another culture’s morality and more rejecting his own.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Constitutional lawyer *shocked* to discover the number of actually innocent people in prison the courts haven’t freed because the proper incantation was uttered before incarceration.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Plus, it would be incredibly easy for a president abusing that power to also just instruct DOJ to concoct a sham investigation to justify your arrest.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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It seems impossible that they haven’t considered this given everything, yet I really don’t think they have.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Gotta stop letting the kid watch legal dramas before bed.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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It’s asshole behavior in the country, too:

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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To be clear, I wasn't criticizing you, just them and their choice of marrying shitty politics to something as wonderful as dogs.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Stephen Miller hastily writing in an exception to his immigration policy for blonde European Nazis.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Ugh. Dogs don't deserve that association.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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So that's two Dem reps today saying Biden is going to lose? Can someone direct them to the say no to doomerism discourse? They need it.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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He really is coming for Trump's base.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I googled it for them and I think I’ve found the issue:

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Yeesh. You’d think given everything going on his comms people would be extra careful to not make mistakes in posts and statements.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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He's claiming he was just a rambunctious youth of 40 fucking years old when he assaulted a woman in his employ and nearly 20 years his junior?

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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He yelled at Netanyahu to discourage him from escalating attacks against Iran that would lead to widespread war, and we're supposed to look at that as a sign of decline?? That's a good thing, he just didn't go far enough.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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My first thought was that she was revealing the origin story of her transphobia, much in the way that for other notable transphobes it started with, say, a breakdown in their relationship with their child after the kid came out as trans.

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Reposted by ariel gordon

ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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And does anyone actually believe that polling will hold if she were to become the nominee, getting all the national media scrutiny Biden's getting plus racist and sexist attack ads? I just think polling for someone not actively running for president and for someone who is can't be compared.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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But how does that work? She takes the top of the ticket but he stays as president for now? Or he steps down and she takes over both as president and candidate and there is likely no vp come January because congress won’t approve the appointment?

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Or shot his VP? I think identity of the victim matters under their reading of official acts.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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That there is even a colorable immunity argument for covering up conduct that happened before the election and was done through Trump's private company shows how much further the majority took the opinion than they needed to if their goal was just "delay".

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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This was a pro-Casey ad where he was touting his record on being tough on border issues and stopping the flow of criminals and drugs. I'm sure they're behind the McCormick ads attacking Casey on the issue, but I don't know who put out the pro-Casey one.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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The hook to PA was tying it to fentanyl. I really wish I could find it because it was that bad, but it must be from a PAC or something because it's not up on the campaign website.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I think there are a lot of really malign actors out there willing to weaponize Dems fears about the election into some very dark, racist shit, and I frankly don't trust the centrist Dems in power not to fall for it. I saw a Bob Casey ad the other day talking about protecting our southern border.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I also find her certainty of her own expertise bizarre. Maybe she's right, but her experience is far from universal and I think most of the people she socializes with anymore are terfs who already agree with her. She then uses that experience explain straight cis male sexuality to a cis dude?

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I find the cat has usually knocked them under the dresser.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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When you have enough money to run a futile vanity presidential campaign, you have enough money to keep yourself alive to old age.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I really feel for Merchan. He's the only one with the power to force Trump to face a meaningful consequence, which will then influence the election. He knows doing so will make him a target for violence. That much pressure and responsibility shouldn't be on one person.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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With ambassadors like her, it's frankly shocking how many people they've been able to recruit to their cause.

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Reposted by ariel gordon

Jay Willis's avatar Jay Willis
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Inviting you to ponder the craziest takeaway from Roberts’s opinion in the Trump immunity case, which is that if Trump had ordered the military, instead of the mob of his supporters, to march to the Capitol and murder Mike Pence, he’d be legally bulletproof

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Or have agencies engage in rule-making.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Yeah, I think she was a good choice, I just wonder if/hope that this decision will shake up the views of Biden and others in the "don't make waves, defend the legitimacy of the court" crowd. That approach helped bring us to this moment.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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He seems really wedded to the idea of someone coming up through the federal judiciary (which is why he shifted Garland to AG to move Jackson up to the Circuit), and I would love to hear how/if this decision shifted his thinking at all.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I wonder if Kavanaugh's family had a cold beer waiting for him when he got home today.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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He left Ohio, then got hired by a PD in Pennsylvania and chased out of there in 2022, now the same thing happened in West Virginia. I guess he just really, really wants the legal authority to kill people again.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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That they didn't need to is really important - if the goal was to delay the trial past the election, they could have achieved that with an opinion that stopped far short of where this goes. This is an explicit expression of their view on how a president may use executive authority and it's ugly.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Have the DOJ investigate the RNC/Trump campaign/anyone funding conservatives for violations of federal election law, etc., and seize all their assets. Ditto for investigations into the ADF and various anti-abortion ghouls out there for violations of whatever federal law he feels like.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Roberts worked on Bush v. Gore in 2000 - he's been in favor of ignoring the will of the voters to install a republican president since way back.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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I haven't even gotten an scare-mongering text or email yet. Did they not have them ready to go? (Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised, the whole-ass Dobbs opinion leaked and they were still unprepared to respond when it was announced.)

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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"I'm sorry, kids, you have to be traumatized every year by the prospect of and training for a shooter armed with an AR-15 to bust into your school because some guys who have been dead for approximately 200 years wrote down some words that we think probably demands that outcome."

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Unlimited power except for things like consumer protection and other matters of regulatory concern. The president can order a drone strike on a rival in his official capacity, but can't appoint someone to an agency who gets the final word on safe levels of arsenic in baby formula.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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While also weaponizing the idea of fighting corruption to undermine every Democratic president that came after. It's deeply cynically and obviously a means of acquiring power rather than a sincere belief, and the fact that that has not been stated plainly over the years is a massive failure.

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ariel gordon 's avatar ariel gordon
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Good news: I believe it is now legal for a president to encourage a mob to bring a guillotine to the Mall as long as it's done in an official capacity.

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