violet allen's avatar

violet allen

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Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell. She/Her.

violet allen's avatar violet allen
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"Let's talk about sax, baby Coltrane and Adderley Let's talk about all the blue notes And extended harmonies Let's talk about sax" - me if i were a "cool" music teacher circa 1993, desperate for approval after my own kids decided to move in with my ex and his new girlfriend bc they have a pool.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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with each passing day j. cole apologizing has proven to be the smartest thing anyone in hip-hop has ever done.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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the most pathetic thing about pizza hut fascists is how they think that "wokeness" is actively targeting them. it's like, even if us wokes were trying to do this, we would never have imagined that making a character in a children's cartoon black would be enough to break a grown man's spirit.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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le temps, c'est moi

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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wild how much i forget about time zones despite going back and forth between central and eastern pretty regularly. wherever i am is just the correct time, no need to ever think about it.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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the sinner violet is once again rewarded for her decadent ways

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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Mr. Tumnus seeing a guy with a feather earring come through the wardrobe: "Is he *waggles hoof* a Son of Adam?"

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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making the serious politicians do their concession speeches standing next to Captain Beany and Lord Binface and a ventriloquist puppet is the greatest thing I have ever seen. UK, I owe you an apology. I was not familiar with your game.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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do you ever see an image with no obvious erotic imagery yet you somehow just know it is a kink thing? something about the shapes and lines that suggest fevered, unknowable pleasures? and do you think about how this is a truer representation of our world than what hangs in your so-called art museums?

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Reposted by violet allen

Jessica, Kait's Wife πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ's avatar Jessica, Kait's Wife πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
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Judging folks for not knowing the thing "everyone knew" in your whisper network is a great way to tell the people whose safety you don't care about that you also feel morally superior to them.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i don't think a "nice guy" persona is a sign of someone secretly being a bad person. men with "i'm a huge piece of shit" personas have done this shit. so have men with "i'm just a regular guy" and "i'm a serious thinker" and "i'm a huge mess but fun." personality is not really what is at issue here.

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Reposted by violet allen

Mohammed Mohisen's avatar Mohammed Mohisen
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I am truly sorry for pressing this,but we desperately need your help.Life in Gaza has become a slow,agonizing struggle for survival.We can do this together.We only need €1965 more to save my little brother,Karim,from severe malnutrition.Please,help us give him a chance at lifeπŸ’”πŸ™πŸ˜­

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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not to be sentimental, but i want to be disappointed when people i respect do not live up to my expectations. i want to be horrified by horrors. i want to rage against injustice. i do not want to live in a featureless mush of dull pessimism and withdrawal.

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Reposted by violet allen

Alyssa Harad's avatar Alyssa Harad
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A 4th of July tradition I can get behind.

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Reposted by violet allen

violet allen's avatar violet allen
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simply stop having connections to other humans so they can never disappoint you, leftistly

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i really hate how much lefty advice is basically "willpower yourself out of having emotional responses that are inconsistent with the political project and stop being a social animal."

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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classy racist comedy is having a black servant who the witty white protagonist messes with a little bit

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i favor screwball comedies, which are not necessarily less racist but more urbane (blackface is pretty broad, base comedy), but you really never know.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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being a lover of movies from the 30s means you are constantly playing a game i call Blackface Roulette. it's not just that there's blackface. it's that it can happen in any movie for no reason at all with no prompting or signaling beforehand.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i agree! i understand that it depicts experiences that are rarely depicted in art, and i get why people cherish that, but it shouldn't foreclose other readings.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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my (snotty artfucker) analysis is that a lot of people are not used to seriously reading ambiguous, dreamlike texts and seek to impose a layer of literality between themselves and the symbolic

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i saw the tv glow discourse is fascinating bc i don't think i've ever seen a movie where so many people will present an interesting, thoughtful interpretation of its elements, then say it is the only way to interpret the film and if you don't agree you are wrong and a bad person.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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one time this guy i was talking to at a party totally went off about twee hipster acoustic music in a really aggressive way. i think he maybe thought i would agree with him because i am black, unaware that i own three ukuleles and a banjo.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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if i were a music journalist i would devote myself entirely to finding the person who wrote "Rock 1" preset on the Suzuki Omnichord, which you might know better as the Gorillaz "Dirty Harry."

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i will die on the hill that the matrix can be called a trans film and certainly has trans themes as expressed by its trans directors but that it is not a trans allegory bc that's not what an allegory is

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i know only i care about this kind of thing. i've been trying for years to get one of my friends (any one of them will do) to do a podcast with me about the non-disney animated films of the 80s and 90s. the world needs serious cinematic analysis of the flight of dragons and the american rabbit!

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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remember the swan princess cartoon from the 90s? did you know that they've made 11 and counting direct-to-video sequels and also it is some kind of mormon thing? wonders all around us.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i haven't really put fiction out on submission myself since like 2017 and i forgot that it makes me pepe sylvia-level obsessive about rejections and submittable statuses and things like that

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i've never been part of a literary scene, but i think i'd be really good at it. i'm good at gassing people up, i can't keep a secret, and i can nurse a vendetta for years without showing a hint of malice until the moment i taste sweet satisfaction on my lips. also i guess i like books or whatever.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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the way i feel about people in the uk arguing over trans accommodations that are common all over the us with no trouble at all is how i imagine how people in the uk feel when they see us arguing over socialized healthcare

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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like this fantasy version of the world where dudes are like, "what's up, bro? dope how you thrifted a coach bag that perfectly matches that vintage jumpsuit. how many public bathrooms did you poop in today? hella sick, bro!!"

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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the constant insistence that cishet men supporting trans women is a bros before hoes thing is the weirdest thing to me about terfdom. like I understand its rhetorical utility, but it truly makes no sense as a description of any kind of reality.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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why is swing lo magellan the most streamed dirty projectors song on spotify? it's a mid album track but it has two and a half times as many streams as their biggest single. is this some kind of algorithm thing? was it in a commercial?

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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oh, i remember fitocracy. it didn't work for me, but i knew a bunch of people who were really into it. sucks it's bad now. enshittification reigns.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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it could also be like an app or something. whatever. i will sell you this idea for $500.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i think you could make a ton of money if you made a gym that was anime-themed and they calculated your power level based on how often you worked out and they gave your ranks or badges or something based on how long you have a membership. if i were a capitalist that's what i would do.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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ngl, i thought i had seen all the possible forms of racism, but "social disapproval of racism is a psyop to keep people from realizing the truth about aliens and fairies" is a new one.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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fighting over voting on here is pointless. if you are pro-voting, your time is better spent phone banking, canvassing, etc. if not, your time is better spent organizing your community/workplace. you are not going to unravel the contradictions of neoliberal consensus on the sandwich fucking site.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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sometimes i'll be scrolling and see something that makes me feel angry or upset, then keep scrolling and forget what it was i even saw, but i still feel the anger and upset lingering, and that more than anything makes me feel like this is a bad technology for humans.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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part of the reason why i extend a lot of grace to people i find annoying on here. they're probably fine irl. people are so quick to cast others as villains in a manichean drama, but they are probably just annoying bc this is the annoying website. (i do mute them, though, bc i don't need to see it)

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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yes! the performance is very strange. also, i think about how much i am influenced by engagement with the performance. no one cares when i like a book, but boy do those numbers go up when i complain about star wars.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i often think about how social media winnows our personalities. like, in real life, i am actually a fairly cheerful, go-with-the-flow person, but 90% of my complaints and criticisms are aired out here, so i feel i come off as much more critical and know-it-allish than i do in the world.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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a sudden portent moves through me like a lightning bolt. my third eye opens. here is my revelation: there's going to be an AI mayor soon. some shitty company is going to pay some podunk town to let the AI be mayor. they let dogs be mayors sometimes, why not a computer? it will be stupid and awful.

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Reposted by violet allen

Axle's avatar Axle
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Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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definitely the best course of action right now is to argue over whether "liberals" or "leftists" are more at fault.

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Reposted by violet allen

drow zelensky's avatar drow zelensky
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I'm sorry but I have met many racists and I do not believe a single one of them would be less racist if you gave them a UBI or a shorter workweek. Not one

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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it's funny how midcentury cartoons created timeless, indelible characters by just shamelessly ripping off the sitcoms that were popular at the time of production. like, everyone knows the scooby-gang, but only the elderly and extreme weirdos like me know about the many loves of dobie gillis.

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violet allen's avatar violet allen
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i also think that media "literacy" hasn't changed that much, it's just that we are inundated with a lot more viewpoints than in the past. people have always had inane takes, they just kept them to themselves or said them to friends at the bar or published them in academic journals no one read.

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