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Here I post, here I remain

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TWAW/TMAM - he/him - Guns to Ukraine; Putin to the gallows - Certified microbiology nerd - piñata socdem - Жыве Беларусь

Reposted by Here I post, here I remain

I'm Maxxxine-maxxing. I'm Ti pilled. 's avatar I'm Maxxxine-maxxing. I'm Ti pilled.
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Ok some nerd did the math

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Also, when do they start printing ballot papers in the US? You've got what, 200+ million voters? That's a lot of paper that somebody needs to pulp and replace (and crucially, not fuck up when they do so)

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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I was gonna say, this makes the book sound fucking rad

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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I'm really sorry. I was in a similar place a few years ago and I still remember how hopeless everything seemed at the time. Nothing I say can "fix" things, but I truly believe that there is still hope for the future. The bastards haven't won the war yet. Please take care in the meantime.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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No, you haven't. The ones who have truly lost hope are dead. Those who are still with us still have a shred of hope that tomorrow will be better than today. It can be a miserable experience, but while that shred remains, you can go on living.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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"You can live for weeks without food, days without water, or minutes without air, but nobody can live for a second without hope"

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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I remember I looked it up and read it years ago, and I instantly thought, "This sounds like nazi shit."

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Sturgeon-Murrell scandal, followed by our leader resigning a week before the election was called, followed by unimaginative election messaging that failed to fire up SNP swing voters. Apparently the core ~34% of SNP voters stayed pretty solid, but not the rest.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Is this the Plan for the New American Century?

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Fair. Sorry for lecturing

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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There isn't really an institutional left in British politics anymore Listen to Starmer's victory speech again and notice how much time he spends talking about how important "changing the party" was in securing this victory. He's justifying the purge of every left-wing member in the party since '19

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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528 vote majority. 264 people had the chance to do the funniest thing ever and fucked it

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Starmer isn't on the left. He's about as right wing as Blair

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Allow me (as a certified Dov whisperer) to translate... Labour sucks, and Scotland should be independent.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Huh. Thanks Julian, you may have killed us all

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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I was wondering why she was wearing a green rosette. The funniest thing is, she didn't even come first among independent candidates, lol

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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I *need* to know how crypto figures into this

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Which is stupid, cos what are you scared of? That you might die too? Everyone dies eventually, but some people die sooner than others, and if the bad ones die first, it decreases the likelihood that you will die early too.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Enough pinpricks and they'll bleed to death

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(Also reserved for O- recipients who literally can't receive anything else) Oh, also also. Because O+ people make up something like a third of Americans and Europeans, the blood types they can receive are greatly limited. Almost everyone can receive O+, but O+ recipients can only receive O+ or O-.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Yeah, but a massive chunk of the population is O+. Factor in those who are A+, B+, or AB+ and the percentage who can benefit from an O+ transfusion skyrockets. O- is usually reserved for "this person needs blood but we don't have time to check their blood type" situations.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Yeah, I support DEI for fascists. Direct Encephalic Impacts.

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The keyhole and crossbow bolt scene is an excellent example of this. That and Hodgesaargh! and his falcon.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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If you had asked me 10 years ago which British newspaper would be the last to possess a shred of journalistic integrity or ethical standards, I don't think anyone would have suggested the FT.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Experience, aggression/seizing the initiative, and positioning (having the weather gauge) were far more important factors than simple firepower in pretty much every naval engagement in history. (I know you know all this, John)

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Also, history is full of ships with a much greater deficiency in firepower absolutely kicking the arse of larger, heavier ships. 64 guns v 72 is basically a peer-peer challenge. See HMS Speedy's victory over the El Gamo for an example of what I mean.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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To be clear, the general sentiment among SNP members is frustration at a complete lack of response from the disciplinary bodies, but a) most of the TERFs buggered off to join Salmond's ego trip, and b) there are a few MPs and MSPs that we refuse to discipline because we're terrified of a lawsuit

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Green Party in England and Wales had a batshit anti-trans period a few years ago, I don't know if they still are.

Paging since he was the one who clued me in on this on the other place a few years back.

The SNP has its own problems, mostly that we refuse to boot out JCKCMP

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In the face of climate change, that's not really something we can afford anymore. I do believe that we can transition peacefully from modern capitalism to a more sustainable system without drastically reducing anyone's standard of living. But there comes a point where that isn't capitalism anymore.

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The thing is, there have been times in the history of capitalism when it was less exploitative (the post-war boom and the ubiquity of trade unionism is the period I'm thinking of), but that period was still dominated by unsustainable waste and consumerism.

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Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt

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Reposted by Here I post, here I remain

John Bull's avatar John Bull
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EARLY CAT: What that? HUMAN: A fish. You can eat them. EARLY CAT: Mine now. I need it. I need the fish. Without fish I die. HUMAN: But you're from the desert. How can you possibly- EARLY CAT: WOE. WOE FOR KITTY. HUMAN INFLICTS A THOUSAND WOES ON- HUMAN: God. Fine. Have it.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Critical support for the human race

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Reposted by Here I post, here I remain

Shepherd's avatar Shepherd
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It's really weird to see these posts about Linda keep popping up and I still don't know quite how to talk about her. But she called me a couple months ago and made me promise I'd tell the truth when everyone started saying nice things. 1/?

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If the initial plunder is invested in, say, industrialisation, then that pays dividends later. Dividends that aren't available to the colonised societies.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Yeah, the British Empire looted £1 trillion from India and spent £2 trn over the next 2 centuries, but that £1 trn was extremely front-loaded (numbers are illustrative, not accurate).

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There is also the question of how the initial influx of wealth from colonialism can actually turbo-charge a colonialist economy, even if the empire continues to cling onto the colonies long after the period of profitability.

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executive editor, barbell quarterly's avatar executive editor, barbell quarterly
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Vibesing their way into reciting the shahada

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I can definitely recommend Mallaig and all the wee isles up that way. Heading back from Muck as I type this. Have some pictures of seals and sheep, why not?

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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It looks like they ran out of time at the Salamander Factory and just slapped a couple of googly eyes on

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Also, more Japanese-Americans left the internment camps than were interned. It was still a horrendously racist act by the US government, but there is no comparing the fate of Japanese-Americans to that of European Jews.

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The really sad thing is that if these nutters just stopped to breathe for 10 seconds and decided to give normal life a try (grills on Sundays, watch the football, hang out with friends for a couple of beers), then they might actually be happier.

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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That is quite hefty. I think I remember hearing about this at the time now I think about it. Who won?

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Will do. What was the scale like? Cos 28,000 models is *a lot*

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Is there anywhere I can find a write-up or video about this?

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Usually the rosettes only come out of storage on election night so the cameras can tell who's cheering what, but there are always some freaks who can't resist it during the campaign

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Here I post, here I remain's avatar Here I post, here I remain
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Re: where the suction comes from; you inhale air when the diaphragm pulls down on the pleural sac. This creates a negative pressure, which is equalised by the expansion of the alveoli in the lungs. If the teeth are sucking the blood up into snake-like glands then it could employ a similar mechanism

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I think they have a muscle that squeezes the venom sac. Not sure which muscle, but I would imagine it's linked to the bite reflex, so one of the jaw muscles maybe?

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