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Meat Popsicle, player of games, reader of books, jaded optimist.

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Oh God ick.

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God, I wonder if that's literally it: she saw Palin doing all her rifle toting, hunting, and shooting animals from a helicopter and decided that was part of Palin's appeal to the deplorables.

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Hey, if you aren't talking dirty to your phone, are you even trying?

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In other words, either we supply Ukraine now, or we better get armed.

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Skill issue.

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This is basically the moment in The Producers where Zero Mostel attempts to bribe the NYT Theater Critic, knowing it will be the ultimate guarantee of a terrible review. But without any of the awareness or premeditation.

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No need to feel threatened by me ma'am, I'm just an adult roaming the woods in a bear onesie.

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Who else wants a piece? We have a very long list, and nothing better to do until we announce a cease fire...

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Yup. Remarkable watching someone trying to give him credit because his failure to act in the face of Covid destroyed the economy before his trade and regulatory failures had enough time to break havoc.

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Fair point, but also by dramatically reducing the number of marginal folks falling into homelessness, it makes it possible to actually focus resources on those who most need it.

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Look, that's just the president asking his Attorney General to rid him of vexatious priests and assorted political rivals, but with more direct language. Nothing to be concerned about. Trump was mostly too distracted to follow through.

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Anyway, all I'm saying is that, if the sincere person on the street interviews and human interest focus is a priority, approach it like BBC in terms of different channels. But the core mission of reporting the news should have privacy.

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Agree. NPR was my introduction to insightful, nuanced and accurate reporting. I have a tough time listening to it these days for exactly the reasons you cite. I suspect that some of it is an effort to avoid the endless criticism of the right, but that's a pointless effort at appeasement.

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Also: if you are someone with Drake's baggage, maybe don't escalate a fight with Kendrick Fucking Lamar.

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The problem with propaganda is that, even if you know it's propaganda, if you ingest it regularly (other than studying it as propaganda) it starts to have a corrosive effect. And it works in part because it curates half truth and lies in a way that's self reinforcing.

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Nicholas Grossman's avatar Nicholas Grossman
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Trump committing crimes to cover up an affair would be one of the biggest presidential scandals ever. Clearly bigger than any Bush or Obama scandal, and at least on par, arguably worse, than Clinton committing a crime (perjury) to cover up an affair. Looks small only compared to Trump's coup attempt

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The thing is, they could easily spin those features off into something separate. There are public radio stations on air and on the web, for music. But I desperately want a straight news channel.

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It's nice how often he ends up on the right side of history.

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I'd assume that, at this point, every night Merchan goes to bed dreaming of having a balif escort Trump to jail. When he's feeling frisky that may involve some resisting and tazers.

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Yeah, wife and I both skipped our masters' ceremonies. It was one of the lasting lessons of a bachelors.

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No no! Those are inside agitators! You'll find the outside agitators in the faculty lounge making tea.

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Last I checked the citizens of Philly will hate you, but just on principle. They are entirely equal opportunity in their approach, unless you are a Dallas Cowboys fan. That you should go out of your way to hide, if true.

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But who, aside from literally everyone, could possibly have known he's an irredeemable liar and crook? What were they supposed to do, check his books?

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I am abundantly aware. This isn't a great format for discussing what Saddam's folks thought at the time. But more to the point, people get hung up on the existence of WMDs, when that should never have been an excuse to invade in the first place. Libya, Syria, Egypt.. lots of places had WMDs

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Hydra: we give legendary head... heads.. whatever

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'Look I appreciate all your hateful shit about the trans community, but could we just talk a bit more about the Jews and minorities?'

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Sy Nakamura's avatar Sy Nakamura
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People who don't celebrate May the Fourth, I find your lack of faith disturbing

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I'd say they are scraping the bottom of the barrel, but they are in some subbasement of hell and still digging.

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That might be the most perfect encapsulation of the GOP: 'Sure, we don't like murdering puppies, but we can live with it if it allows us to take away rights and freedoms from women and minorities. also, tax breaks.. can't forget the tax breaks.'

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But mostly we either found them in stockpiles or had them used in IEDs against us. There' more, but nothing I could/would discuss here. It's only an interesting distinction because a lot of folks think there were none at all, but the important part is it didn't matter in terms of justification

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A lot of his folks tried to produce chem weapons unsuccessfuly after the invasion, but it's harder than you'd think, despite sometimes pretty approachable chemistry.

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Even even having a full blown WMD production capability was not enough to justify the war, but even the Bush admin couldn't argue that the existence of chemical weapons justified it.

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This is a not an ideal format for lengthy discussion, but leaving aside the first comment (not disagreeing, just complicated), your second point is essentially correct. We found lots of WMDs, but no WMD program, which is an important distinction.

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Sometimes he takes it all in. Sometimes he let's it all out.

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hammancheez's avatar hammancheez
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Thoughts and prayers you shabby fuckstick lmao

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Gillian Branstetter's avatar Gillian Branstetter
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The Titanic kills an average of 13.4 people a year

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I sort of took it as, 'sure, kill the dog I guess, by why admit it? That just sounds unpopular!'

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Thinking about it, what brothers me is that after 20 years of war, this is still quite unusual in the military, but it's common among cops. There's probably an argument that it has to do with the self imposed sense of constant threat that police operate under. Probably a bad mix w PTSD.

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It does, but accomodation shouldn't include a licence to abuse firearms. I was actually laughing thinking about some sgt saying 'sometimes Bob just unloads on squirrels ever since the last tour.' It's possible to have PTSD and be reliable with a gun under stress, but if you can't, you can't.

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Absolutely right. I didn't know how much I wanted this. Thanks.

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I don't think people appreciate how interesting that would be. Hope, drama, betrayal, intrigue, and a happy but not perfect ending.

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Fair, and I don't necessarily disagree, but it seems to me that in a lot of cases, the folks who go from soldier to cops are the ones who like the guns and the power but not the discipline, and the PTSD is an excuse. Like, we wouldn't accept that excuse on your 4th combat deployment.

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I mostly don't get it. I have PTSD. I have a lot of friends with PTSD. But the guys I know who later became cops are often the same folks I didn't trust with a rifle in combat. But the same strict rules of engagement and gun safety culture you find in the military seems completely lacking in cops.

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As an aside, I apologize for taking a combative tone to start our conversation. These are pretty emotional issues, but there's no upside to starting out at angry and figuring it out from there. Have a nice weekend.

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Being a cop is moderately dangerous. Going into a nonviolent protest area certainly is a little more dangerous. Going in with guns drawn is a recipe for disaster. Being a taxi driver or pizza delivery person are dangerous jobs and you would be concerned if they met you with gun in hand.

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