AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar

AZ Advocacy Hub

1716 followers 2192 following 909 posts

Just your local neighborhood progressive activist! 🚺#ProChoice 🤎#RacialJustice 🌈#Ally 🌊#VoteBlue #IndigenousAlly #ActuallyAutistic

Poli Sci, Psychology, Critical Thinking.

AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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GOP lawmakers claim they're banning credit card companies from tracking gun purchases. But is it just political theater? #EndGunViolence #GunControl'>llegal/'>

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Donald Trump devastated the middle class to give the ultra-wealthy a tax break. Stop voting for Republicans!

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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The Arizona Voters’ Agenda highlights key issues likely voters agree on for our state. Equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions this election. Details:


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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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MAGA Republicans have proven they rule for the wealthy few and want to take away healthcare, public school funding, and jobs. We must come together to protect our families from MAGA rule.


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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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It's time for congress to take action to ensure American children are safe from gun violence.


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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Hi scrollers! Watching the news, feeling worried about the world? Me too.

I created a linktree to make it easy to find ways to advocate, textbank, and spread messages to GOTV in Arizona. Make a difference in 5 minutes!


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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Join on July 17 to phonebank for Raquel Terán, a champion for justice and equality in AZ-03! Help make a difference by reaching voters and getting Raquel elected.

➡️ Your calls matter! ⬅️

Sign up:

#AZ03 #VoteBlue

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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¿Qué es el voto anticipado? No necesitas esperar hasta el día de las elecciones. El voto anticipado o early voting permite votar antes del día oficial, ofreciendo flexibilidad y conveniencia. Reduce filas y aumenta la participación ciudadana. ¡Aprovecha esta opción!

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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It’s time for Americans across races, places and parties to come together, as we have in our past, to protect our freedoms and block the MAGA faction in the Supreme Court, House of Representatives, and state legislatures.


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Angie's avatar Angie
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Tu voto es tu voz! No dejes que te callen o que impidan que votes. Hazlo por tus hijos, por tus hijas, por tu mujer, tu pareja, por nuestra democracia porque si no votas, ganará el fascista anaranjado. No permitas que suceda eso. Vota por Biden!

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Caterpillar Smoothie ✨ 's avatar Caterpillar Smoothie ✨
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As someone who has been using expired inhalers for months, this is wonderful news (would be better if they were free but a small step is better than no step)

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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SCOTUS upholds gun ban for alleged domestic abusers, a crucial step in protecting vulnerable lives. Let's continue to push for safety and justice. #EndGunViolence #GunControl'>ce-gun/'>

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Beneficios de las votaciones tempranas: Vota cuando mejor te convenga, sin pedir permiso en el trabajo ni apresurarte el día de las elecciones. Evita filas y encuentra centros cercanos a tu hogar o trabajo. Muchos ofrecen asistencia bilingüe en español. ¡Aprovecha!

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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The overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning of a full-on attack on fundamental freedoms, and this is the latest indication that extremists plan to go much further.

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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¿Sabías que? Votar puede traer más fondos para escuelas, hospitales y servicios públicos a tu comunidad. Los fondos federales a menudo se distribuyen según los resultados de elecciones y censos. ¡Tu voto importa! Infórmate sobre las políticas de cada candidato.


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Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas
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my friend asked the other day how i planned to cover the growing fascism here and i said “i guess continue writing about it til i’m sent to prison? lol” it was a flip thing to say but it’s hard to imagine ever stopping. or fleeing. i’m feeling not quite patriotic, but protective of this country.

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Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Angie's avatar Angie
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President Biden has integrity and a deep respect for life and liberty.

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The Washington Post's avatar The Washington Post
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Breaking news: The first projections after polls closed in France’s legislative election put a leftist alliance in the lead, as the populist, anti-immigration far right falls behind and performs far below expectations.

22 replies 71 reposts 383 likes

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Bilbo Yaga 's avatar Bilbo Yaga
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Heat intolerance is a long covid symptom & side effect of many meds, from blood pressure to mental health meds… which are common post-covid needs. The rise of fascism during climate collapse & a covid surge is a real bad time to spread illness & disability. Wear an n95 in public. Resources in 🧵

5 replies 60 reposts 126 likes

Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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This November, we have a choice: surrender to the GOP's draconian vision of America or fight back with leaders who will defend our freedoms.


time is now to put the GOP on notice and show them that our reproductive rights are not up for debate!

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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I vividly remember where I was when the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe leaked.

And I’m going to remember that feeling in November when we defeat Donald Trump.



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Chuck4Democracy 🦋's avatar Chuck4Democracy 🦋
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Bryan Tyler Cohen: “A reminder that the more the NYPost is able to rage bait you into commenting, the more of an incentive structure there will be for them to continue doing this. By engaging (even if to tell them to fuck off), you are literally rewarding their behavior. Do not engage.”

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Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Reposted by AZ Advocacy Hub

Lauren Qbert's avatar Lauren Qbert
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Hart Pearson Sebastian Cunningham 's avatar Hart Pearson Sebastian Cunningham
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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Nearly 2 years after Roe has been overturned and 1 in 3 women face abortion bans in their home state. This November let's vote to restore our reproductive freedom.

Our lives depend on it.


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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Our only chance at this point is to expand the supreme court, but that will take Congress which may not be feasible.

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Abortion justice is racial justice. Say it louder!

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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REMINDER: Senate Republicans blocked legislation that would enshrine a federal right to access contraception.

They’re telling you with their ACTIONS what they plan to do if they gain power.

They’re coming for our birth control. #HandsOffMyBirthControl

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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GOP blocks birth control! Senate Republicans voted against bills protecting access to birth control and IVF. Democrats are fighting for our freedom to make family planning decisions without political interference. #RoeYourVote'>hcontrol'>

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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The Koch brothers are the biggest bankrollers of the Big Lie, funding MAGA extremism that undermines our democracy. We need corporations to stop prioritizing greed over the health of our nation. #CorporateGreedFundsMAGA

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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On June 1st, inhaler costs were capped at $35 per month thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration's efforts!

This is a game-changer for millions of Americans living with asthma and other respiratory conditions.


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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Ballot Referral Power Grab: Instead of passing laws that voters actually support, Republican lawmakers are trying to grab power by sending harmful referrals to our ballot that go around the Governor’s veto.

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Extending corporate tax cuts will add $4.6 trillion to the deficit and threaten essential programs like Social Security & Medicare, according to a Senate Budget Committee report. #CorporateGreedFundsMAGA

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AZ Advocacy Hub's avatar AZ Advocacy Hub
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Arizona blue voters! Any of you on reddit? Join our community to boost Democratic turnout with:

🔹Action Alerts
🔹GOTV Messaging
🔹Virtual Meetups

It is also a place for YOU to share events you want others to see!

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Amy Westervelt's avatar Amy Westervelt
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Woah this presidential immunity ruling is game over for U.S. democracy.

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Mike Masnick's avatar Mike Masnick
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Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.

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