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Doug McCrae

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C15–C18 European witch trials

Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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You’re right and I also enjoyed your use of the Scottish “shite” and “pish.”

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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And politicians. As Khrushchev said to Nixon, “If the people believe there’s an imaginary river out there, you don’t tell them there’s no river there. You build an imaginary bridge over the imaginary river.”

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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The GOP candidate for president is a rapist who stole nuclear secrets and used violence to try to overturn the result of a democratic election. There are no rules any more, at least for Republicans. Nothing is disqualifying.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Wouldn’t that be the era of McCarthyism?

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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A great artist too. His jewellery remained highly sought after throughout his long career and was worn by some of Middle-earth's most notable and accomplished individuals.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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It's a part of a whole range of views that boil down to "People who aren't me should be less happy."

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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The Reform Party in the UK is the equivalent of the modern GOP: right wing populist, anti-immigrant, anti-"woke", anti-green. But our electoral system makes it impossible for them to get anywhere.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Things feel a lot less tense here in the UK than they seem to be in the US. Our society is less divided. The political stakes are a lot lower. No one on the right is scared of Keir Starmer the way American conservatives seem to be terrified of any Democratic president.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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I answered the question "How were witch trials finally refuted?" on r/askhistorians.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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The Real Ale Twats, also from Viz, does a great job capturing the language and cultural references of the Twats.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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I just laughed so hard at that it turned into a coughing fit. Well played.

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Reposted by Doug McCrae

Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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The unstated implication is that the Piano Man himself must also suck, to be working in a place like that.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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They do but, as the Log Lady told us, "the owls are not what they seem."

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Reposted by Doug McCrae

Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Pints that are less than 50% foam are woke.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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People whose entire belief system is based on the idea of eternal moral verities and unchanging cultural touchstones don't need to be consistent over a ten year period.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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One of the strangest interactions I had on Twitter was with a conspiracy theorist who believed that Obama deliberately wore the tan suit, knowing it would drive right wing media into a frenzy, as a distraction from the 2014 Ukraine revolution.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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It was great. I particularly liked your point about backlashes often being, in reality, frontlashes.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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I noticed something similar with MRAs. They claim feminists are saying that men are inherently rapists but really it's the claim they're making. Because men are supposedly acting on instinct, it's therefore, in the eyes of MRAs, women's responsibility to avoid rape and workplace harassment.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Right-wing libertarians believe there's a natural hierarchy with white men at the top, but government welfare is suppressing this hierarchy. If government steps out of the way then they believe women and black people will be forced to be more subservient.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Distressing lack of specificity about the “many more things to come.” C’mon, Marjorie, if you know what God’s going to do then help out America’s emergency services and give us some details.

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Reposted by Doug McCrae

Amanda Katz's avatar Amanda Katz
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Hayes Brown: Haha, what if people still believed in omens and prophecies like in the ancient world An actual member of Congress:

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Rod Dreher often uses the term Weimar America in the same way to mean "Fascism is coming and it'll all be your fault, libs!"

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Love the quotation from Stockton Rush, who died in the OceanGate submarine implosion: "At some point, safety is just pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don't get out of bed, don't get in your car, don't do anything."

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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The crucifixion is clearly sadomasochistic. Jesus wanted to be crucified. "Mmm, yeah, drive those nails in deep. I love being sacrificed for man's sins."

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Under first-past-the-post, the main function of a third party is to act as a spoiler to the Big Two. That was the case with the Brexit Party in 2019, and will probably happen again with the Reform Party taking votes from the Tories at the next election.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Our system, like that of the US, is 1st-past-the-post. Unlike systems of proportional representation, which are common in Europe, it doesn't empower third parties. Only once in British history has there been a change in the two-party system, when Labour replaced the Liberal Party in the early C20.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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A fine example of centrist chiding of the left from 1859. The New York Times criticising abolitionists for setting back the cause of abolition by being too strident. "The very best thing that could possibly be done towards the abolition of Slavery would be for the North to stop talking about it."

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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My understanding is that one part made it illegal to send advice on performing abortions (and perhaps abortifacients?) through the mail.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Interesting article though imo it's completely wrong about The Exorcist. Regan MacNeil's soul is never threatened, only her body. It's the soul of the young priest, Damien Karras, that's in danger. The rite of exorcism fails so it can't be considered efficacious.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Something I often think about rich people is, "I wish they had more money." So it's great to see that's finally happening.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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This is absolutely right except they wouldn't say sorry. Instead they'd call you woke and accuse you of being a paedophile.

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Reposted by Doug McCrae

Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Yes, and a big problem in the American system is that four more years of Republican rule means more gerrymandering, voter suppression and other system manipulation to make it even more difficult to vote them out.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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In order to result in a change in policy there would have to be: 1) Sufficient numbers of normally reliable party voters staying home. 2) Their policy demands must be clear. 3) The change in policy must be easy to implement and not result in lost votes elsewhere.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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A political boycott can only work when it's done by a party or candidate's genuine voters. Here in the UK, the Tories were pressured over Brexit by the threat of Tory voters switching to Nigel Farage's Brexit Party. That won't work with Biden because the far left were never going to vote for him.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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That's a great article, I really enjoyed it. The last paragraph is particularly insightful imo:

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Interesting that he didn't even have $175m.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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I watched The Exorcist recently for the first time in decades and was really blown away by it. Haven't seen Sorcerer.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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I considered him! Like Trump he's lazy, incompetent, and a liar but he's now out of politics and doesn't share Trump's inclinations towards violence and authoritarianism.

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Doug McCrae's avatar Doug McCrae
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Imo the "Is it fascism?" argument doesn't matter very much. If Trumpism isn't fascism then it's still: 1) Fascism-adjacent. 2) Potentially very dangerous.

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