Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar

Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

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No TERFs, no SWERFs, no Coin Creeps or AI grifters or NFT pls.


cash app/venmo: eatyrself

Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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makes me fuckin sick and want barf up blood that I'm considering chemically altering my brain so I can survive in this stupid shitstain country but oh well

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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this goes out to all the me's out there

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

🦖 mash 🍉 (they/them) £0/405 🍃 meds's avatar 🦖 mash 🍉 (they/them) £0/405 🍃 meds
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can anybody please help?😥

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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fox beans are pretty rare

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

MishMei's avatar MishMei
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just look at her lil face. tiny adorable idiot 💖

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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I love that "increased engagement in high risk behavior" is a symptom either way, one that I've never had because even my mental illnesses are dull as shit

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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couple of days to decide whether I have agitated depression or merely major depressive disorder with agitation so I can tell the psych eval person and they can prescribe me the wrong drug that wrecks my life

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

gin and jewess 🍉|👻🔪  🏳️‍🌈🇸🇩🇭🇹🇨🇩🇲🇲🇧🇩🇳🇨🇱🇧🇩🇲's avatar gin and jewess 🍉|👻🔪 🏳️‍🌈🇸🇩🇭🇹🇨🇩🇲🇲🇧🇩🇳🇨🇱🇧🇩🇲
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(obviously partial to gutter jenny/jennies)$jennadelphia

not begging not you just figure why not, i'm not not in a gutter

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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low effort horror movie idea: CW: you say CW: and whatever follows (blood for instance) is how you die (you explode like a blood balloon)

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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tbh I'm flabber-everything

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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you had me at Jenny Agutter

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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hmm I'll have to try those

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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am I supposed to be doing something here? on earth?

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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but otherwise thank u lol

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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let's say "opportunistic vegetarian"

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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debating taking a 10mg edible tonight after I did yesterday because a) I still had a shitty mood day today and b) I dont want to develop a tolerance

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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the problem with modern german chocolate cakes is everyone thinks buttercream frosting is hot shit and slaps an inch and a half layer everywhere on the cake leaving almost no room for the coconut pecan frosting which is the best damn part of the cake

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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I have "Long SOBC" (havent had a burrito on months)

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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is there a stoner doom band called Atlas Drugged yet

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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another day of sitting around with my swollen itching brain wanting to do things but also not wanting to so how about some more staring into space interspersed with depression

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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I talked to the shelter counselor and we always talk about politics and i try to walk her up to the edge of the abyss with communism shining like a beacon on the other side. she still likes biden though.

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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this'll roger your engineer

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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frenhmch motherfuckers will say some shit like "yaourt" wanna buy a consonant motherfucker

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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oh yeah I forgot there's a connection but I love that movie

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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trying not to take it as a gentle hint that I should consider it

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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for some reason women love to tell me about their gastric bypass surgery

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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is anything in the TPBEU (Trailer Park Boys Extended Universe) worth watching

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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wheI was a kid I wanted to become a fireworks smuggler as a profession (drive to Fillmore and bring them in to Oxnard and Ventura)

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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the person I enjoy talking to here is going to defect to this group because they're from House 2 so RIP my ability to have a conversation

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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ah christ they're moving people from house 2 to house 1 (where I live) and that includes an incredibly loud person who likes to rant about political stuff (correctly, much of the time, but it's still exhausting)

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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I actually enjoyed this one instead of gritting my teeth through it

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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three. jesus fucking christ. "the"

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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tired of doing my social mask routine just want to be alone and be allowed to feel bad and shit

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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three great thing about Avoidant Personality Disorder is that no one in your life believes it's real and you by definition do not have the wherewithal to stand up and scream I HAVE A PROBLEM at the people who should care

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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ok I have grocery money, thank you all for the help and reposts! now to work up the energy to try to get to a store

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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our donations this week have included almost no vegetables but corn and I need some broccoli goddammit

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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maybe this guy should work on leveling up by rolling a giant ball of dung around with his hind legs

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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it's absurdly mean.

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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(this is if you're getting 2 months emergency food aid - they prorate it [!] so if you wait until like the first week I believe you get a full month - I got less than a week plus a 2nd month)

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Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴's avatar Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴
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protip if you're poor in arizona: A) don't tell DES you got $$ from friends on the internet because they will ask for DOCUMENTS (literally email saying "I am X and I sent $ to this person" like tf good is that) and freeze your SNAP benefits and B) sign up at the beginning of the month for max benes

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Reposted by Crypt໐-Zఠఠl໐gᴉcal Dis⅍ter 𓆑🏴

st. clueless, of the vhs's avatar st. clueless, of the vhs
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there is a void on the floor and it’s screaming

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