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That movie looks like something I’d never see, but then I remember the cast. None of them have to be there, so there must be something to it. It’s tempting.

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Biden’s the President. You don’t have to be leftist to have issues with him. Already punching left, and Biden hasn’t even lost, yet. Get out there and make Biden’s case. Maybe he’ll win if you moderates put some work in.

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Biden is entirely responsible for the Gaza protests. He’s out of step with what most Americans want on the issues. That ain’t even the issue, though. People think he’s sundowning. Go convince your neighbors he isn’t, and he may win. Online leftists aren’t the problem. The centrists not working are.

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Yeah, it’s called the first amendment. They have right to petition their government because it pressures leadership to change course. Biden ought to be a better president, so folks don’t have to take to the streets. Razor thin margins are because Biden doesn’t care about winning.

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Republicans just wield the power the constitution provides them. It isn’t fighting dirty, is the point of a political party. The Dems just choose to be ineffective as they are there to take up space so an actual opposition to the GOP can’t gain ground.

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Trump will win because most Americans don’t vote, and he has a dedicated voting block in a lot of states. The 5 leftists on Bluesky aren’t going to cause Biden’s downfall. There isn’t even a leftist political party to organize leftists to vote, so what does that tell you about their power?

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Go knock on doors. Wasting energy scolding online leftists and the NYT won’t get voters in the booth.

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Biden could launch investigations into him and the Heritage Foundation with the DOJ/IRS. Of course he won’t because what if Dems need another conservative policy for them to write, like the ACA for example.

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Liberals need to stop yelling at leftists and criticizing the NYT. They need to use their party organization and get to knocking on doors. Organize antiTrump marches, so on and so forth. Be serious.

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If not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump then not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden. 👍

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They’re a profit making entity. It was always rightwing to some extent. Of course they’ll pull any lever they can to keep their taxes down and increase their profit.

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That’s shits getting in there, I don’t care if the rack breaks.

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Biden should investigate them with both DOJ and IRS. Heritage, Federalist Society, all of it. Scorched earth. Make them squeal.

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Can’t Biden just arrest them?

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We’re unable to counter cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s runs in my family, though, he may have something else going on, but I wouldn’t have wanted my grandma to have access to her car much less be President. That doesn’t make me a monster. The folks dragging him across the line are the problem.

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I know, and it lost him a lot of votes in key states. He’s just a bad politician. Always has been. Obama made him look good, though, behind the scenes he had to constantly be marshaled as he tended to promise too much to GOP for no reason in negotiations. 2020 was honestly a fluke for him.

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However, him being in cognitive decline is what’s going to lose him the election undoubtedly. His age has been his major weakness with voters, and Thursday confirmed their worst fears. It’s should be the other stuff, but that’s not how American voters work.

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Israel/Gaza as well. Really through Michigan in the air and turned off the youth vote for what that’s worth. Dudes just a terrible politician on an instinctive level.

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I agree that he should be hammering this, but he has trouble stringing his thoughts together. Also, supporting Israel’s bombing of Gaza isn’t proLabor, either.

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Democrats aren’t coalition builders. They just tell their voters to keep eating shit, so they don’t have to eat more shit under Republicans.

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Biden isn’t a normal politician. This is why we’re so screwed. People like you thinking Biden, a person who ran on working with Republicans is normal. You want politicians living in denial instead of working to really make your life better.

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Biden shouldn’t have been allowed to run again. Shame on his staff and allies for covering up what we all saw on Thursday. You can’t pull a Reagan in 2024.

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The Democratic establishment and their preferred media outlets covered for Biden’s cognitive decline in order to avoid a primary where a progressive would win. They’re so afraid of regular Americans being better off.

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4 of those Biden could have detained pending corruption trials today. Like right now, and he’d be within his rights as POTUS. Vote harder, though, a few more Congressman will change everything.

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You mean the political party, who are such losers that they lost a political conflict with the Senate Parliamentarian, are going to do nothing to confront a strong, fascist movement in America? Those aren’t going to keep us safe?

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So? Then what, Kamala is President. He’s submitting us to worse lives for 7 months on the job. Plus, it wouldn’t pass the Senate for removal. You’re bad at politics and need to get better quickly.

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Can the “vote blue no matter who” crowd learn anything? Is it possible? Even with near unlimited power given to him by the constitutional order, Biden still won’t use it to make your life better or easier. We don’t need to vote harder, we need an actual political movement.

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It’s okay if Biden uses this power to make the world a better place. Then balances the Supreme Court to overturn this decision. Why isn’t he doing it? He has literally no excuse.

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That tweet about how white culture is just racism is so spot on

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Any quote you can find mentioning bipartisanship.

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Popehat's avatar Popehat
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Classic American political dialogue is premised on the idea that we share fundamental values but disagree on how best to promote them. I haven’t believed this for a while. Other than “I prefer to be alive and not dead” and “I like pudding,” I do not share values with these people.

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 Farm Goth 🇵🇸's avatar Farm Goth 🇵🇸
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When there's a Dem president liberals are like "the president CAN'T [good thing he campaigned on]." Now the SC is like "the president can do whatever lol [rattles tip jar]" and liberals are still on their "if you expect the president to help anything, you're a child who wants a pony" spiel.

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Apparently, they took the Nancy Reagan blowjob scenes out of the Reagan movie. Woke Hollywood ruining another movie!

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Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) 's avatar Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
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Hey so…we are in the middle of a far right coup and the far right is telling you they are going to continue and if we try to stop them they will resort to open violence.This is cartoonish and people need to push these fascist now. Not tomorrow not next week we need massive protests and direct action

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Yeah, installing Pinochet was warm up for what’s happening here. It’s what happens we don’t jail any of the architects of such coups, and allow them to continue to have influence.

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Yeah, that and 70 years of antiCommunist indoctrination to ensure another FDR gets power, who himself was intimidated by the idea of a workers revolution in America. I blame Milton Friedman’s dumbass for making dumb people think they’re smart by reading his dumb ideas.

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There is no left. That’s our problem in our politics. That’s why we are here now. Come on

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It is fascist. He’s a fascist. The entirety of the GOP are and the Dems are collaborators.

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Media Matters for America's avatar Media Matters for America
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Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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listen here, jack - as president, breaking the law is strictly for bombing foreigners, couping other governments, and unlimited domestic surveillance

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Lieberman would be a thing of the past, same with Manchin and Senima. No more spoilers in and outside of the party when Seal Team Six is at the door. I need universal healthcare now. Cut the Gordian Knot.

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All aspirations look high when the GOP is only interested in judicial capture and funneling money to military contractors. I want a party that’ll aspire to jail billionaires and provide universal healthcare.

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The Democrats can’t do anything because we don’t vote enough, but when they actually have power they just pretend like they don’t have it.

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Jackie LeezartTime's avatar Jackie LeezartTime
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“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.

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But what can he do? He’s just a President with no limits to his power.

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