Margot Finn's avatar

Margot Finn

1451 followers 1002 following 1352 posts

Historian of Britain and colonialism, material culture, the EIC. Also works on equalities, museums, open access & research policy. Download the EIC @ Home open access volume here: (or individual chapters via JSTOR)

Reposted by Margot Finn

Pratik Chakrabarti's avatar Pratik Chakrabarti
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Evolution is a network not a tree. It is much more haphazard and interconnected through mimcry, coevolution and sharing than previously believed. In my view, this supports the idea of a new polygenic human evolution, that genomics is suggesting.

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"UKRI’s most recent diversity data – for 2021–22, published in April 2024....[finds for example that] white applicants still had a higher award rate than did Black or Asian applicants, and white males received the largest percentage of awards as both PIs and co-investigators."

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"However, the majority of the House of Commons continue to attend narrow range of universities. 55% attended Russell Group universities (54% in 2019), including 20% who went to Oxford or Cambridge (21% in 2019)." BTW, lots of History (not PPE) graduates in this cabinet. 2/2

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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A comprehensive analysis available with no paywall from Sutton Trust: "Most strikingly, there has been a sea change in the proportion of comprehensive-educated MPs holding power. 73% of Labour MPs attended comprehensives, compared to 42% of Conservative MPs elected in 2019." 1/2

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"The University of Melbourne is developing a process to manage site renaming proposals...[&] is contemplating whether to rename a scholarship called after Daniel Murnane, a veterinary science researcher implicated in the 1926 massacre of at least 11 Aborigines in Western Australia." 3/3

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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'“Although previous efforts in Australia have critically examined the colonial legacies of some university namesakes, no institution has yet taken the step of changing their name. We think that time has come.”' 2/3

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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'“We do not need to retain names that celebrate harmful colonial ideas, figures or sites,” says the submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, a government-endorsed inquiry into injustices against Victorian Aboriginal people.' Might be of interest 1/3

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Ed Wilson's avatar Ed Wilson
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"Not receiving cabinet appointments were Emily Thornberry, who had been shadowing the attorney general post, and Nick Thomas-Symonds, who had been shadow minister without portfolio... we're not counting them as being out of the cabinet yet..."

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Prof Sheena Cruickshank 's avatar Prof Sheena Cruickshank
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This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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Well-spotted Peter. It would be good to know the answer to that.

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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Lisa Nandy at Culture, Media & Sport, quite a (welcome) shift from the recent succession of culture warriors in this post, though also somewhat unexpected.

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"If the RN wins...the abolition of the right to French nationality of those born in France will introduce a profound break in our republican conception of nationality, since people born in France, and who have always lived here, will no longer be French, " their children will not be French either."

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"...the proportion of state-educated members has risen from 54% to 63%. That is still far short of the 88% of people among the general public who went to comprehensive schools, but it represents the highest proportion of state-schooled members ever recorded in parliament."

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Iain Soutar 's avatar Iain Soutar
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Inspired by, I'm going to try getting better at sharing papers I'm finding valuable, if not daily, then perhaps weekly.

This paper sets out some principles & practices for researchers to help avoid 'extractive' relations with communities hosting energy developments:

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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In case you need a quick break from election news: "Citizen Zoo, a group specialising in community-led urban rewilding that helped establish the Ealing beaver project...will examine places where the birds could be returned and engage with London boroughs and local community groups."

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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A new MP from the Social History (and Sociology) stable. Congratulations to Colchester and Professor Cox:

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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And perhaps too there are a few changes that can be made to make things better for universities' labour force.

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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Michael Fabricant: "not strictly speaking a Tory big beast, of the most recognisable Conservative figures in the country thanks to his distinctive hairstyle." Thérèse Coffey: "lest we forget, a short-lived deputy prime minister.. during the blink-and-you-miss-it premiership of Liz Truss."

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"Several Tory ministers were unseated by Lib Dem challenges, including Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, Justice Secretary Alex Chalk, Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer and Science Secretary Michelle Donelan." Meanwhile, Chi Unwurah, Labour's shadow Science minister, has retained her seat. A new dawn.

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Reposted by Margot Finn

The Material Culture of Wills Project's avatar The Material Culture of Wills Project
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Just read Ahnert, Griffin, Ridge and Tolfo's Collaborative Historical Research in the Age of Big Data:

It v helpfully outlines challenges of managing a multidisciplinary Digital Humanities project in UK mixed-rights data landscape. 📇

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Deidre Lynch's avatar Deidre Lynch
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An update on this. No suspicions of arson, it seems. But… Despite being designated a national historical site, the church did not have a sprinkler system (no money to install one). Would be nice if the conservative powers in the province of Ontario were actually interested in conserving things!

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Katrina Navickas 's avatar Katrina Navickas
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Seriously Brum, look at this bizarre procession route for the visit of the King of Afghanistan in 1928

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Natalie Haynes's avatar Natalie Haynes
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🧵 It’s election day here in the UK, so here is a coin from the first century BCE, depicting an election during the Roman Republic. On the back of the coin you can see a really clear image of a man dropping his voting tablet into a cista, or basket. Numismatists have identified

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Dr Mai Musié (ሙሴ)'s avatar Dr Mai Musié (ሙሴ)
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“It is playing politics in a way that will ultimately have a very detrimental impact on the lives of people who come here as refugees, seeking asylum and seeking safety.”

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"Global governments plan to triple the world’s renewable energy resources by the end of the decade..But the ambitious pledge, agreed at last year’s COP28 climate talks, is already in doubt and experts fear that a sharp increase in energy demand from AI datacentres may push it further out of reach."

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"The National Trust, which owns the land, said the “one of a kind” survey was carried out to help it plan for future nature conservation and tree-planting schemes across the landscape, as part of its ambitious targets to address climate change."

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Andy Marshall's avatar Andy Marshall
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Today, as we cast our votes, let's channel the enduring spirit of the Crowhurst Yew. This ancient tree, thought to be 4000 yrs old, once stood as a gathering place for parish councils, harnessing the power of community and collective decision-making for centuries.

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Yvonne Seale's avatar Yvonne Seale
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This Middle Dutch manuscript (ca. 1400) shows how parchment warps when exposed to intense heat—in this case, during a WWII bombing raid. No longer readable as a book, it's still a powerful historical source.

Universitätsbibl. Kassel, 8° Ms. theol. 15:

5 replies 63 reposts 177 likes

Reposted by Margot Finn

Pratik Chakrabarti's avatar Pratik Chakrabarti
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Looking forward to attending the inaugural conference of the International Nineteenth-Century Studies Association (INCSA) in Durham, 10-12 July 2024. My Keynote is on
"The Naked Pharaohs: Decolonizing the Nineteenth Century."

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Annika Bärwald's avatar Annika Bärwald
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CfA: Eight humanities/social science fellowships at the St. Gallen Collegium, 2025-2026. Theme: "Re-interpreting Freedom" 🗃️ 📆 30 Sep 2024 "Two fellowships are designated for advanced doctoral students or early postdoctoral scholars who are currently working at a university in the global south"🌍

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"Prof Maxime Aubert from Griffith University...told BBC News that the discovery would change ideas about human evolution. “The painting tells a complex story. It is the oldest evidence we have for storytelling. It shows that humans at the time had the capacity to think in abstract terms,” he said."

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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File for post-election reading: "Beyond financial penalties, the reputational damage from failing to comply with Martyn’s Law could be profound. Universities are trusted institutions, and any perceived negligence...could lead to a loss of trust from the public, prospective students, and parents."

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Hetan Shah's avatar Hetan Shah
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Can’t be repeated often enough: ‘The creative sector now accounts for around 6 per cent of the UK’s goods and services and employs 2.3mn people.’

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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“There are hardly any buildings left standing. Houses are flattened, roads are blocked, the electricity poles are down in the streets.”

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"...historical nostalgia should not be the sole preserve of the right. The left can also make use of it. We can remind ourselves that a more just society is possible, if only because a few of the necessary conditions have at various moments actually existed...and in the not-so-distant past."

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Charles C. Mann's avatar Charles C. Mann
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Fine WaPo piece from a couple weeks back that both highlights the empty rationales provided by Duke administrators for closing the university's herbarium, one of the nation's biggest, and explains why herbarium collections like the one at Duke can be so scientifically valuable.

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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Special issue in Discourse (vol. 45: 3) on 'The Material Basis of Elite Schooling: Capital and the State', very timely for this election. Includes Gamsu, Ashe & Arday's open access 'Elite Schools and Slavery in the UK--Capital, Violence and Extractivism':

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Reposted by Margot Finn

Liesbeth Corens's avatar Liesbeth Corens
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I've never fully recovered from learning that DataHE belongs to Times Higher Education. It does explain the failure of my attempts at clarifying that all this transactionality with consultancies who have no stakes in the long-term health of the institution but just do facade work...

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Margot Finn's avatar Margot Finn
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"The new report provides an evidence-based critique of a recent independent review in the U.K., known as the “Cass Review,” that has become central to U.S. litigation." This article is important in itself, but also as a reminder that "postcolonial" US law remains entangled in English legal thinking.

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Reposted by Margot Finn

Victorian Commons's avatar Victorian Commons
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It’s 2 days until polling day and our Victorian elections countdown is almost over. 2. Did you know that until 1885, most constituencies elected more than one MP? Find out more about the implications of multi-member seats in our new blog.

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