Esko Pettay's avatar

Esko Pettay

225 followers 177 following 1117 posts

Accumulating climate expertise since early 1980’s.

Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Based on his performance and inability to be coherent he most definitely should step aside. Also, he is a criminal, rapist and way too fascism-curious.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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In order to become a country capable of normal interaction with others, russia would have to go through similar process as Germany did after WWII. They will never change if they always gain something by using terror and violence.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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En anna takuuta, mutta haluaisin kokeilla. Ihan vaan tulevien sukupolvien hyvinvoinnin vuoksi. Toki myös pilkkoutuminen lukuisiin pienempiin valtioihin auttaisi kovasti ja irtautuvat alueet pystyisivät ehkä tervehtymään.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Luulenpa, että venäjän täytyisi käydä läpi samantyyppinen prosessi, kuin Saksan 2. maailmansodan loputtua, kehittyäkseen sellaiseksi valtioksi, joka pystyy normaaliin kanssakäymiseen muiden kanssa.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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I believe that russia can become a somewhat reasonable country only after they have been completely defeated and have been forced to reinvent their national identity. The process would be similar to what Germany went through after WWII.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Fared Al Mahlool | فريد المحلول's avatar Fared Al Mahlool | فريد المحلول
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Russia bombs hospitals in Ukraine and Syria. Russia is a terrorist state and must be destroyed.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Se olisi kyllä viipurilaisten etu ja kaupunki on aikalailla remontin tarpeessa. One could simply walk into Viipuri.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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En tiedä mistä puhutte, mutta kiinnostukseni heräsi.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Abstaining from voting in a situation where you get either a guy you don't like or an absolute monster leads you getting the monster.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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I will never forget or forgive what russia has done.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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I'm glad I don't have friends who bomb children's hospitals.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Le Cagle's avatar Le Cagle
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Y'all, if the far right dismantles the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, it's not just your favorite weather app that won't be as accurate. It's hurricane forecasting, heat risk and tornado warnings, flood risk communication, poof, gone.

9 replies 76 reposts 157 likes

Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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If Biden spoke like Trump, everyone would think he is unfit for the office.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Jussi Ahokas's avatar Jussi Ahokas
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Oon miettinyt tätä paljon viime päivät.

Tämä Tuomaan huomio on kyllä tärkeä.

Pitäisi sanoa rasistinen autoritaarinen oikeisto ja taloudellisesti erittäin sosialistinen vasemmisto, niin tulisivat laidat ja ääret oikein määriteltyä.

#politiikka #määritelmät

2 replies 5 reposts 23 likes

Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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It is crazy how much of the US media wants to make sure they'll be a part of a fascist propaganda apparatus in the near future.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Electing the other guy would likely be worse for Palestinians. It would be worse for the freedoms of millions of Americans, it would make the already very poor climate change mitigation even worse, it would be bad for minorities, threaten democracy etc.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Two party system is stupid. But letting the much worse of the two win is seriously dangerous for the whole world.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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How about reporting about the other guy who is an actual threat to democracy, freedom of Americans, liveable climate etc. It is getting ridiculous how much higher standards media has for the decent candidate.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Tukea Ukrainalle on edelleen lisättävä ja samalla toimittava voimakkaammin sen eteen, että venäjän kyky sotatoimiin ja terroritekoihin heikkenee.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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And the whole civilized world urges the other guy to step aside. Trump is an actual threat to democracy, liveable climate and the freedom of American people but media just needs to focus how the only decent candidate isn't perfect. This should be about the policy not a battle rap.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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I challenge everyone to support Ukraine even more and weaken russia as much as possible.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Harvaa se kiinnostaa, mutta en pysty ikinä antamaan anteeksi tai unohtamaan, mitä venäjä on tehnyt. Aion jatkaa omaa pienimuotoista tukeani Ukrainalle entistä tarmokkaammin ja haastan kaikki muutkin mukaan toimiin, jolla venäläinen terrorismi saadaan loppumaan.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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All this while the other guy is an active threat to democracy, freedom, liveable climate etc.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Yhtenä pahimmista kohtaloista lienee saada osakseen empaattisempaa kohtelua kuin oikeisto olisi toivonut.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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The other guy can keep showing how big of a threat he is to democracy but you need to focus on how the decent candidate is less than perfect.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Katharine Hayhoe's avatar Katharine Hayhoe
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This figure illustrates how record warm ocean temperatures fueled Hurricane Beryl, causing it to intensify faster, reach greater strength, maintain that strength for longer, and likely dump more rain than it would have otherwise. Source:

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Onpa kestävä mies. Osa soluista on kyllä varmaan täytynyt vaihtaa. Ei ole muuten mahdollista.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Joe Katz's avatar Joe Katz
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Nykyhallitus suorastaan huokuu ankeuttavaa ja latistavaa ilmapiiriä.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Zeke Hausfather's avatar Zeke Hausfather
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Global temperatures were extremely hot in June 2024, at just over 1.5C, beating June 2023's previous record-setting temperatures by 0.14C and coming in around 0.4C warmer than 2016 (the last major El Nino event). Now 2024 is very likely to beat 2023 as the warmest year on record

4 replies 37 reposts 66 likes

Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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I just don't understand the Democrats' willingness to throw in the towel. The other guy is rambling incoherently on a daily basis and you guys talk about crisis immediately when Biden is less than excellent. Besides, debating with a serial liar without fact checking by moderators is stupid anyway.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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It is really difficult to debate with someone who lies with great confidence. Especially if moderators don't do any fact checking.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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russia is the world's largest and most dangerous terrorist organization.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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russia is the world's largest and most dangerous terrorist organisation and needs to be stopped.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

The Next Day's avatar The Next Day
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Yeah, I don’t believe this election will be about who’s the superior public speaker. If this election is about abortion, Biden wins. If this election is about democracy, Biden wins. If this election is about character, Biden wins.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Also by the way, CNN did such a bad job by not fact checking Trump. Debating someone who lies with great confidence is really difficult if there is no fact checking.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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By the way, I can't understand how so many Democrats seem to be willing to lose this election. Trump supporters are fine with Trump lying and rambling incoherently. But Democrats are willing to throw the towel in if Biden is less than perfect.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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russia is the world's largest and most dangerous terrorist organization and needs to be stopped.

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Reposted by Esko Pettay

Teemu Backnäs 🌹's avatar Teemu Backnäs 🌹
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Ekomodernistit järjesti paneelin Ruoantuotannon tulevaisuudesta. Tallenne löytyy linkin takaa. Politiikkojen tulee toimia mahdollistajina, jotta voimme hyödyntää paremmin uudet innovaatiot ja sitä kautta pienennettyä tuotannon ympäristövaikutuksia.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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This is part of a global trend. Rising right-wing populism, far-right tendencies, christian nationalism, authoritarianism. What good have those ever brought to people anywhere?

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Trump's 2nd term might also secure an insanely conservative supreme court for decades to come. He would be worse also for Palestinians, all minorities. Even the billionaires who'd get lower taxes would eventually suffer from more unstable US and world.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Trump would slow down our already abysmal climate change mitigation efforts. He would encourage dictators across the world to do whatever they want. He would be bad for most Americans. Also russia's neighbors should be worried about Trump's 2nd coming.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Todettakoon, että en oikein välitä väittelyistä. Niissä sellainen tyyppi, jonka ei tarvitse välittää faktoista, pääsee turhan helpolla.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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No, täytyy nyt sitten vaan varautua Trumpin uuteen tulemiseen. EU:n toimiin uutta puhtia, NATOn painopistettä Eurooppaan. Ja täällä meillä täytyy taklata äärioikeiston nousu. Ja itse tarttis varmaan aktivoitua reserviläistoiminnassa. Sit vielä se isoin juttu, eli ilmasto. Trump on siinä ihan kauhea.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Tärkeintä on pressan mukana tuleva politiikka, hallinto ja vastuuhenkilöt (sekä se, ettei Trump pääse valtaan). Bidenilla on se osasto kunnossa. Eli vaikka Bidenin keho ei jaksaisi kauden loppuun, ei se olisi vastaava ongelma kuin Trump. Mutta surkeaa, että ollaan tässä tilanteessa.

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Pyysikö tuo tummatukkainen kaveri sun nimmaria?

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Esko Pettay's avatar Esko Pettay
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Old and decent candidate vs old and evil narcissist candidate.

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