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Daniel Martin


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One of many, many people with this particular "real name"

Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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The gist has been updated to also include a version of the same program in linux x86 assembly. I've got a small version of the linux program that's a mere 636 bytes; that's still too large for a post on here, but maybe not too much for alt text:

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I'm always surprised when people are pinpointed on such little information. Like I use my real name here and don't do much to hide where I live, but last I knew there were at least three people with this name in my zip code. We didn't even have Mike's last name on here, but she clearly found him.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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That she speaks at length in the podcast is honestly not something that was at all clear to me until I read your transcript. Everything prior to that had led me to believe that the podcast was just the hosts talking about the allegations.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Has she heard about the bird? 'cause you know, everybody's heard about the bird...

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Well non-voters don't need to be told to not vote. Obviously, you want to give that message to those readin' types.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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My suspicion is that the people at Rolling Stone wrote their article based solely on the show notes without actually listening to the audio, probably because of crazy time pressure to publish on this. Because now that we've got an actual transcript of what was actually claimed... Yow.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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We like this around here; we tend to make it non-vegan by using real mayo, but otherwise follow what it says: minimalistbaker.com/chickpea-sun...

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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If only they could have gotten fewer than 100 MPs; then by their own party rules they wouldn't even be able to nominate a new party leader. As it is, any potential new Tory party leader needs a large supermajority of Tory MPs just to be nominated.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Half the places in the county that you'd think are branch libraries actually are, the other half all have their own quirky little reason for existing as independent but affiliated with the county, and then there's the one local public library that is very much NOT affiliated and snippy about it.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Technically, I think that library is an independent 501(c)3 merely affiliated with the county system, and that organization traces its history back to a corporation established by royal charter by King George II,

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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My county library system has a tiny branch(*) a block away from me that's too small to have stuff I'd want. But I can go online and ask the big library to send anything over there and then just walk in and pick it up, for free! * Ok, not _technically_ a branch library, local history is weird, but..

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Which is the problem that was being complained about here, where publications were making it seem like they had a new source or original reporting, when really all they're doing is re-summarizing the same podcast.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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But in the US libel laws around publications that are just repeating existing reporting around public figures is really heavily weighted in favor of publications, even when the publications make it unclear that what they're saying is just a repeat, and not original reporting.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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It's that multi-edged sword of the strong free speech protections that the First Amendment offers. I think it's the best balance to free speech and liability out there, but there are certainly the occasional issues with enabling carelessness.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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The truth will out, but we have to first do the hardest thing: wait. We'll all know more in a few days. In the meantime, I promise to neither sign new contacts with Gaiman nor cancel any existing projects with him, because neither of those are my job.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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To be fair, it isn't that long yet to not have anything else in either direction, but social media and the modern news cycle have given us a distorted sense of time. It's too soon to say "Gaiman should have responded by now". It's also too soon for "there should be another source by now".

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Isn't this the way that luck works in Seanan McGuire's InCryptid series?

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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You'd think with all the "Hunter Biden's laptop" noise they would have come up with a catchy name for "Joe Biden taking money for official VP meetings" and repeated that, which would be an actual story and not just scream "laptop evidence of ...." and then mysteriously trail off.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Ah, so this is connected directly to that pre-existing story about Hunter making money consulting for that Ukrainian energy company, probably based on vague promises of access. I'd missed the "and Joe was getting a cut" part of the story entirely, which would explain the big deal that was made.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Right, but what was the lie even supposed to be about? "This laptop has lots of evidence about <mumble mumble>" is just empty hype; it isn't even a full statement so doesn't have enough content to be a lie. What was it that credulous people believed?

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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He has? Where? I can't find any statement from Gaiman or his representatives about this since the story broke. All the stories I've been able to find either say that Gaiman's people couldn't be reached for comment, or just quote the podcast. (Unless they've been updated since I looked)

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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As an aside, what were the allegations about Hunter Biden's laptop anyway? There was supposed to be all this evidence on it, but I can't remember what it was supposed to be evidence *of*.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I've tried it once or twice since and... it was okay, but just didn't feel right.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I've been working from home since 2012. I was kind of surprised when the pandemic hit and discovered that other people would go do work from home in sweatpants or pajama pants. It had honestly never occurred to me as a thing one might actually do.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Their physical subscription income has been dwarfed by their online income since at least 2010. Their online subscriber numbers were something like 4 times as high when Trump left office as when he started. (most of that growth pre-pandemic) It's hard to walk away from that kind of money.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I think "I don't trust the Republicans to play fair with the electoral vote without a Democratic VP there to run the count" is a pretty solid argument for why he needs her to stay VP, at least in name.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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It is possible that a few of the people pushing other permutations are not deliberately trying to make Democrats lose but are just panicked and spiraling. (But taking the advice of people who are panicking is also not a good idea)

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Though I thought that the recent USSC decision said that the public record of official acts *could* be cited. So, no citing internal communications with comms staffers workshoping potential tweets, but actual public tweets should be admissible.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I prefer "that English author who now lives in Scotland and has initiated legal action against people for calling her transphobic", but admit that it's a mouthful.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I.... I feel like there should be an appropriate reaction gif to this quote, but I cannot imagine what it would be. I'm flabbergasted. Kudos though to the reporter for getting this quote. That's A+ "letting politicians hang themselves with their own words" work.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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My kid, whose birth I announced on LiveJournal, is now off in Japan on his own for several weeks and apparently navigating the arranging-for-housing bureaucracy in Japanese while also attending classes. It's totally nuts.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Dear LinkedIn-DM MBA-program spammer: I cannot imagine deliberately infecting myself with the MBA mindset. Also, as a nearly-50 straight white dude in tech, the fact that you're offering something to me makes me question how strong your commitment to diverse cohorts really is.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I mean, alligators are the pretty obvious choice there. What I'm wondering is what Booker fights. I guess we get copperheads in the Pine Barrens. Does the occasional shark offshore count?

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I love discovering how younger generations continued to get into tech, because part of me is still salty about a slashdot thread from ~1999 where some dude was saying that there wouldn't be future programmers because home computers didn't boot into BASIC anymore.

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Reposted by Daniel Martin

Al Petterson's avatar Al Petterson @eyelessgame.bsky.social
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And it's so terribly frustrating, because they only make it *a little* less bad. And people keep hurting. And that's really awful! But every time we as a society lose our temper, temporarily stop trying, and let the fucking assholes run things, it just gets worse. And it doesn't stop.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I love how much of an unintentional time capsule that video is. The office layout, the reference to "posting 'me too' like some brain-dead AOLer", Comdex being a thing, the office wardrobe, etc.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Also if you're really into movies promoted heavily by music videos (see also "Flashdance" and "Labyrinth")

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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They chose to be loud because they got hit with a right-wing anger-shitstorm and panicked. Panicked people (and corporations are just big dumb conglomerations of people) often act foolishly.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I think that they had generally decent employee benefits as are totally standard at many large US companies, and that included stuff that people stuck in the swamp of modern right-wing rhetoric went absolutely ballistic over. And they caved, because they're cowards and these nutjobs are armed.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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... generally. You need to balance this with the fact that suburban/rural Minnesota gave us the national political presence of Michele Bachmann.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I mean, his piece going back to the posters produced by the Fraternal Order of Eagles is good, but the Louisiana law text manages to take that and make it _even worse_. (Also, the ten commandments aren't the only thing it requires posting: there's also mandatory explanatory text in the law)

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Yeah, but they also endorsed Carol Murphy to take Andy Kim's seat specifically because they wanted to endorse a Democrat who'd "stand up to fellow Democrats" and demonstrate "independence". Now is not the time. NJ3 is a safe D district now; we should run the furthest left candidate we can.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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Also though, he can do petulant evil disturbingly well (his MCU role, in the show Jessica Jones).

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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So has anyone published a thing on how awful the Louisiana required ten commandments text is from a translation/aesthetic angle? Because purely from that angle, it's an incoherent mess. I'm aware that they're copying the text from somewhere else, but doing that was a choice too.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I mean, I guess Obama pulled it off (twice), so maybe with a ground game as good as his there's a shot, but I still think it'd be a seriously uphill battle for her to pull off.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I actually think it's quite possible for Harris to win the national popular vote, especially against Trump. I also think that the national popular vote doesn't matter, the median voter in Ohio is pretty damn racist, and the EV math doesn't allow for a D win without Ohio.

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Daniel Martin's avatar Daniel Martin @fizbin.bsky.social
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I'm more curious what their numbers were in 2017 and 2018. I don't think you can separate out the distinct "stuck at home because of COVID" bump that they got.

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