Chuckles McGee's avatar

Chuckles McGee

31 followers 119 following 274 posts

Still just "probably" not a bot. Still snarky. Chaotic good IT/sci-fi/pop culture nerd. He/Him

Reposted by Chuckles McGee

Cooperstreaming ♿️'s avatar Cooperstreaming ♿️
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Today is a rough, scary day. It's hard to feel helpless. So when I do, I try to do something good, however small.

My friend Ryan lost his job while caregiving for his mother, who has undergone chemo & a quadruple bypass.

Can u share & donate if u can? ❤️

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Agreed, I'm hoping the Dem candidate can get their act together and run a decent campaign between now and November. Polls show it's a much closer race than the Republican primary was.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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She's the big name running in the republican primary for a new district with no incumbent. Having a shitty record and name recognition helped her over the 5 unknowns she was running against. She also "handily won" with only 43% of the vote, so 57% of her district wanted anyone else.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Yeah, but five guys calls that a "small".

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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If cops kept accurate records about the bystanders they injur in high speed chases/general dickishness behind the wheel, these things could possibly help em break their high scores. Unless they had to discount the AutoDrive accidents as true mechanical faults

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Yeah, but a headline like "Texas, the state with most chronically mismanaged power grid, sees swell of users adding solar to avoid more grid failures" doesn't put the right "screw the libs only free market good" polish that FT's editors want

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Oh, I think most of the DW on-screen talent would be furious if their kids couldn't get into their alma mater and be given a free ride. They just don't want more of us hoi polloi getting in than is strictly needed to cover that cost, and ideally no poors.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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And to prove they're not trolling, they took the PFP of a prominent label system manager and added some insult text..? At least it's a simple self-dunking I guess.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Yeah, "best" feature of Medium is that articles are either passable amateur journalism at a 1st year journalism student level, or a biased-as-fuck axe grinding session. If in doubt, you can safely assume the latter. Sometimes a good article sneaks through but those are usually easy to spot

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I decided to check IMDB, and seems this guy co-wrote or wrote 8 episodes of TV shows in the last 14 years. It's really selling that "dude in writers' room nobody can stand to work with and gets canned after 5 weeks tops" vibe you want when trying to sell yourself as an expert on screen writing...

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Trying to find the bright side: in 2 years this may be the past surving, not rusted to hell and back cybertruck. Assuming Autopilot doesn't drive it into a wall or light pole or something

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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If ever there was evidence an officer is completely unfit for duty and should be sacked, I think "staring into their own pepper spray and then firing it in their own face" should be pretty high up there. That doesn't sound like the actions of a well-seasoned officer, does it?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Say what you will about Oprah, but she was annoyingly good at finding, befriending, and promoting the fuck out of just the absolute worst trash humans. Phil will say or do almost anything for a buck or even for free if he gets to screw over someone else.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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What's that, more dodgy manufacturing from Boeing?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Eh. It's been 8 years, we're due to make it to the Super Bowl, lose by a solid 20-30 points, and finally break our tie with the Pats as the most Super Bowl loosingest team ever.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I can appreciate how difficult it must have been for the professor to give that hot take while their head was so far up their own ass that it has lapped itself twice and is closing in on a third pass.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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And it doesn't rust away after a few months!

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Well, he IS well-known for being a magic user....

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Which is a shame, I think Lionel could run circles around T's current counsel but his standards were too high

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I am not lawyer, but given the precedent of Trump posting on TS --> direct harassment of whoever he posted about spanning across every current case, it sounds like the judge is prioritizing witness safety over professional courtesies. Nothing wrong with that

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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There are a few really good impressionists out there, I'm sure paying for a Cameo would be cheaper than developing a sleazy AI mod

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Hasn't Cenk always been a bit of Diet Bill Maher? Less asshole aftertaste, but the same "I'm the smartest social boy" narcissism and blind spots to anything that doesnt directly inconvenience him?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Error00000:We can't be arsed into making a useful error message. Suck it!

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Just curious, but what would be awful with an amendment that say limited people to a lifetime limit of 25 years on any federal bench or 20 years in any elected positions with keeping a 2-term limit on the president?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I never understood the "all part of his master plan" talk with Musk. He's a credit-stealing dolt who got forced to buy Twitter like you said. We're seeing his "brilliance" with him driving Twiter off a cliff, driving down Tesla stock price, and bouncing between schemes and lies to slow the bleeding.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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If it's the incident I'm thinking of, didn't she or her ilk accuse someone of altering the picture before uploading it?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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It's the biggest reason I hate Ring: their weekly "Neighborhood Reports " or whatever they called it was occasionally pulling stats for a 20+ mile radius just to get enough juicy violent crime to report. And they had to hype up all the violent crime to sell you more products every week...

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Reposted by Chuckles McGee

The Onion's avatar The Onion
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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Not going to lie, I started counting fingers and paying way too much attention to textures because I'm not sure if the prompt they gave the AI was "family posed around table in an Ikea demo kitchen" or if it was just the kitchen th3y generated and they photoshopped the family in later.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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IIRC from an article I read 10ish years ago asking Americans to estimate how much Fed money their state gets compared to other states: it was insane how many red states folk thought they were mostly self-sufficient and almost all Fed money was going to liberal hotspots like Oregon, Cali, and NYC.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I'm not sure edgelords have a "win" condition, so much as they want to see everyone else "get triggered" and lose. Sarcasm-quoting that one because I've seen way too many take the Wimp Lo approach and assume us ignoring them means they're succeeding and we're just too "triggered" to process it...

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I think dude might have been shamed into deleting the whole account. "With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some [skeet] in all of his favorite [threads], [women enjoying things] are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know..."

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Wobbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff indeed

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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What's kinda great is DC kinda already did this with Matt Ryan. He was John Constantine in the canceled NBC series, got cast for the same role in the unrelated Arrowverse, and I think is still the go-to voice actor for any animated incarnation because he was just that good and the fans love him.

1 replies 2 reposts 25 likes

Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Or going off your height in bio, something like "tuff-n-tiny". Make it easy for the NSOs/zebras to remember who you are when they're looking at the roster. ;)

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Depending on how much your inner sailor comes out when the skates go on, Cursey Allie is also right there.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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"Tucker Carlson Encounter" sounds like you're peeing at a urinal and some guy is standing so close you feel him looking over your shoulder and his breath down the front of your shirt while loudly asking why you're taking so long to finish. Not clear if he's waiting to go or just, y'know, Tucker.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Am I hallucinating, or wasn't the Hill a halfway respectable rag at some point?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Congrats on both of your recent acquisitions

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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No, but they will continue to ask the more important questions: 1) how does Biden's age affect this new development? 2) does this fine reflect the perceived economic troubles of the Biden economy?

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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There's at least one Todd cameo in Lindsay Ellis' videos, I want to say it was a 1st-season-Daredevil style with his face mostly covered still. But he clearly only had one chin, a discernable jaw, and was neither orange or shockingly pale, so we can rule out TFG or his sons.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I currently have cafe curtains over my sink with assorted coffee-related images on 'em. Would be nice to rotate it out with these in a while.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Basically, yeah. The author cited Midjourny for the images, so the paper says that's good enough.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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It may look stupid, but only for 2-3 years til it rusts away

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Sadly, Tucker's inability to make anyone climax in any way will prevent this from actually happening.

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I mean, it's one banana, Melanie, what could it cost? $500,000 dollars? But honestly, yeah. Kinda sickening how ads for Jesus asking to love one another always seem to come from groups who are against LGBTQIA+ rights, aiding the poor, tax reform to stop wealthy tax cheats, etc

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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Unrelated, but it's also kinda effed how often "It's a good thing PETA didn't succeed in <blank> by exploiting/torturing/killing those animals" can be said...

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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I'd be far more surprised if they're not demanding Patreon treat their work like NFTs and not let people right click+save...

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Chuckles McGee's avatar Chuckles McGee
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To your point though, it was the same basic idea as the pipeline as talk radio/Fox News-> right wing beliefs -> "leftists are drinking baby blood in this pizza store basement" conspiracy bullshit. It was just much, much faster. But algorithms have largely shifted to ragebaiting for clicks instead.

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