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Health Care Renewal

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Roy Poses is "Chief" Blogger at Health Care Renewal - addressing threats to health care's core values, and now larger threats to the democracy needed to advance health and welfare

Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Why do politicians hate ‘the elite’ – when they are the elite?- a useful way for Trump and his fellow Republicans to rearrange the goalposts of debate. So why is the US president now sinking to that level?

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"We have to do anything we can to stop Trump.... Just because we managed to barely survive the Trump stress test to our constitutional order once...does not mean our democracy can survive another 4 Trump years with his now SCOUTS-fortified...impunity"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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81 year old retired reporter: "wondering...if he...knew where he was...what was going on...slack-jawed, vacant stare...inability to articulate clear thoughts...parry...flood of falsehoods.... This...wasn’t the Joe Biden I recall...[from] a decade...ago"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[Now he's just silly] "laughable assertion that a gathering...numbering in the hundreds was...crowd of 45,000....Biden...raised the price of bacon four-fold....Electric car...drivers had to stop for 3 hours to recharge...after...45 minutes of driving"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Senators cite “'evidence of repeated and willful omissions of gifts and income from Justice Thomas’s financial disclosure reports' ...required by the Ethics in Government Act....'possibility of additional tax fraud and false statement violations'"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[What they think of us] Militant Anti-Abortion Activist... Influencing Republican[s] "enemies [are]...wicked dogs, whores...tyrants. 'When you see sodomy...women in behaving like effeminate...squirrels, judgment is in the land"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[They're still at it] US and Allies Take Aim at Covert Russian Information Campaign [used AI] "to spread propaganda in the United States, Europe and Israel with the goal of undermining support for Ukraine and stoking internal political divisions"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Trump 2025 Coming Into View “what would be a greater challenge for democracy- maintaining it while conducting a civil war or having a president who is committed to undermining it, in concert with possible allies in...bureaucracy...judiciary...Congress?”

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[It's always about the money] How Mar-a-Lago Became the Center of Gravity for the Hard Right [while] "the political is profitable" for Trump

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"president’s stumble...fallout that followed is a huge, consequential news story that deserves...coverage. [But]...coverage is overkill... too much in quantity...breathless in tone...taking up so much oxygen that a story even more important" drowned out

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Project 2025: inside Trump’s ties to the rightwing policy playbook-Trump has disavowed the manifesto, but his goals for civil service cuts, deportation and more show a shared vision

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"He could prove his mental acuity...competence, and vitality television appearances and press conferences....demonstrate his cognitive and neurological health by submitting to clinical testing and then releasing the results"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"only real hope for salvaging the situation would have get out there as often as possible to do open-ended news conferences and interviews to show that his bad night was a fluke....he didn’t" This isn't just about giving your all

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[Do they all have sexual issues?] Trump-appointed US District Judge Joshua M Kindred resigned "after an internal investigation concluded he created a hostile work environment for his law clerks and engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship with one"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Texas [Republican] governor [Abbott] jets off to Asia as state is hammered by deadly Hurricane Beryl [Govern, he's supposed to govern?]

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"politics of expulsion [persist]....vitality of illiberalism...[facilitates] ...efforts to remove those...who don’t fit the illiberal vision.... Trump’s remove...20M people.... would be one of the largest forced ...history"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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We are in "a new era of hybrid war....war with the already happening across the globe.... if there are not yet Russian drones flying over E.U....fighting is already the form of disinformation, spying and hacking"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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What should Biden et al do? Get "media realism", release "full medical record", provide "some candor", elected democrats need to be even more candid, get "out much more frequently in more demanding, unscripted settings"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"Biden’s word salad and sudden drops in volume to pianissimo... a microcosm of the questions at the heart of the 2024 Democratic campaign: Is the president’s mental state strong enough to beat...Trump...can he serve for 4 more years?"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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What created "country’s geriatric political class...unwillingness to question incumbency and accumulated power...staff that are personally and politically invested in protecting their aging bosses...sense of loyalty and legacy...trumps pragmatism"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Biden Tries to Soothe His Top Fund-Raisers on a Private Call [19 minutes of apparently prepared remarks, took 4 pre-screened questions. [To show he is up to the task, we need longer, extemporaneous remarks and ability to handle unexpected questions]

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Republicans call Trump’s move to distance himself from Project 2025 ‘preposterous’ [If the public only realized how extreme, nay fascist this plan is...]

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"The president issued an executive order establishing the Cyber Safety Review Board in May 2021 and ordered it to start work by reviewing the SolarWinds attack. But for reasons that experts say remain unclear, that never happened"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Medicare’s crazy payment system is creating monopolies in health care- Treatments shouldn’t cost more just because they happen at a hospital.

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Lessons from the French and British elections "need for the center left and center right to work together to thwart extremists....the potential appeal of centrism and competence as political antidotes to populism....the power of an anti-incumbent message"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Justices "publish incompetently drafted decisions that sow confusion...refuse to accept responsibility when those decisions lead to ridiculous and immoral outcomes...take liberties with...facts...can’t the plain text of an unambiguous statute"

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Reposted by Health Care Renewal

Micah's avatar Micah
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in a world with a rising fascist tide this is the only way forward until we can figure out how to turn it around it can be done things don’t have to be as bad as possible

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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France shows us: the far-right can be defeated. Resistance is not futile. "initial projections were released showing the New Popular Front leading, with the presidential bloc in second and far-right National Rally in third place"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"gerontocracy [occurs when]... power and wealth are accumulated within certain families...a certain [made for]...democratic transformation...evolved into structures in which stability matters above minimise political disruption"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"His family has had to have seen the change in him over the last 4 years,.... don’t understand why they would continue to push him in this direction...humiliating for him to be seen this way...[not] an elderly person in that situation"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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The denial and disinformation facing October 7 survivors “We are the only country in the world that has to go through a massacre like this, an act of barbarism..., and people will not believe us...want... proof...blame us for manipulating the truth.”

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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What far-right believes "there’s nothing left to conserve...institutions are too corrupted...overtaken by liberalism...must be overthrown. A new order must be... a reactionary social agenda" which does not preserve the hopelssly liberal old ways

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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After 9 Months of War, Israelis Call for a Cease-Fire Deal and Elections [challenging current far-right government] “And Bibi?”... He needs war so there won’t be elections”

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"court’s conservative majority (partial...exception of...Barrett)...made...policy choices [not]...the kind of close textual analysis...the hallmark of originalism....choices are...not textual...not... constitutional...contradict...the founders"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Biden, asked how he would feel if Trump were to win: "as long as I gave it my all...did the goodest job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about" but if a Trump win is an existential threat to democracy, defeating him is the only important thing

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[Are they all unethical or criminal?] Gail Ennis, Trump nominee for Social Security IG who served since 2019, obstructed an inquiry into her conduct per the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"Biden has succeeded through sheer force of will, defying the doubters and the skeptics and the scorners... now...that self-confidence leaves him increasingly isolated in his own party. 'You really see a president in denial and in a bubble'"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"If you take your eye off the ball of democracy for any...time, no amount of history will save you. Americans have taken our eyes off the ball.... [good] ideas are winning but our electoral politics no longer care about representing the winning ideas"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[Fascists? We ain't no fascistsTrump’s Camp Says It Has Nothing to Do With Project 2025 Manifesto — Aside From Writing It- Trump administration officials and campaign staff helped draft the controversial playbook and appear in its videos"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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[Are they all scam artists and liars?] Ultra-MAGA candidate for MO AG, Will Scharf, wildly exaggerates his crime-fighting credentials "violent crimes accounted for only about 4% of the cases prosecuted by Scharf"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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Robert F Kennedy Jr promises to not ‘take sides’ with respect to 9/11 if elected president [Um, there are "sides" to 9/11?] "It’s hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn’t" [That answers that, umm]

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"75 years of rightwing rip-off....anti-communist crusade of...Roy Cohn...Moral Majority...attempt to bring down... Clinton...Tea Party...Cohn’s protege, Trump....where that money comes from...grifters’ own supporters"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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"From a neurological standpoint, we were concerned with his confused rambling; sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence; halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at times in a flat, open-mouthed expression”

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Reposted by Health Care Renewal

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Waving away dangerously autocratic & illiberal stuff like the Reawaken America tour as just "church stuff" is how fascism comes to America with the passive assent of millions of apolitical white people who have no deep desire to be "the baddies" of American democracy.

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Reposted by Health Care Renewal

Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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So here we have a GOP gubernatorial nominee calling for followers to kill people who he claims are enemies of Christian America. How many chin-stroking pieces are we going to see about how the GOP is in real trouble now that one of its candidate is really ol--I mean violent?

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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rogue prosecutor is...more dangerous to...rule of law than a rogue commander-in-chief[?] "court’s logic is oxymoronic...constitution demands the president faithfully execute the law, he is immunized for his attempt to corrupt and subvert that very law"

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Health Care Renewal's avatar Health Care Renewal
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More former Trump fans willing to get real: Jan Brewer "The former governor of Arizona, once a Trump surrogate in the swing state, is now speaking up to defend the state’s elections as election denialism continues to grip Republican politics"

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