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Covid is not a cold, masking is praxis, let's take care of each other šŸ˜· he/him reading (speculative fiction, philosophy) | gaming (video, board) | listening (metal, podcasts from the left)

Reposted by Nate

Reposted by Nate

Prisonculture's avatar Prisonculture
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No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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ā€œThere is still much work to be done. But if you ever stopped masking, there has rarely been a better time to start again. Mask up and show your solidarity. Eric Adams will hate it.ā€

Thank you and ā¤ļø

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Nate's avatar Nate
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"One leaves the film, instead, thinking of concepts, of the world around themā€”with a heightened sense of the aesthetic, capable of seeing the everyday in a new light. And this light, like the light on the Hƶssā€™s yard, is harsh: when you see the soil now, is that all you will see?"

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Death Panel's avatar Death Panel
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In our latest, we look at the rise of anti-mask legislation in New York and North Carolina: how North Carolina managed to make its mask ban worse, why New York Democrats are trying the same thing, and how the rise of bans is an attempt to break solidarity

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My IRL friends call me Chris's avatar My IRL friends call me Chris
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Great piece.

"If the COVID situation is tracked & the public warned, things donā€™t feel normal. But if we donā€™t monitor or mention it, then things can feel ā€œback to normalā€ā€”fine, even."

Weā€™ve Hit Peak Denial. Hereā€™s Why We Canā€™t Turn Away From Reality

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Fantastic piece that really resonates with a book I'm currently reading, The Exhausted of the Earth - highly recommended, a galvanizing screed against internal resilience and instead advocating resistance to the myriad external forces currently worsening our lives and destroying our planet.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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"We need to work harder to catch ourselves in the act of staying silent or avoiding uncomfortable information...We need to guard against lowering our standards for normalcy. When we mentally and emotionally recalibrate to the new normal, we also disassociate from our own humanity."

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Nate's avatar Nate
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"The illness...must be colonization: through contagion or side effect, the brutality of colonialism folds back on the colonizer. The occupation exacts a price on its enforcers. Missing is historical time, through which we see that the problem starts with the decision to colonize."

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Nate's avatar Nate
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My partner and I were both vaccinated annually since 2021 - but all it took was catching COVID for the first time in September 2023 and my partner has been struggling with long-term health issues since. Vaccines are crucial, but we still need other layers to protect each other, masking is caring ā¤ļø

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Also my partner and I were both vaccinated annually since 2021 - but all it took was catching COVID for the first time in September 2023 and my partner has been struggling with long-term health issues since. Vaccines are crucial, but we still need other layers to protect each other.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Yep this is great, but access to them is effectively gated for a lot of people who canā€™t afford them (both domestically and internationally)! We need to push for both the science and the accessibility to them - theyā€™re not helpful when not in arms šŸ˜ž

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Which is why vaccines should be free to all and given twice a year with as updated formulas as possible given variant spread, totally agree. Iā€™m also going to continue advocate masking as another layer to help mitigate transmission, especially since most people are not updated on recent vaccines.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Vaccinate, mask, and promote ventilation improvements along with continued research into Long Covid prevention and treatment - this isnā€™t a ā€œsingle answer onlyā€ issue.

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Bilbo Yaga 's avatar Bilbo Yaga
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ā€œThe Pentagon used fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of Chinaā€™s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day.ā€ NECROPOLITICS: use of power to weaponize illness & disability. See also: mask bans. Resist. Wear an n95.

2 replies 4 reposts 8 likes

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Julia Doubleday's avatar Julia Doubleday
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I was nervous to write this bc I know all the outlets I called out have a lot more resources than me; however, Iā€™m simply tired of watching journalists bill themselves as leftists while they silently watch us die. Enough.

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran
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UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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No worries, wishing you the best.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Hmm, I guess I look around me and see tons of unmasked people in large public spaces, and unmasked kids at school day after day, and that reads to me as people largely acceding to the view that catching Covid repeatedly is no big deal. Otherwise why keep risking catching it again and again?

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Nate's avatar Nate
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I was more complaining that all we are left with to track Covid spread is wastewater data - that's why it's cited so much, even though it's unreliable as a metric. People have been told Covid is no big deal, and devoting more resources to tracking it reliably would be counter to that messaging.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Vaccines have certainly been shown to reduce chances of Long Covid, and everyone should get them - but there is no evidence showing they fully prevent it. Here's a good piece that provides a bunch of information to help understand why our current vaccine-only approach isn't sustainable, too:

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Nate's avatar Nate
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I think the larger issue here is that wastewater is the only publicly available metric left for the vast majority of people to try to assess Covid prevalence, outside of anecdotal assessments. This has been a concerted effort on the part of our government to justify complacency over Covid waves.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Thatā€™s really good advice, I should start doing that.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Yeah, I had one of those interactions yesterday - they tend to end in me getting blocked by the person whose rationales I am challenging, but I always try to engage in good faith.

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Sadia's avatar Sadia
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Really think capitalism has a harder time coopting disability justice because disability activism requires that you value people beyond their labor. Disability activism requires you to see the humanity outside of what we can produce, the value of the existence of life

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Lots of Covid minimization flying around the BlueSky these days. Whether apathy or motivated reasoning, it's certainly not in line with the continued accumulation of evidence indicating how badly we need to pursue actual solutions and continue our layered mitigations until we have them.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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And on yours are the various people youā€™ve passed this potentially disabling and debilitating disease on to, I guess.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Iā€™ve been able to share her essays with people as approachable means of educating on continued risks of Covid infections, with studies cited and linked throughout. As a result, more people I know have started masking again, protecting themselves and others - thatā€™s definitely ā€œsomethingā€ Iā€™d say!

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Nate's avatar Nate
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I 100% agree with this - but I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to claim Julia is doing this at all! I donā€™t feel fear when I read her essays, I feel more empowered to continue to care for others and advocate for better health for us all.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Like thatā€™s literally how our capitalist system functions, there is exponentially more pressure applied to people to act as if nothing is wrong and get back to work to fatten up those elite pockets. Advocating care for othersā€™ health is the opposite of that, Iā€™m thankful Julia is doing that work.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Itā€™s funny, because actually everyone proclaiming that Covid is no big deal anymore is trying to extract money from me.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Ah yes, the ableism coming from a ā€œpromoter of rationalityā€ with PhD in his literal username, 10/10, no notes! šŸ˜‚ You can just say you donā€™t want to wear a mask, no need to pretend that there havenā€™t been continued findings (many of which Julia provided) showing why thatā€™s still a very good idea.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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ā€œI donā€™t find it inspiring to laud 75,000+ preventable deaths in a single year as a victory. I also donā€™t find it doomerism to demand betterā€¦I find it doomerism to accept notably worsened health outcomes and higher levels of illness than we had just a few years agoā€¦ā€ -

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Nate's avatar Nate
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"The reason right-wingers hate vaccination roll-outs and mask-wearing is as simple as the same reason Covid data collection has been largely abandoned: it reminds people that we're still in a pandemic, and that Covid is dangerous. And as stated already, capitalism and care cannot co-exist."

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Nate's avatar Nate
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"...being unmasked doesnā€™t only convey the sentiment 'I donā€™t think I can be disabled by COVID,' it also broadcasts the accusation, 'I donā€™t believe YOU can be disabled by COVID'...[it] is an insistence on onesā€™ inalienable right to expose others to COVID without their consent.ā€ - Julia Doubleday

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Deaths from acute Covid infections are down - this is a good thing ā¤ļø Vaccines reduce the risk of death and severe outcomes, including Long Covid - this is a good thing, get updated formulas regularly ā¤ļø Each reinfection still contributes additional risk of Long Covid - this is a bad thing šŸ˜·

1 replies 3 reposts 12 likes

Nate's avatar Nate
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Same, thanks for this clarification, , I really appreciate your thoughts and insights, whether here, on your blog, or on Death Panel ā¤ļø

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Nate's avatar Nate
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In a recent thread for a post proclaiming low weekly death counts for Covid, I saw the same pattern as always - smug liberals using ablist insults to denigrate those who continue to mask. Not sure thereā€™s much worse than smug liberals these days, whether itā€™s in regard to Covid or Palestine.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Good one Gregg, and after taking a glance at your recent posts, I can see why youā€™re so dead-set against thinking about the welfare of others when it comes to Covid - Iā€™ll let you get back to heckling protesters against genocide.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Yeah, Iā€™m gonna continue to advocate for disabled and vulnerable people to have a right to participate safely in society, especially since Long Covid is continuing to increase their ranks with each passing day that people continue to refuse to mask for each other, and even attempt to outlaw it.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t care about potentially disabling people in a society with no social safety net. But by all means, continue to radiate smugness, thatā€™s a common theme Iā€™ve found in people who canā€™t be bothered to care about others.

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Nate's avatar Nate
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You are using self-reinforcing logic when you say ā€œlook aroundā€ - if you continued masking, I would look around and see you masking. Social distancing doesnā€™t help with airborne transmission, ā€œdropletsā€ were always a lie. Society is not breaking down - I donā€™t think thatā€™s a symptom of Covid?

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The Left Page & Here Be Media's avatar The Left Page & Here Be Media
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Episode 79 - Gogmagog: Hybridity, innit? W/ Eden
(of Heavy Blog is Heavy, Death // Sentence and AnarchySF!)

We talk about the very weird book by Jeff Noon and Steve Beard, their fantasy non-England, and the many hybrid forms and shapes in the book!


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cc ā›µļø's avatar cc ā›µļø
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begging everyone to listen to this episode

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Death Panel's avatar Death Panel
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Now unlocked: we take a close look at a widely shared piece from NPR which presents avoiding covid both as the product of unreasonable ā€œanxietyā€ and as something immunocompromised people should let go of lest their loved ones consider abandoning them

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The Left Page & Here Be Media's avatar The Left Page & Here Be Media
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Episode 39 - Scavenger's Reign (2023): How Space Exploration Leads Us Back to Ourselves w/!!

We talk about this great SF show,its integration of psychological and social, and how we relate to the environment and ourselves!


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Nate's avatar Nate
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"...the meaning of life is to never give up ā€“Ā no matter if itā€™s too late to prevent catastrophe; no matter how many disasters pile up; no matter how overwhelmingly powerful the enemy is. force in the world today...practises this meaning like the Palestinian resistance." - Andreas Malm

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Nirali's avatar Nirali
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Instead of going to shows from artists that not only take zero COVID precautions but actively perform while contagious, follow your local Clean Air Club to find COVID-safe shows in your area!

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Reposted by Nate

Artie Vierkant's avatar Artie Vierkant
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We recorded this yesterday afternoon, and while it appears increasingly likely the house may address some of the public health issues with the bill, thereā€™s a whole lot more at stake that needs pushback and bodes poorly for future expansions of criminalizing masking and protest:

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