Paul Dechene's avatar

Paul Dechene

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Covering Regina city council for Prairie Dog Magazine, identifying improvement vectors for CJTR’s Queen City Improvement Bureau. #WarOnCars

Reposted by Paul Dechene

Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Agreed. If it lives up to the concept drawing, I think it'll be fine.

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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PS… Facebook is worthless for sharing information.

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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So… anyway… I've contacted the developer to see if they'll send me a pdf of the flier they sent to neigbours but based on the little information available, I am cautiously content with this development and fuck the haters. #yqrcc /end

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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And, we've ditched our parking minimums so that's good and wouldn't hold it up anyway. /8 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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And when I say it's a conforming development, I mean under the pre-HAF zoning. Doesn't look too tall, that street is already zoned for multi-family, has a strip of greenspace so probably set back the right amount. Can't see the parking but it's a big lot, lots of room for 4 stalls. /7 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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And, actually, I haven't seen anything about this come to council — if it did, it was a blink-&-miss-it blip — so that pretty much confirms it's conforming, so the community really just has to deal with it. /6 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Also, again, I haven't seen anything more than that grainy phone pic of a flier above — that seems to be all 95% of the commenters are working off of — but that looks like it 100% conforms to the zoning so there's nothing the community can do to stop or change it. #yqrcc /5

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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So this building would just be following a trend of gently densifying this part of Cathedral in the style of whatever is trendy at the time. /4 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Big complaint, no surprise, is the design doesn't "fit" w/ the community character which is absurd b/c if you look across the street from this, there are a bunch of what would've been egregiously modern-for-the-time 3-storey walk-up apartments built in the… 60s & 70s I'm guessing? /3 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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So, no mention of how many units — I'm guessing 4?? — nothing about the height or the setback from the sidewalk, parking allowance. Just, a picture and everyone is sharpening their pitchforks. /2

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Oh man… so there is an infill development coming to Cathedral & commenters in their FB group are setting their fucking hair on fire over it. So far though, as far as i can tell, this pic of a pic is all anyone outside of immediate neighbours to the property have seen. /1 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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I've been live tweeting city council meetings since 2013. I find it to be a useful & informative exercise. But this debate about what to do with central branch is pointless. It has been going on since I started covering council in 2008. There is no reason to cover it today. Nothing will be decided.

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Who am I kidding. The actual admin recommendation is to DEFER A DECISION! We've been deferring a decision for a decade and a half. Why should today be any different? #Yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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It is so gorgeous outside right now. The least council could do is decide SOMETHING so that the time stuck indoors seems not entirely wasted. But they are going in the same fucking central library circles. I wouldn't be surprised if the end result is a referral back to admin. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Council has been going on for over ninety minutes now and NOTHING new has happened. We're having an identical central library debate to dozens council's had over the last 15 years. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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So yeah… I have very little patience for the boomers who want to see that legacy preserved as "modern heritage." #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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The fucking arrogance that was on display w/ mid-century public architecture & city design is impressive to behold. From the shit public buildings they barfed up to the way they bulldozed everything to make way for freeways & car parks. Just fucking awful. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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And I find it doubly despicable b/c the city demolished a lovely stone & brick carnegie library to put up this piece of ill-conceived crap. If the old library was so easily thrown in the trash, this one is also disposable. Toss it. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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I have to be honest with you Bsky (b/c you can't say this on twitter or you'll get run out of town) the current central library is not a "fine looking" heritage building. It's a garbage box. It represents the worst of mid-20th century perfunctory design. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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I was going to write that about this central library debate that I am in hell but this isn't hell, it's purgatory. I am in purgatory. Grey, dusty, immutable, tedious, repetitive, dreary purgatory. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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The same people keep coming out and saying the same things. Council keeps asking the same questions. The library board gives the same answers. Year after year after year. It's embarrassing. A plague on all their houses. #yqrcc /3

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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First item is the central library. I am so fucking done with the central library debate. It has been going on since I started covering city council SIXTEEN YEARS AGO and there has been literally zero progress on this in all that time. #yqrcc /2

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Regina is having a special city council meeting today b/c they are so far behind on their work. /1 #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Safeway said “we don’t do housing” and also “people want surface parking lots” and “if you don’t accept our design we’ll sell this property and make it so there’s never another grocery store in your neighbourhood.”

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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That grocery store pic (top R)… Cathedral has a reputation for NIMBYism but when the 13th Ave Safeway renovation was being debated, residents were saying they’d prefer a design that included several storeys of housing on top over the boring store design we ended up getting.

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Reposted by Paul Dechene

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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Do not lose hope. Scream, yell, demand better, and say these thieves' names. You are being given less so that others can have more, you are having things taken from you by corporations because they must always please the nebulous form of the shareholder.

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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Generative AI is a tool that only seems revolutionary to people that haven’t written, coded, drawn, or created anything in years. Yet these are the people at the top of the tech industry, forcing billions of dollars into unprofitable, unsustainable tech.

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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Generative AI is exciting to the disconnected business freaks running our economy, as it’s a way to abstract and outsource even more forms of labor. It's part of their nihilistic corporate fantasy - a company with no employees and one rich CEO.

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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When you have a society and economy dominated by people who neither create nor understand the things they’re selling, people that don’t experience or respect labor, their natural thought will be that any form of creativity or “work” can be automated.

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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Shareholder supremacy is poisoning every industry, making Boeing's planes lethal, making movie companies *deliberately not release movies*, all thanks to a management sect that doesn't use their products and holds a deep contempt for their customers.

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Katharine Hayhoe's avatar Katharine Hayhoe
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“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear.

In a nutshell, NO.

We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb!


18 replies 212 reposts 646 likes

Reposted by Paul Dechene

Phillip Meintzer's avatar Phillip Meintzer
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AB failed on 17/23 climate policy indicators. AB has the highest emissions in CAD. AB represents 38% of CAD's emissions. AB emissions have grown 7% since 2005. The oilsands are 38% AB emissions and 12% of CAD. Oilsands emissions grew 142% since 2005!!! AB is letting CAD down. #ABPoli #ABLeg #CDNPoli

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

The War on Cars's avatar The War on Cars
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Today, July 4th, most Americans will celebrate their independence by sitting in traffic on subsidized highways in cars they financed via high-interest loans from multinational banks and that they fueled with dinosaur juice imported from petrostates that hate the U.S.

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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We got a (discredited) inquiry into imagined political influence by environmental groups. Meanwhile, here's an oil exec EXPLAINING ON TAPE how they manipulate the media, civil servants, politicians & indigenous leaders. So… when are the hearings? <crickets>

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Cautiously optimistic? I don't know him at all and have heard very little. Seems qualified though.

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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I was on CBC Sask w/ the very excellent Vanessa Mathews of the UofR & Judith Veresuk of Regina Downtown BID talking about downtowns in Saskatchewan and how to make them vibrant. #urbanism

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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I'm GUESSING — as in, I don't know anything but I'm just putting imaginary bets upon:
Bresciani runs, Findura does not, Nelson runs, Mohl does not. Mancinelli? I can't tell with that guy but if I HAD to put down money I'd say yeah, he's running again.

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Challengers who've declared according to the LP:
Ward 1: Jessie Morris
Ward 2: Chidi Igwe, George Tsiklis
Ward 3: David Froh
Ward 4: Charles Umeh
Ward 7: Shobna Radons #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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FTR, Zachidniak said in a scrum after the urban chicken debate that she was running but hasn't confirmed that lately. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Running/Not running as of 3:17pm Jul 3:
Mayor: running
Ward 1: Stadnichuk not
Ward 2: Hawkins running
Ward 3: Stevens not
Ward 4: Bresciani dunno
Ward 5: Findura dunno
Ward 6: LeBlanc running
Ward 7: Nelson dunno
Ward 8: Zachidniak dunno
Ward 9: Mancinelli dunno
Ward 10: Mohl dunno #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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We already know that Ward 3 councillor, Andrew Stevens, will also not be running. #yqrcc

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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Regina city councillor for Ward 1, Cheryl Stadnichuk, announces she will not be seeking reelection. #yqrcc

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Reposted by Paul Dechene

Brent Toderian's avatar Brent Toderian
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NEW: Ford’s CEO tells the truth, that the automaker needs a “radical change.”

“We are just in love with these monster vehicles. We have to start to get back in love with smaller vehicles. It’s super important for our society and for EV adoption.”


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Paul Dechene's avatar Paul Dechene
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Shows made for kids that aren't pandering schlock: • Avatar: the Last Airbender • Gravity Falls • Over The Garden Wall • Coraline (& Laika in general) • Secret Of The Kells (& Cartoon Saloon in general) • all of Miyazaki

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