Maria Popova's avatar

Maria Popova

2429 followers 445 following 391 posts

Polisci prof at McGill U
Regimes, rule of law, (anti)corruption in đŸ‡ș🇩 đŸ‡·đŸ‡ș 🇧🇬 đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș
Books: Politicized Justice in đŸ‡ș🇩 đŸ‡·đŸ‡ș (CUP 2012); Russia and Ukraine (Polity 2023)
ECPR keynote lecture: "Ukraine is Europe":

Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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“Bridge to membership" is an empty, meaningless phrase. Ukraine knows it. NATO knows it. Ru, of course, knows it too. Since Ukraine isn't joining NATO any time soon, Ru continues to think it'll eventually break Ukr resistance and establish control. This policy prolongs the war.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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The Ru missile attack on Kyiv’s main children’s hospital should be a wake up call to all Westerners who believe/assume we’re doing our best to help Ukr. We are not. We haven’t provided Ukr enough air dĂ©fense, we’re not letting them strike Ru mil bases, and we allow Western technology to flow to Ru.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Ru’s missile attack on a Kyiv children’s hospital is part of Ru’s long track record of ignoring intl law. It’s also a test of Western resolve to help Ukraine defend itself properly. The West is so far failing each test— it restrains Ukr fr targeting Ru mil bases, while Ru bombs Ukr civilian targets.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Thanks for checking it out! It’ll be an article soon

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Reposted by Maria Popova

Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Scratch a self-proclaimed pacifist/anti-war acct and you’re bound to find a self-hating Westerner weirdly projecting their guilt over Western wrongdoings into sympathy for the Ru aggressor while utterly uninterested in Ukr’s desire to avoid destruction/subjugation. It’s pathetic, really.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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In the occupied territories, Ru not only forces Ukrainians to take Ru passports, but tells them they should Russify their last names because Ukrainian names are a sign of Nazism. Definitive proof that for Ru “denazification” simply means “de-Ukrainization”.

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Reposted by Maria Popova

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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Annoys me that folks accept the framing that this is about "peace talks". It's not. It's about surrender terms.

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Reposted by Maria Popova

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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This is pretty explicit articulation of what a Trump victory means for UA. Essentially the US will condition support to UA on "peace talks" at current lines. That'll be super easy for R to game out, with the tl;dr being if UA does not surrender, it will be abandoned.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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“Ru’s historic security concerns”, “threat perceptions”, “sphere of influence” are euphemisms used by those who support/justify Ru’s continued/resurgent violent, unwanted dominance over its neighbours. After getting invaded and occupied repeatedly by Ru, only EEuropean security concerns are legit.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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No, that’s a Moskvich, in the hierarchy of crappy Soviet cars it was above the Trabant, but below the Lada

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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I wouldn’t go that far. In terms of consumer goods, it was way better than USSR. All the Soviet Bloc was. In terms of oppression, quite similar to the USSR

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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It probably will be useful indeed. It’s just important to get the context right and not constantly overestimate every development as signalling Ru’s impending victory

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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In fact, conventional wisdom has almost turned to regret that these systems were supposedly destroyed whereas they actually collapsed onto themselves as a result of unsolvable dysfunction

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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I visited my cousin in West Germany in the late 1980s and not only couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the 20 flavours in the ice cream parlour in her tiny Bavarian town, but also was amazed she could ask her teacher critical questions abt the material and not fear her parents would be fired

3 replies 5 reposts 89 likes

Reposted by Maria Popova

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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I really, really winds me up with folks valorize the USSR. I really do not think most folks understand the sheer scale of horror and baseline violence society operated under, how totally pervasive the kleptocracy was, how incompetent it was, how vicious it was, or how nationalistic and expansionist.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Seems impossibly hard for Western media to internalize the reality that Ru is a shadow of the superpower the USSR was. I had to emphasize 2-3 times that Pu’s NK visit shows Ru’s desperation and rogue status, rather than some spectacular military/econ development that’ll help Ru win against Ukr.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Chomsky is such an arrogant dolt. His impending demise has flooded xitter w short videos w his commentary and the one w him shitting on EEuropean dissidents and telling a Czech audience the USSR didn’t oppress their country too much managed to piss me off.

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Reposted by Maria Popova

Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Never use the « Imagine if Ru did X » construction to criticize another state’s bad behaviour. Just stop it. The probability that Ru has actually done X and even worse approaches 1, so the construction virtually always makes one look like an idiot at best or a Ru apologist.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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The big story of the European elections is Le Pen winning big and Macron dissolving parliament, but imho, this bizarre snippet from Bulgaria— a conman felon w a private militia and a party called Majestic Splendor cleared the 4% threshold in a shocker unpredicted by any pollster— deserves more attn.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Surveys could show 100% support among a tired and misinformed Western public for negotiating an end to the Russo-Ukrainian war, but no amount of wishful thinking can change the reality that Pu doesn’t offer compromise. He’s sought to control Kyiv govt since 2014. He wants Ukraine to surrender.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Work on your reading comprehension

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Reposted by Maria Popova

David Schraub's avatar David Schraub
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My friend , one of the most prominent researchers on contemporary antisemitism active today (and someone whose rigorous *empirical* work on the phenomenon is sorely needed), shared a photo of a "Wanted" poster targeting him on the UC-Irvine campus.


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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Yup, that’s the first clue I picked up

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Well, sure. The problem is with those who think that if somehow “too many” people (whatever that means) think X, X must actually be problematic, simplistic, a mistake, etc. The new contrarian articles on Ukr aren’t getting us closer to the truth, but muddying it

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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On point. What is this, btw? Looks so real

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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We’re in for a barrage of academic articles seeking to challenge the consensus that Ru’s attack on Ukr is unprovoked, imperialist aggression and the q is how, not whether to help Ukr. Sometimes consensus truly exists bc the truth is obvious and challenging it is neither necessary nor a brave act.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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The main purpose of the « Ru goals are unclear » rhetorical device is to float the idea that negotiations would be useful because they would reveal Ru’s supposedly true goals and they might not be unacceptable to Ukr and to all who want conquest to be a thing of the past.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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If Ru had limited goals (taking « Ru-speaking areas » or keeping Ukr out of NATO/EU) all it had to do was annex DNR/LNR, continue corruption Ukr through oligarchs, and keep reminding NATO Ukr shouldn’t be let in. The West is deferential— Ukr’s NATO chances are still nil, as in 2014-2022

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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I routinely see claims that Ru’s war aims are unclear. They’re crystal clear: control of Ukr’s central govt, destruction of Ukr’s national identity through murder/re-education, and imposition of Ru-defined identity. Post-2014 Ru actions in occupied Ukr and run on Kyiv prove it

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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I agree. I don’t think any good faith negotiations are forthcoming. Only warning that anything else than an offer of Ukraine’s immediate NATO membership is entirely unserious

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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As long as Pu isn’t signalling, Ru would accept rump Ukraine in NATO in exchange for a territorial settlement, but hinting at Western-brokered regime change in Kyiv, it’s clear he doesn’t want negotiations, but vassalization/occupation of Ukraine without further Ru military losses.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Many have rightly criticized the Biden admin for forbidding Ukr to strike targets in Ru w US weapons. I’ll stress this: the policy and Ukr’s persistent pushback to it lay bare the absurdity of claims that the West is pressuring/tricking Ukr into fighting instead of « allowing » it to sue for peace.

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Reposted by Maria Popova

Jacob T. Levy's avatar Jacob T. Levy
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I don't know anything about political messaging or advertising or reaching voters in a fragmented media age or anything else like that. I just, at a gut level, want every voter in America to hear the mantra "felon, fraud, rapist, insurrectionist" four times a day for the next 30 weeks.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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If it wants to restore peace and security in Europe, the West needs to send Ru a strong/credible signal that it would NOT let it slowly/incrementally ré-establish control over parts of Europe. So far, Ru has mostly gotten signals that reinforce their chosen strategy.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Pro-Ru trolls will continue repeating the « scuttled peace deal » manipulation ad nauseam, but at this point there's no good faith discussion/ambiguity about what happened during the spring 2022 meetings between Ru and Ukraine. Ru demanded that Ukraine surrender, Ukraine refused. End of story.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Haha, yes, indeed, the country Georgia,🇬đŸ‡Ș ,Sakartvelo. I wouldn’t comment on the state of Georgia

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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would be replaced by legal and extralegal repression of the opposition, as well as electoral engineering, media manipulation, and weaponization of law which would make free and fair elections improbable.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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It's important for intl journalists covering the massive protests in Georgia to understand that the details of the law that was the trigger are irrelevant; the size of the protest reflects widespread fear that the govt is suspending democracy and if the protest fails, democracy fails too and...

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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At US passport control (late 2000s) Agent: why are you going to the US? Me: You to give a talk at a university Agent: about what? Me: Rule of law Agent (looks at my Bulgarian passport again): what does a Bulgarian know about the rule of law? Me: come again? (He laughed it off and let me through)

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Don’t trust any expert who says we don’t know what Ru’s aims in Ukr are. They are clear! Plan A: full control of the central govt and directing it to enact policies to destroy the Ukr nation as Ukr define it. Plan B: physical destruction of Ukr state/nation, as much as conventional warfare allows.

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Maria Popova's avatar Maria Popova
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Journalists (w the help of a few biased experts) tend to underestimate Ru's desire to control or destroy Ukr state and overestimate Ru's capacity to win the war. The result is that too many people think compromise and independent Ukr in new borders is both wise and realistic

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