Skip Ashseed's avatar

Skip Ashseed

30 followers 338 following 106 posts

Aspiring author of SF/speculative fiction. Card-carrying member of the Initialism Mafia (BLM, ACAB, LGBTQIA+, etc). Believe the victims. Stand with the survivors. Smash the Patriarchy. Eat the Rich. Pet the Animals.

Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Or poison Thomas, Alito, and Roberts. Now there's a check and balance I can get behind.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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But if he arrests all the insurrectionists, there won't be enough of the MAGA party to have a majority anymore.... guess we'll have to elect a new speaker then.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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At the very least, Biden should use his newfound immunity to set up Election Integrity Units of the Armed Forces to *guarantee* a *free and fair* election.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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The entirety of our freedoms now rests on the proposition that the people under the President will forever be good people who will refuse to follow orders, and that they will never be fired and replaced with loyalists.


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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Biden could open the borders and shut down every gas station in America. Could order the military to protect abortion doctors in Texas. Burn every display of the Ten Commandments in every school. Put sex-change hormones in the water. Who would stop him? How would they?

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I think that the MAGASCOTUS ignored one key argument that I don't think was ever made: If the President has no reason to follow the law, and can pardon all his people for obeying him, then what reason does he have for abiding by any future SCOTUS rulings?

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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The good news is that several of the crimes Trump is being prosecuted for took place after he left office. The bad news is that those are being tried with Judge I-Lean-MAGA, and if Trump wins re-election he could simply dismiss all those charges and destroy all the evidence.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Also, I fear that if we DO use all this power to finally expose all the corruption, the conservatives will use it as evidence that liberals are evil and corrupt and therefore justify their own purge later on. It's like Project 2025... Dems maybe should do the same thing in reverse, but they won't.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I know this, and agree. The problem is getting the spineless politicians to go along with it, because they believe that good will triumph simply by its nature of being good, and they don't want to step up to be the "bad guy" who uses this new unchecked power.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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3) the "Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government" is now unconstitutional, since Weaponization of the Federal Government is now legal.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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2) there's no such thing as an abuse of power anymore, because any use of presidential power is an official act and therefore legal.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I still need to read the actual opinions (I'll probably need to take a Xanax and some Dramamine to get through it) but from the headlines, here's a few takeaways: 1) you can't impeach a President for Crimes and Misdemeanors if he, by definition, can't commit them.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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On the bright side, this is a green light for Biden to de-classify every part of every investigation into Trump, expose all his tax returns and private messages, seize all his assets as part of a brand new investigation into his connections with Russia..... He'd have to fire Garland first though.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I really hate that we've gotten to the point in this dystopian nightmare where we're begging our elected officials to become authoritarian dictators to snuff out the opposition in order to make sure that the other side doesn't get to do it to us first.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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There's a really simple way they could prove that all those gifts didn't buy favorable decisions. Thomas and Alito should resign, and show us that they still have all the same rich friends tripping over each other to pay for private jets and buy their properties.

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Reposted by Skip Ashseed

Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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The problem is that one side cares if their chosen leader still has the mental acuity needed to resolve complicated multifaceted problems, and the other side is fine with him being a lying moron with dementia who tells them confidently that they're all justified in their hatred of the other side.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I always thought the main point of those types of epithets was to show the fascists that they're exactly the same as the ones they say they despise. Anyhow, nowadays we can legitimately call them by their own name: MAGAssholes.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I keep getting followed by random people on here and I'm 99% certain they are all bots.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I didn't know Clarence Thomas was Italian

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Does it seem to you like, whenever there's a case where the law would clearly indicate a ruling in favor of abortion or democracy, the Alito/Clarence wing of the court is just pushing everything off and hoping Trump will win and make sure they never have to make a decision? Sure does to me.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I'm so old, I remember when Google Maps was all made by some guy named Thomas.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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this is the worst version of "You Just Lost The Game" that I've ever heard.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I love the Grammar Girl podcast. Geeky language fun.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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or hired people to clean up the shit, quietly.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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you'd never see that in another business. "I was hired to build cars... I guess I should have known that cars are a losing business" "I guess I should have known that any computer business trying to compete in the market with Apple and Google and Intel is just doomed to fail." THEN WHY HIRE???

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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employees taking a job that was offered with the expectation the job might still be there in the future because they believe the company is creating those jobs based on an expectation of return..... what a weird and naive take, right?

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Just FYI, it would probably be better to space these posts out over a few hours or days. Right now my feed just looks like a wall of your posts, and then it will be gone in a day.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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the funny thing is that both Hunter and Donny got convicted for crimes that boiled down to "putting the wrong thing on a form to cover up doing something they weren't supposed to." But the GOP will still yell that there's "two types of justice for liberals and conservatives."

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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My son introduced me to Delicious in Dungeon, and it is delightful!

The recipe segments really reminded me of similar bits in the series Drifting Dragons (also on Netflix).

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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sounds like the opposite of nostalgia, which wiktionary says is "nostopathy" .... I think we can do better than that.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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I like it when they do it like that and it makes the words into the outline of something meaningful. Those are nice.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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The real travesty here isn't that he's being charged with this crime, it's that the GOP is turning it into such a circus. It should have been a simple plea to probation and done in a month.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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According to the indictment, he possessed the gun for about 11 days, from October 12 to October 23, 2018, until Hallie Biden tossed the gun in a dumpster. Since the page says he relapsed just before the fall of 2018 and trying to reconcile with Hallie, this seems like it's a pretty relavent passage

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Oddly, the biggest aggravator of my reflux is Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Brownies. Worse than spicy Indian pizza. No idea why.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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So from now on, people who hoard wealth, who vilify immigrants, and who profit off the exploitation of the poor, shall be referred to as "sodomites."

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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counterpoint: extinct t-rexes have become our fossil fuels, which have been used to make rocket fuel. Therefore, depending on your definition of "jump," humans got to the moon riding on T-rexes' backs.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Freedom from consequences of speech has never been a right. Oppressed minorities have always been shamed and shunned for their beliefs. Some people are just mad that the shoe is on the other foot now.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Just to be clear.... Christina Bobb, a former far-right OANN anchor, who is now in charge of overseeing the RNC's so-called "election integrity unit" ... is under indictment for fraud, forgery, and conspiracy in her attempt to subvert the results of the 2020 election. *Integrity.*

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Isn't the main complaint against Israel that it is holding the Palestinian people collectively responsible for the actions of Hamas?

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Could say the exact same about the the USA representing Americans from 2017-2020.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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not to mention the insanity of trusting Musk on how much things cost. Dude probably hasn't looked at a bill in a decade.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Or we could just start using Judeophobia, which is more accurate and doesn't have any racist baggage

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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Ok, now explain to me the difference between ISIS and Hamas.

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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So when ISIS calls for "jihad" that's also to be interpreted as nonviolent?

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Skip Ashseed's avatar Skip Ashseed
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That's your opinion. I think every Jew in Israel would probably disagree with you

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