TheNineOfClubs's avatar


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It is. By the time you arrive, It will have been being been by Itself forever.

TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Guilty by lack of association. You are not a real Giorondin if not on my list. Go back to the Jacobins with that impurity.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Notice how it is osha not cia which is being targeted for overreach when the church committee reports explicitly tell you cia routinely overreaches operational authority which thrn becomes official foreign policy de jure. Osha overreach just makes workers safer on site.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Can someone please mash Moana and harris considering the coconut?

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Have you heard of goatsee ?

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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I apologize for not being in the loop and sassy. I had to google them and i want to second your opinion now. Liberals are at least seeking for something better(and failing cause the invisible hand only jerks off capital) while conservatives are essentially monarchist. Democracy without parties

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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As long as democrats dont blame green voters or whoever when their shit policies and candidates lose to a literal traitor then we would keep to ourselves but since you all yell at us when your party sucks and loses ….

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Frankly. I would vote for AOC over Biden. So make it happen and shut me up

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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This is maddening. Have legit disagreements over policy and voting record, you will just get hit with misogny accusations. I dont dislike her because she is a woman; rather it is that she put on a socialist face but was actually a liberal. Honestly, she is one of the better reps despite this.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Oh it gets rubbed. And he doesnt bite me!

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Police state. People dont realize the real terror here: Pooice now have probable cause to detain you just for being outside. Now when a cop asks for id you will have to furnish it because just being outside is technically pre crime

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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You have earned a Gober belly

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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And it is your vote for a war monger To each their own i guess

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Fuck trump. Fuck republicans. Fuck biden. Fuck democrats. Trump should be in prison. Biden is letting genocide happen (among a long list of campaign promises failures) Democracy without parties but for now im for voting jill stein full stop.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Why would you use an explicit otherizing term?

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Strange times when wearing a burqa is civil disobedience in america. Funny how giving money is free speech but wearing clothes you bought with money is not also free speech. Like how does a dress code jive with the first amendment? You can try to ban masks but friend they are free speech.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Democracy without parties

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Beat kids!

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Necro anti-disestablishmentarianism

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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I have not watched the sopranos. I have never watched the wire.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Challenge accepted

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Just the pic: what is this abomination After your words: ooooo maybe we should try this.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Yeah he totally can not make healthcare at military facikities open to women seeking abortion on the federal land of the military in almost every state. Nope his hands sure are tied. He tried nothing and is all outta ideas man.

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Reposted by TheNineOfClubs

Salty πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ's avatar Salty πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ
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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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This is all the more reason to be pissed at democrats for forcing this to be biden v trump again. Why can people not see this? Full stop. Jan 20 2020 should have seen trump arrested. Obviously tried to overthrow and even R electeds were appalled. Strike while that iron was hot. But noooooooooooo

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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If you are wondering. This person is a lawyers for tech company apparently. Law school has ruined this brain. Since they dont intend to exploit and are just using the exploitative system they are not at fault, the tech bros are not the problem. It is the system not the people using the system.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Only if the new job is willing to take over the sponsorship of the visa. H1b are lottery based as well if i recall correctly. You have torisktoreportit But really this was a comment from personal experience, my wife, so i dont really care what de jure is, we just experienced what de facto is.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Splitters. My face when my essence is co substantial with the lord.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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So. They dont actually want foreigners on a green card because they cant abuse them. They want them here on some sort of visa, H1B, which is tied to their place of employment and sponsor. You cant leave without losing your visa. They underpay and under promote them then. Rinse and repeat.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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There are no starswars movie after return of the jedi.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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You just need in your pocket references like they do They say john 3:16 You reply 1 Corinthians 14:34 They hit you will phillippians 4:13 You counter with Ezekiel 23:20 The bible is fun!

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Stephen Root is the klingon captain that takes Picard and Data to Romulus in Unification part I Catching so many little things on this re watch

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Trump belongs in prison for a variety of crimes and should be ineligible for office also for a variety of reasons Biden is a war criminal and has not done for the common worker what he ran on doing. Both suck and the system sucks for forcing these same old monsters on us yet again

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Reposted by TheNineOfClubs

Daniel Malmer's avatar Daniel Malmer
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Kurt Vonnegut, in 2005: β€œFor some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus.”

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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A tree is such a rich community. A tree supports life.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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Cant pass laws unless the invisible hand gives it a thumbs up. And as we all know: the invisible hand is too busy jerking me off.

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Reposted by TheNineOfClubs

weeder's avatar weeder
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All Crops Are Brassicas

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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And probably because at ten episodes they have to pay writers or some other such bs reason for making these decisions. Why do all series need to be the same length? Why not 17 ? Who decided on these numbers? Why are we still sticking to them?

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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This will help twelve people in rural alabama in the demographic we need. Pull the trigger! Help just enough to get the 51 v 49 but not enough to actually make change. Love it.

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TheNineOfClubs's avatar TheNineOfClubs
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They are really micro targeting specific demographics for relief or help. Literally you can feel deloitte brain telling them exactly which kind of bills micro select the demographic they need to edge out polls based on all surveillance data they collect on us. Not general help. Micro targeted help

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