Acallidryas's avatar


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Activist, nerd, nature lover, Catholic, mom. Sometimes antisocial, always antifascist. All opinions are my own.

Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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This is no longer a serious pair. And certainly not one that cares about democracy.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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One thing that gets forgotten anytime the field ops are mentioned, though, is how entirely MAGA has captured the Evangelical Church. There are a lot of volunteers there, in every community, and they are often hearing at least once a month about the need to elect Trump. Can't underestimate that.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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This should make us all feel safe because habeas corpus is so fast and famously our judges are competent, impartial, and totally free from right wing fascist takeover.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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We're now being reassured by Rs that if Trump wants to assassinate Americans it would be hard because the military wouldn't want to which means Trump's allies think he definitely would try WHICH SEEMS SLIGHTLY WORSE THAN ONE GUY BEING OLD.

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Reposted by Acallidryas

A.R. Moxon's avatar A.R. Moxon
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Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Well, that's about the most terrifying thing I've heard so far.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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TBF, if someone I knew wanted to talk about "penised lesbians" I would also be very uncomfortable and not want to talk to them.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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"Sum of Us" was one of the best books explaining this shit in recent years. Read about people in the *South* filling a public pool with cement eager than share it with Black people, of course they'll do the same to our democracy.

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Reposted by Acallidryas

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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all of this for donald fucking trump of all people

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Reposted by Acallidryas

Jonathan Ladd's avatar Jonathan Ladd
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Me: "Mr President, I'd like to give you a bribe and commit some treason together." President: "Hold on, lets move this conversation to the Oval Office and bring in some White House aids so we are sure all this gets immunity."

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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The #SupremeCourt rulings this session are as bad as I feared and worse. President's are above the law (Happy 4th!) and can even try to end democracy. Impossible for agencies to make rules or Ds to govern. Between decades and centuries of precedence thrown out. So, when are the protests?

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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The audience of the Times is more than just the two candidates. If the Paper of Record is calling for Biden to drop out and not Trump, it validates the latter and discredits the former with centrists, potential disaffected Rs, and the Ds we need to be donating and rallying the troops.

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Reposted by Acallidryas

David_j_roth's avatar David_j_roth
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I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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No. If there is an existential urgency to defeat Trump *double down on that*. There's no world in which Dems repeatedly moaning about how Biden sitting step down helps us win.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Yeah. Back in the day When Kevin Drum was blogging at Mother Jones he used to talk about the hack gap (right wing pundits cheerlead, left wing pundits panic) and boy howdy is the hack gap hurting us right now.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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These aren't unknowns being introduced to us at the debate. We have two people with records and a stark difference and we can't let Trump's threats slide just because we used to it. Let's talk about that.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Remind everyone that he did, in fact, call dead soldiers losers and suckers. He did say there were fine people marching in Charlottesville. He's a convicted felon with a sea of other judgments.Most of the people who worked with him don't want him to be president. Bring that up constantly.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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And Trump has a record, too. Talk about that and what he *said* at the debate, not if it was energetic or whatever. He encouraged an attack on the capital in 2020 and refused to say he'd accept the election results this year; he promised to use the power of the state to get revenge.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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We could talk about Biden's debate performance. But he's been president; we have an actual track record to run on. So talk about that instead- all the things Trump denied or claimed for himself. Historic HBCU funding; lower drug costs; record unemployment; protecting Ukraine; huge climate wins.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Blogger Kevin Drum used to talk about the 'hack gap'. No matter what, the right will hop on board and stay on message, and lefties love to publicly panic, criticize ourselves, and buy into others' framing. It's not that we need to lie. But we should decide what we're talking about and how.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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🧵 Trump spent most of his time talking about how horrible immigrants are, taking credit for things Biden did (Trump claimed he'd brought down insulin costs and increased HBCU funding at one point). He said he'd get back at everyone who prosecuted him and refused to say he'd accept election results.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Yeah, the #debate performance wasn't great, but why the hell is everyone more obsessed with one candidate looking old than that the other candidate *promised to use the power of the presidency to train down retribution on his enemies*.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Just to emphasize, Trump didn't agree to accept the election results.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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So, Trump just saying that he increased the funding for HBCUs and capped costs and not Biden? Were not going to fsct check any of this?

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Feel like it's important to remember that the first Trump impeachment was over him withholding Ukraine aid unless they have him dirt on Biden.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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This is true! It's amazing to me that he managed to stop violating the gag order, through both Daniels' and Cohen's testimony, after getting any sort of consequence. Accountability works very well, he just regularly avoids facing any.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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My husband just got these at Costco about an hour ago.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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My hot take: Being convicted of a bunch of felonies is bad for Donald Trump.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Convicted felons can't vote in Florida until they've completed their sentence and paid all related restitution, funds, and fees. And since he's never paid his bills in his life...

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Saw this earlier and it's wild. We do not hear enough that the decline in birth rate in the US has so much to do with the very good news that teens and college kids aren't having babies.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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The kids are alright. My conservative in-laws were asking my middle schooler if anyone used "different pronouns" at school. Him: Oh, yeah, x is they/ them and y in English is she this year. Relations: That must be so confusing! How do you feel? Him: *shrug* They were so mad that he didn't care.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Also worth keeping in mind that they're way cheaper, and can be used by a lot more people. We're probably getting one for my almost-13-yo, and even when he has a license we won't be getting another car. But limiting factor is definitely where I feel safe with him biking on the road.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Excited to see this important discussion.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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True story: My lefty aunt got me a subscription to Santa Cruz Comic News in high school (life changing for a kid in an R+14 district), and it was where I first saw your work. When I started getting online your blog was one of the first and I read it religiously. Would love to see it come back.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Amazing that a few thousand dollar fines and the threat of jail have kept Trump from violating the gag order during testimony from Daniels and Cohen. He responds so well to just a amount of accountability; maybe we should try it more often.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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I don't know how I got on this list, but this is such pathetic begging I thought it was a parody.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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I know Trump made us think that nothing matters, but it's nice to know we all still draw the love at *bragging about murdering puppies*.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Put. Trump. In. Jail. Anyone else would be by now and $1000 means nothing to him. Plus, let's see what happens either there's no violence and people can stop being scared of holding him accountable, or there is and we know what we're dealing with before the election. Do it now.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Seeing the four or five people that came to protest outside the courtroom, though, far more likely the threats are empty. And once we see that he *can* be put in jail, and that his supporters *don’t* turn out in droves, well, that makes accountability a lot easier, doesn’t it.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Either the threats of Trump and his supporters are real or they’re empty. If he gets put in jail overnight we’ll find out. If the threats are real, the government can handle them and better to know what we’re dealing with now and how serious it is then during the election.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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I know there are some people who think there’s a need to be cautious because of the possibility of violence and inflaming people, but not only can we not have a legal system or democracy held hostage by fears of violence; we need to put him in jail now because of those fears.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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I’m glad that Merchan seems to be taking the contempt of court charges seriously, but it is far past time to put Trump in jail, even if just overnight. 🧵

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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Yeah, anytime I hear noise about Johnson moving Ukraine aid I assume someone new talked about signing the discharge petition and he's trying to put them off. I would absolutely love to be wrong, though.

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Acallidryas's avatar Acallidryas
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We don't know how the Senate will go, and Biden replacing anyone might be real tough. If it means we don't replace Thomas and are down a justice, so be it. But that has no bearing on saying Sotomayer shouldn't risk having to leave the court without a replacement or leaving it to an extremist.

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