Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar

Alice Miranda Ollstein

663 followers 124 following 122 posts

health care reporter for POLITICO

Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Get to know the cases that could give the justices more opportunities to restrict abortion next year -- no matter who is in the White House.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: On the 2 year anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade, a new coalition is going on offense to win back federal protections for abortion.

More on the $100 million, multi-year plan -->;

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Beautifully written and fascinating piece about bike theft. "Behind each lost bike was a phantom-limb ache. For many cyclists, a bike isn’t just an ingenious concatenation of gears and carefully chosen components. It’s the sum of everything the owner has experienced while in the saddle."

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Anti-abortion groups *appeared* to lose big at the Supreme Court today.

Yet tucked in the pages of the unanimous ruling against them were breadcrumbs laying out a path for similar challenges to abortion pills in the future.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Doug Gordon's avatar Doug Gordon
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Hochul "paused congestion pricing because it doesn’t poll well. It didn’t poll well before it was instituted in London or Stockholm, either, where it has been solving gridlock, increasing bus ridership and reducing asthma rates. Opinion shifted in those cities after residents saw the benefits."

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Trump insists he won’t ban contraception in a potential 2nd term. But policies in his 1st term made birth control harder to access for a lot of poor and working class people, and his allies are drafting plans for him to go further if elected in Nov. My convo with KCRW:

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Nearly all Republicans voted against the Right to Contraception Act today, with many arguing that it was a partisan stunt pitching a solution to a nonexistent problem. But there are real threats to birth control access at both the state and federal levels.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Mark Joseph Stern's avatar Mark Joseph Stern
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Texas' abortion ban prevented doctors from providing an abortion to a woman with a failing pregnancy—forcing her to instead pass the pregnancy on her own. She spent days in agony, vomiting and bleeding, until she passed out from blood loss and nearly died.

33 replies 361 reposts 778 likes

Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

The War on Cars's avatar The War on Cars
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"Paris has closed more than 100 streets to motor vehicles, tripled parking fees for SUVs, removed roughly 50,000 parking spots, and constructed more than 1,300 kilometers of bike lanes since Mayor Anne Hidalgo took office in 2014. Those changes have contributed to a 40% decline in air pollution."

10 replies 215 reposts 623 likes

Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

G. Willow Wilson's avatar G. Willow Wilson
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World Central Kitchen is back up in Gaza, having named its new meal distribution center after one of the aid workers killed in airstrikes last month. They're also on the ground in flood-affected areas of Rio Grande do Sul. So if you're looking for places to put your money:

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Thrilled to chat with about our reporting on the chasm between Trump's pledge not to restrict birth control, his first term record of doing just that, and the plans his allies have made for him to go even further if elected in November.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Brad Heath's avatar Brad Heath
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In a private group chat, police in Mississippi made racist jokes, urged each other to tase suspects and encouraged violence against people they were meant to protect.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Trump has vowed not to "ban" birth control.

But as president, he enacted several policies that made it harder for the working class & poor to access it.

And his allies want to reimpose those policies and go further if he wins in November.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

The Washington Post's avatar The Washington Post
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Radical Israeli settlers have expanded their attacks on aid trucks passing through the West Bank this month, blocking food from reaching Gaza as humanitarian groups warn that the enclave is sinking deeper into famine.

28 replies 176 reposts 249 likes

Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Meredith Conroy's avatar Meredith Conroy
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Stefanik's Elevate PAC was founded to elect more GOP women to congress, but their website is dead + Open Secrets shows them giving lots of their money to men this cycle 🤷‍♀️

I wrote about how we got here for the 538/ABC liveblog where we are following today's primaries:

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: State and national leaders sound the alarm that Democrats’ efforts to ride the coattails of abortion ballot measures could put their passage at risk. Some ballot campaigns are avoiding events with Democrats — concerned they would politicize the measures and turn off GOP/independent voters.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Anti-abortion and abortion-rights groups have one thing in common. They’re worried third-party presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could sway the 2024 election.  “I am absolutely concerned. We have to be. He could siphon folks away from the president.” "This should not be dismissed.”

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Anti-abortion and abortion-rights groups have one thing in common. They’re worried third-party presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could sway the 2024 election.  “I am absolutely concerned. We have to be. He could siphon folks away from the president.” "This should not be dismissed.”

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Two years ago the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Today the justices were confronted with the consequences of that decision -- story after story of pregnant people being denied treatment in a medical emergency, rushed across state lines or forced to wait until their condition became dire.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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The justices who overturned Roe said it's not appropriate for “unelected members of this Court” to “override the democratic process” & set national abortion law. But they are poised to do just that, deciding if hospitals must treat pregnant patients in an emergency.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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What Trump/Republicans are saying: Abortion should be up to "the will of the people" in each state What Republicans are doing: Pushing bills, lawsuits, bureaucratic maneuvers and street-level confrontations to keep abortion off the ballot in Arizona, Missouri and beyond.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: Republicans around the country are working to thwart abortion referendums even as Trump says access should be left to "the will of the people." Their array of tactics includes bills, lawsuits, bureaucratic maneuvers and street-level confrontations to keep the issue off the ballot.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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BREAKING: Indiana Appeals Court sides with Jewish plaintiffs who challenged the abortion ban Mike Pence signed into law as a violation of the religious freedom law he *also* signed into law.

Similar lawsuits in several states are moving forward -->

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: Anti-abortion activists/elected officials have a backup plan should the Supreme Court reject their arguments for nationwide restrictions on the abortion pill mifepristone. In fact, they have several.

“We’re not putting all our chips on this one case.”

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Miles Grant's avatar Miles Grant
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More people have now been killed in Boston this year being hit by drivers while walking (3) than by gun homicide (2)

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Anti-abortion groups and Republicans marched more or less in lockstep for decades against the common enemy of Roe v. Wade. But they're now at war over IVF (and more), with some groups even running graphic ads against GOP lawmakers.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Arizona anti-abortion groups' new tactics to thwart a proposed ballot measure include tracking the locations of signature-gatherers on a private Telegram channel, filming them, interrupting them, and calling security on them. So far, it's not working — and may even be backfiring.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: Senate Dems are setting up an IVF showdown for Wednesday. But they're using a procedure that allows any single member to block Sen. Tammy Duckworth's bill, which would override the Alabama ruling with federal protections for fertility treatments. Here's why -->

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Asking GOP politicians "Do you support IVF?" is the wrong question. Reporters have to ask: "Do you support IVF *as it's commonly practiced in the U.S., which involves the production of excess fertilized embryos that are sometimes discarded*?"

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: The Alabama court ruling conferring legal personhood on frozen embryos threatens to become a "another hot potato" for conservatives already struggling to find an abortion message, and it could fuel challenges there and in other red states arguing that the bans violate religious liberty.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

earlyworm's avatar earlyworm
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HHS study finds refugees add over $123 Billion to the American economy

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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A dozen states have launched abortion rights ballot measure campaigns and there's not enough money to go around — forcing national groups to make tough choices that pit politics against polling against access on the ground. My deep dive with on the winners and losers of these Hunger Games:

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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“The people of Florida aren’t stupid." Even the anti-abortion, GOP-controlled state Supreme Court was skeptical today of the state attorney general's argument that voters won't understand the ramifications of an abortion rights measure slated for the November ballot.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Yes, should be "over THE last year's" -- aka the last year before this data.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: Syphilis rates jumped more than 17% over last year’s already record-setting rate to reach the highest level since the 1950s — a dangerous trend that could worsen if Congress allows scheduled budget cuts to disease trackers to take effect this year.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: Anti-abortion groups are laying the groundwork for a second Trump administration, drafting plans for agency rules and executive orders that could slash access nationwide (even in states where abortion is legal) with no input from Congress.

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Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

The War on Cars's avatar The War on Cars
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"For the first week of 2024, the city experienced nine fatalities from car crashes, including five pedestrians. That means that more than one Angeleno was dying every day because of traffic violence during the first week of January."

1 replies 12 reposts 26 likes

Reposted by Alice Miranda Ollstein

Casey Newton's avatar Casey Newton
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The Taylor Swift harassment campaign on X is a warning. These same tools are already being used to harass average people across lots of platforms, and the response from tech companies and lawmakers hasn't been nearly good enough

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Also, something doesn't have to be surprising to be newsworthy!

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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NEW: Biden is marking what would have been the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade with campaign events, ads and executive orders -- highlighting new policies to protect abortion and contraception and drawing a contrast with his GOP opponents.

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Mike Pence tells a packed ballroom at the Students for Life anti-abortion conference in downtown DC that the first things the president should do are: 1. Order the DOJ to stop investigating/prosecuting anti-abortion protesters outside abortion clinics 2. "Pull the abortion pill off the market"

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Alice Miranda Ollstein's avatar Alice Miranda Ollstein
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Rs saw the fight over government spending as their best/only chance to restrict abortion this Congress. They're now realizing it's likely doomed, & they're not happy. "What I don’t understand is that there just doesn’t even seem to be a fight. It doesn’t even seem to be a factor w House leadership”

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