Bevan Morgan's avatar

Bevan Morgan

212 followers 341 following 205 posts

UoA PhD student studying NZ Professional Wrestling. No…seriously.

Dad. Husband. Midlife crisis punk musician. One time podcaster.

Apparently, I say ‘fuck’ a lot.

Kirikiriroa. He/Him.

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Yup, sure do!

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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All that work over decades…a relentless grind by health academics and professionals all to get to the point where world leading policy would be put in place to make lives and communities safer, just swept away in a tide of lies, populism, and greed. This is an absolutely pathetic excuse for a govt.

2 replies 6 reposts 19 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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We see lies daily from PM Luxon and his cabal of tax cutting charlatans. They literally have racism and tax cuts. That’s it. To think of the damage done here is so frustrating #nzpol

1 replies 4 reposts 16 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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God, if I were a cooker, I’d be convinced that PM Luxon sent Winston out to distract everyone from their draconian Kainga Ora changes. More scapegoating the most vulnerable. More class warfare. Gross. #nzpol

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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From a mate: 'He leaked early access codes in the vaccine rollout reserved for older māori because he was "concerned" about access for all, even though ACT's plans acknowledged the advice of health authorities to give early access for Māori. Almost like the prick doesn't believe what he says' #nzpol

4 replies 9 reposts 28 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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It’s an observation that is completely non-controversial and accurate

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Wtf? Who on this planet would want Jim Johnston? They have to just be taking the piss

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Imagine how much hay you could stack if, instead of this garbage, car companies made utilitarian and useful single cab Utes like they did in the old days! But then you couldn’t use your Ute as a substitute for a a personality, I guess!

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I love it when people praise the courage and ingenuity of Cook for bravely crossing the oceans in these old ships to find populations of people who had already done it on smaller crafts with no instruments.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I remember my wife finding out she was pregnant with our daughter in Jan 2020. Lockdowns meant they were kept safe as global death counts exploded. Ava was safely born in a public hospital in Sep 2020 - unthinkable 6 months prior. Every day I am so grateful for both of them and for those lockdowns.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Imagine the frustration of having to read out a decision that has the term ‘hotpot’ repeated that many times in it.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Three of those was enough to install Aladdin on our home PC back in 1995 - which will never cease to amaze me. That game slaps.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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As of today, our death count is 5594 confirmed. I bet most people don’t have a clue it’s that high.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Fuck this guy, courting the worst of NZ. So sick of charlatans exploiting collective amnesia over how terrifying 2020 was. It’s this kind of rhetoric that started the stupidest backlash in human history. NZ was the envy of the world. Now in the list of lowest C19 deaths per capita we’re 137th #nzpol

17 replies 36 reposts 147 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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PM Luxon says that tax relief for landlords will create ‘downward pressure’ - cagey words implying rents will go down. H/ever, he also says removing GST on produce is a waste, as retailers will absorb the difference. Then…why won’t landlords do the same? #nzpol

1 replies 4 reposts 21 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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This is humiliating. The bit where she gets him on the hypothetical empty house and he has to concede that the landlord will either sit on the house and let it accrue value; or if they can’t afford to do that, sell it, which means that someone will have a house. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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My apologies Mr Luxon. How could I have been so silly? You won’t discount your tenants’ rentals with the removal of these provisions. You have no mortgages! So there is no effect on you!

Say…if you don’t have mortgages, then you don’t need to rent them at market value, right? #nzpol

3 replies 7 reposts 35 likes

Reposted by Bevan Morgan

D Jukic's avatar D Jukic
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What is it with the framing of David Seymour’s misinformation by the media. Is it the $$$ behind him that makes them regurgitate him without analysis as if he’s speaking the truth Eg: ‘help on the way for renters’ but call NZCTU economist’s information based on facts and figures ‘a claim’.

2 replies 9 reposts 30 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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It’s infuriating. It’s the illusion of objectivity. They just report what he says rather than analysing it so that they don’t get accused of bias. It’s honestly pathetic. That’s not journalism. That’s PR.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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The state of this government me overwhelmed - and none of their policies even hit me. These are dark days. The Nats are incompetent, but their partners aren’t. They’re emboldened by the rise of the far right so they’re going for te tiriti. They know it’s their shot so their guns are blazing #nzpol

1 replies 2 reposts 20 likes

Reposted by Bevan Morgan

Emma Helleur's avatar Emma Helleur
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Imagine believing that giving landlords breaks & cuts will result in tenants getting cheaper rent 😂 I remember when I used to believe in fairy tales too

7 replies 17 reposts 96 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Fantastic book that at the same time is absolutely fucking chilling and pretty fuckin alarming!

Byron is unparalleled in doing this work in NZ. His output has been extraordinary and it’s so important that some major media institutions have picked up on what he’s been doing #nzpol

0 replies 3 reposts 13 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Please don’t hate me…but can I please plug my Hangman Page song in case you’re interested?

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Frankly, it’s the only time I’ve seen an idiotic home invasion angle actually turn into something logical. And sorry that I’m now going on to you - a stranger. I am just so excited because I have heard so many people complain that the ending didn’t make sense or diminished the title blah blah blah.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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OMG THANK YOU. THE HANDLE IS SO GOOD. It’s like people forget he has tunnel vision obsessions when he’s not in a good place…and having a guy threaten your infant will put you in a bad place. Trying to destroy that guy absolutely supersedes a title. My god, have people not watched the last 4.5 years?

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I am so happy with how that went down. Also, I love your handle. I keep seeing so many bad takes and I want to just sit everyone down for two hours and mansplain to them in minute detail why they are wrong about hangman and why everything he did makes sense and is totally justified

1 replies 0 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Bevan Morgan

Radical Graffiti 's avatar Radical Graffiti
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"A Ceasefire isn't enough, I need to witness the collapse of American Imperialism" Poster spotted in Ottawa, Ontario

6 replies 120 reposts 413 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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They’ve increased the danger to women everywhere. They’ve increased danger to kids everywhere. You wanna dish out death to innocents for your fucking political philosophies? You have to live with the fucking consequences then. Get fucked.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I’ve never seen it. The guy is something else

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Back in the day I used to troll Mr Bungle fans by telling them that MB were ripping off slipknot 😂

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Why the fuck do we still make appliance sales people wear ties?

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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If you asked me at any point before this year, what superpower I wanted, I would have said ‘time travel.’

Now we have these appalling, populist, gutter politicians poking the culture war bear, I am getting my wish, and it fucking sucks. I only wanted to see the 50s - not fucking live there #nzpol

2 replies 5 reposts 43 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Wait…what the fuck? I had to read that like four times because it’s such a baffling load of wank. Who comes up with this shit?

1 replies 0 reposts 11 likes

Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Jesus Penelope Christ. This is so much more fucked than I could have comprehended while roe was still around. The analogies that once seemed batshit now seem increasingly too tame.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Luckily, our kid is 3, so being a massive dork is still funny for her. In a decade, though…

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I always go to say a cool term that I heard on the internet first time, and the have that sickening realisation that when people in my age bracket use the term, it means the kids officially now hate it, and have moved on from it two years ago.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I hope one day they find Netanyahu fucking decomposing in a car like the kids he murders. I’ve never felt so useless. Iraq was the last time…but even that felt more subtle than this. We (the west) are the villains. Future students will study us with burning rage, and they will be right to do so.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Jesus, abortion seems too kind. What an absolute fucking waste

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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This is obviously not the current Nat government’s fault - it happened in 2019. Rather, I think it cuts right to the heart of institutional decimation from successive governments for decades. Our institutions are in crisis and I’m not convinced that decimating them further is a good fix 🤦🏼‍♂️ #nzpol

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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I was really hoping that the CC belt was a trophy belt. Otherwise, if you can win it in a match, what’s the point of a tournament?

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Yea, I don’t understand the point of trying to charge people for ROH, when you’re giving away title matches for free on AEW. The belts are just used as consolation prizes for AEW top carders who they can’t give actual AEW belts to, and I hate that. Keep the god damn brands seperate.

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Bevan Morgan's avatar Bevan Morgan
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Hey, maybe electing a CEO isn’t a great idea, because they don’t really do anything and it’s just a figurehead role while everyone else does the work!

Look at this incompetent, useless chump. National are doing NOTHING except PS cuts. NZF & ACT running the show 🙃 Absolutely pathetic.


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