Doctor Memory's avatar

Doctor Memory

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Just another bozo on this bus: please deflate your shoes before entering. The artist formerly known as dr_memory@twit (and same on livejournal, remember them?) and currrently also known as on mastodon.

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Anyway, it's not possible to _submit_ a ballot with a double-vote in this scenario: the scanning machine spits it back at you with an inscrutable error message, and then someone like me has to patiently explain that you can't do that and you need to go get a new ballot from your table. Fun times.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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In theory fusion ballots let you signal that you'd prefer the _policies_ of e.g. the more progressive Working Families Party platform, without the risk that you'll accidentally throw the election to a candidate you dislike by voting 3rd-party. In practice, well, it's a little unclear.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Oh it's even better: BOTH parties do it. Biden was double-listed under the Democratic and Working Families Party lines. Fusion ballots aren't a bad idea per se, but the confusion around how to fill them out is 100% predictable and it's insane that doing the obvious thing counts as a spoiled ballot.

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Reposted by Doctor Memory

Helena Fitzgerald 's avatar Helena Fitzgerald
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“Everything I have learned about an artist and the relation of biography to their work has been against my will.” brandon taylor on alice munro and “art monster” discourse is devastatingly good and offers incredible clarity on a whole lot of recent (and less recent) stuff

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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I think it’s entirely possible that if you run a poll of voters under 35 right now, you could register such results. I don’t think you can overstate how angry people in that age bracket are about Gaza. Do I think that is going to translate into a +60 swing _at the polls_? Seems unlikely?

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Fusion BALLOTS; my fucking kingdom for an edit button here.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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(NY State has fusion ballows so Trump was listed twice, once on the Republican line and once on the "NY Conservative Party" line, but the scanner machines will reject the ballot as an overvote if you check both boxes; it's a ludicrous system and the NY Conservative Party is basically a tax dodge.)

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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This is one person's anecdote, take it for whatever it's worth: the single most common issue that I had to deal with in 2020 in my mostly-hispanic neighborhood with a 10:1 D registration advantage was explaining to elderly Dominican-American voters that they couldn't vote for Trump twice.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Hi, live in NY and moonlight as a poll worker so occasionally have voters thrust ballots in my face even though they're really not supposed to. Is Biden going to lose NY? No, not any more than Trump or Cruz are losing TX. But that cuts both ways: everything is narrowing in both of those places.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Sigh, I had to make this at work today.

4 replies 25 reposts 99 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Ugh, this exactly. Github actions are really nice, but the fact that it means we have one test harness in GHA and another on people's laptops is agonizing when shit breaks only in one. was not quite ready for primetime the last time I looked at it, but that was a while ago?

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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JFC. That’s… really bad. Got a basement? A neighborhood library? :(

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Reposted by Doctor Memory

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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And yet: Queens exists. The most linguistically and culturally diverse chunk of land on planet earth, all living in peace if not strictly harmony. That’s worth something, but I persist in thinking that completely broken trash collection is not a price we are actually required to pay for that.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Way too much of it just stems from the fact that we broke Tammany Hall (yay!) and then promptly failed to replace it with anything like a functioning civil service. So instead we have a thousand overlapping Demi-Tammanys, none accountable to anyone. It’s not great.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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I love a lot of things about this city but it’s got a weirdly deep provincial and defensive streak, and it’s mostly about the things that are objectively fucking horrible and seem like they could be fixed reasonably easily if anyone actually cared. :(

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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As someone who has worked on the internet professionally for 30 years now: boy oh boy do I feel this. It all seemed like a good idea at the time.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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We have all 8 million of us been murdered.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Okay you can’t just let a statement like that hang. Explain?

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Oh hey, there he is! My god bluesky search kinda sucks.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Oh no! It’s worth it IMO but I can totally understand that eliciting a full-body avoidance response.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Directly into my veins please.

3 replies 2 reposts 27 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Ditto Fleabag!

1 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Packet inspection -- it happens midway through the SSH auth handshake, well after the TCP session is established.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Have this argument somewhere other than my replies or get blocked, both of you.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Another flight on JetBlue, another reminder that Exede inflight wifi for some insane reason blocks outbound SSH connections.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Unclear at best whether either of the belligerents actually wants a ceasefire right now. It’s not great.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Wish that Stephen would join us here on bluesky. It’s not Housing Twitter properly without him.

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Reposted by Doctor Memory

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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The iron hand of the market when it’s doing something objectively useful and good is a hell of a thing to watch.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Do not think for a second that I have forgotten my plan to make my extremely TLT-obsessed kid’s head explode repeatedly by introducing you to her. 🤣

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Sidebar: how the hell is Nick Mamatas not on bluesky? This seems impossible. Someone with his email address should tell him he’s missing the ideal party. If I run into him on BART (which I seemed to do regularly for a while) I’ll tell him in person but that seems a little hit and miss as a plan.

1 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Sidebar: how the hell is Nick Mamatas not on bluesky? This seems impossible. Someone with his email address should tell him he’s missing the ideal party. If I run into him on BART (which I seemed to do regularly for a while) I’ll tell him in person but that seems a little hit and miss as a plan.

1 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Further in the realm of “po-faced satire disguised as SFF”: “Cyberiad” by Stanislaw Lem “I Am Providence” by Nick Mamatas “Monday Starts on Saturday” by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky “UBIK” by Philip K. Dick

6 replies 1 reposts 26 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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THE MASTER AND MARGARITA. I’ll stop shouting now. But for real.

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Reposted by Doctor Memory

Andrea Grimes's avatar Andrea Grimes
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when people are expressing anger and disappointment because an artist whose work they really liked turned out to be a creep it's a cool move to make sure everyone knows you never liked that artist's work in the first place, always remind people that you're better than them when they are feeling low

16 replies 60 reposts 358 likes

Reposted by Doctor Memory

Faded Rosie's avatar Faded Rosie
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What those boys startled, 5,000 people took up and ran with. If that’s not a lesson in making shit happen… Be the kids with the toffee tins.

1 replies 5 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Doctor Memory

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Oregon has had 6 straight days of record breaking heat and the Oregon GOP just tweeted out the "This is fine" meme, only unironically.

49 replies 148 reposts 615 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Not in… decades. I should fix that.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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The oink between saccharine and cancer was basically bullshit, but it _did_ have the salutary advantage of making sure that there would be a big impossible to miss “this drink contains a nasty fake sweetener” label on the front. I am now a single issue voter: whoever does this for stevia has my vote

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Damnit now I gotta watch Premium Rush again. There aren’t a lot of good bicycle action movies but that one fucking owns.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Fair, although I think Stephenson was channeling a bit of SoCal skateboard culture there and melding it onto messenger culture — both definitely real things at the time!

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Reposted by Doctor Memory

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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1991 was a weird moment in the zeitgeist for sure. Gibson and Stephenson independently (AFAIK) wrote novels with messenger protagonists!

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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So much of cycling activism in nyc was driven by bike messengers originally. And I hope I’m not taking anything away from them to say that set some problematic perceptions, including how hot your average cyclist was likely to be. 🤣

1 replies 0 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Doctor Memory

tweety fish's avatar tweety fish
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This is how I learned to ride in the city and if you are young and strong and fast and aggressive it works pretty okay. Guess what selecting for young, fast aggressiveness in cyclists does to general perception of cycling?

5 replies 11 reposts 70 likes

Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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(And of those three, only two seem to be able to run their papers at a profit, which should _really_ worry people.)

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Also in a rare moment of near-sanity, the Port Authority has looked at the traffic situation at JFK and cut the cost of the AirTrain by 50% for the summer. Halfway to the correct cost!

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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Keir Starmer is as close to the human incarnation of “Generic Labour Candidate” as it was possible for modern science to produce — a human bowl of lukewarm oatmeal — and that is _still materially better than the alternative on offer at the time_.

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Doctor Memory's avatar Doctor Memory
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The fact that there was never any kind of reckoning over Judith Miller’s reporting says everything that needs to be said. Everyone who signed off on her articles should have been fired and blackballed.

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