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The Onion's avatar The Onion
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The largely silent ad, which will reportedly air in battleground states across the country, features a sequence of headshots depicting politicians, former Trump White House officials, journalists, and seemingly random average Americans with big red X’s over their faces.

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It’s so sad that we are in this position as a direct result of the so called leaders of the party.

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The campaign is basically MIA since Thursday w/ the exception of a 5 minute teleprompter speech. I don’t know how that is supposed to reassure voters that his debate performance was just an aberration.

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I don’t think anyone is questioning that there is a coordinated agenda here, but I’m personally not convinced that the right wing information bubble and all of the blinkered thinking that goes w/ it doesn’t extend to the Federalist Society and to certain members of the Supreme Court.

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Biden should hold another press conference with a projector and just play this guys comments. How many Americans are ok with this twerp threatening half the country?

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Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) 's avatar Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
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Hey so…we are in the middle of a far right coup and the far right is telling you they are going to continue and if we try to stop them they will resort to open violence.This is cartoonish and people need to push these fascist now. Not tomorrow not next week we need massive protests and direct action

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People say it’s infinitely replay-able. It’s a fun game with tons of content and variables, but I got bored with it pretty quickly. Totally depends on the individual though. There’s an iOS variant that’s not as flashy but all the gameplay elements are intact.

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Indeed. Chalking some of this up to incompetence takes a little bit of the sting out for some reason, but it certainly doesn’t improve the situation.

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Ha…that is so true about feelings changing at end of a shift. And I agree, I don’t think we should be basing a candidates strength off the results of a poll when they’re basically a theoretical candidate.

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Can we absolutely rule out the possibility that there’s an element of rank incompetence at play here?

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Yup, that’s why I was looking for clarification. Makes sense that they’re harassing people now. I heard they adjusted their pricing a bit in response to affinity/canva etc. + their AI tools arent exactly setting the industry on fire. Serves them right. Glad I don’t have to personally deal w/ them.

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How does that even work with their subscription model? Don’t you just pay for a set period of access and don’t they just revoke it if you don’t re-up? Are they just scolding you because you didn’t extend your subscription?

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Have they officially weighed in on Trump as king/end of democracy or have they relegated that to the opinion section?

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But Trump could BBQ a dog on 5th avenue in broad daylight and nothing would change.

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I think people are looking at the 2020 polling where Biden had a decent lead throughout and it was still a close election and extrapolating from there, but I don’t know if it’s apples to apples. I still have a suspicion that these polls might be exaggerating whatever lead Trump might have.

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How do grapple with the fact that a convicted criminal, rapist and aspiring dictator is consistently polling 10 points ahead in a polls? Is this registered voters or did CNN poll people who haven’t voted in the last 2 elections again?

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What a great line to have in your hip pocket for adulthood.

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post malone ergo propter malone's avatar post malone ergo propter malone
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this is the legacy of the Roberts court now and I hope it eats away at him every time he thinks about it.

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Isn’t there presumably a database that houses all federal student loan information? What prevents a president from ordering those servers to be permanently incapacitated after today’s ruling? I mean I know it’s nuts but that’s where we’re at.

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How long will it take a theoretical GOP trifecta to start leveraging this ruling to bully their opponents and threatening retribution on anything short of total capitulation? This will not be a subtle or gradual roll out.

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I just find it bizarre that John Roberts literally upends the entire framework of the US constitution and then goes completely off the grid. No interviews, no explanation, nothing. It’s completely absurd.

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It’s utterly insane that John Roberts believes this is a purely hypothetical scenario. I’m more inclined to believe that he knows it’s a very plausible scenario with Trump and he just doesn’t care.

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Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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The obvious move after the supreme court grants the president absolute immunity for official acts is to make them regret it immediately

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Jeffrey Vagle's avatar Jeffrey Vagle
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It might be a tad ridiculous but I seriously think it’s a full blown conclusion at this point. Not because it’s a scripted ending but because it’s been a consistent theme since 2016. He has gone on to shit on each and every individual that has has bent the knee to him in public.

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I don’t think I ever implied a personal toll, but I do think there’s a professional cost that can reverberate into one’s personal life. I don’t believe the Justices have total immunity from the negative repercussions of these rulings. Alito’s wife doesn’t strike me as a happy go lucky individual.

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“bad guys usually get away with it” is a lil simplistic in its own right and doesn’t sufficiently account for the myriad costs associated w/ abetting a criminal of Trump’s particular makeup. I certainly don’t expect a Hollywood style denouement, but I don’t think they walk away unscathed either.

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I’m here for when this inevitably backfires in Roberts’ smug face. No one has ever stuck their neck out for Trump and not paid a price. It’s “no good deed goes unpunished” on steroids. The extent to which you used your power to shield Trump is directly commensurate with the price you ultimately pay.

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These are the types of footnotes about this blinkered administration that make me ok with him immediately dropping out. They are so out of their depth and not up for this moment. You honestly have to wonder if he’s mentally incapable of processing the stakes.

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1000% agree. Is there any restrictions on their speech? Even if there was it should be ignored immediately and mocked. They need to speak up and the fact that conservative justices can do this and just go on vacation is fucking insane. They should have to answer for these monumental decisions.

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So what, they just go on vacation now? It is unconscionable that the president has yet to address the American people re: this total immunity SCOTUS decision. He should be demanding that Roberts and Co. make themselves available to congress for questioning & to explain this earth shattering ruling.

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I would kill for a dem administration that was prepared to immediately leverage this decision and abuse their newly found god emperor powers in manner that would utterly be-clown Roberts & his judicial terror squad. It’s not a coincidence that this decision comes at the tail end of a dem presidency.

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This is just incomprehensible to me. So Trump just needs to gather up his handpicked ghouls and manufacture an official act and there is no mechanism by which he can be stopped or held accountable at a later date. I have to assume Roberts wants to see chaos and violence. He’s in lock step w/ Alito.

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It would be really nice if we had some kind of platform that a clear eyed representative of the Democratic Party could use to forcefully and articulately denounce this abomination of a decision by SCOTUS.

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Steve Silberman's avatar Steve Silberman
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It's too bad the 2nd Amendment dudes who swore they'd be the undauntable defenders of our democracy against attack by a brutal monarch turned out to be too busy denouncing rainbow plushies at Target.

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Jonathan Cohn 's avatar Jonathan Cohn
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Glad to see some members of Congress taking the issue seriously.

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Indeed, I think it’s hitting all the right marks and then some, for the limited scope it’s working with. I’m actually watching the immediate 10pm rerun and it’s been a while since I’ve done that.

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Another solid episode. It’s missing some of best elements of GoT, but these last 2 episodes have been super high quality.

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