ML Brennan's avatar

ML Brennan

292 followers 70 following 1054 posts

Author Tor Books: Generation V, Iron Night, Tainted Blood, Dark Ascension (GENERATION V series). Vampires, kitsune, werebears, nerdy jokes, New England references. MUST I learn a new platform?

ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Well, but if you slog through whole episodes of characters you don't care about, through unending "why did this make sense?" decisions, you will eventually get to a point where Manny Jacinto is lightsaber fighting sleeveless, plus then he has no pants. So I'm saying it's kind of a balance.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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OOOH. Okay, that one's a deep cut.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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This is a very good one, thank you for pointing it out!

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Reposted by ML Brennan

John Scalzi's avatar John Scalzi
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Just sent out a grant announcement from the Scalzi Family Foundation to a recipient, which allowed me to use our fabulous logo (from in the email

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Wombats totally work for a fantasy novel. Hear me out --- Wombats are awesome diggers. There are no toilets in 99% of fantasy novels. Your fantasy characters are pooping in holes whenever they leave the palace. The wombat can DIG HOLES. I rest my case.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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So my bet has been, and remains, that he would like to pick Ivanka, but if she's smart enough to say no, then he'll choose Don Jr.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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He's watching people fall over themselves and embarrass themselves with their craven begging because he's a malignant narcissist. But he won't pick anyone who could have an independent political career. He wants someone wholly and totally dependent on him.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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He's not going to pick a senator. He's not going to pick a congressman. He's not going to pick a current or former governor. He's not going to pick a person who has at any point had an independent political career, because they could pull a Mike Pence on him at any point.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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I just want to say this again, on the off-chance that I am proving right, because I would like to be able to brag: I believe that Trump has pushed off his VP selection this long because what he wants to do is pick one of his children, because he wants complete and total loyalty.

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Reposted by ML Brennan

Steve J. Wright's avatar Steve J. Wright
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Yes, it's worth making some noise about this series - strong characters, intriguing plots, and otherworldly supernatural stuff, all solidly grounded in a realistic depiction of modern rural Britain. I've read and enjoyed all six so far, and recommend them highly.

1 replies 9 reposts 25 likes

Reposted by ML Brennan

Aliette de Bodard 's avatar Aliette de Bodard
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Oh hey also In the Shadow of the Ship is out Sept 1st (US)/Sept 3rd (UK)

f/f Weary paladin/guilt-ridden magistrate onboard sentient spaceship gone full-on creepy Gothic

Guess I never showed the UK cover so here it is lol.

Art: Dirk Berger

10 replies 33 reposts 99 likes

ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Shit was so bad in Return Of The Jedi that Yoda basically gave Luke the Jedi Knight graduation because of 10 hours shadowing Obi-Wan, some independent study, the equivalent of one summer course, + senior project of turning Vader. Ahsoka must've been SALTY, since she had to train from toddlerhood.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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"Listen, Cary, we're a little worried that we haven't hit every single living and yet-to-be-born human's sexual range quite yet, so can you just tuck this puppy in your pocket? Okay..... great.... yup, got them all now."

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Geez, talk about picking the wrong car. Someone put that kid in forestry management school or something, because that kind of bad luck really needs to be kept away from population centers.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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My mother is very irked with me, btw.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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My 7-year old to my mother: What was a knight? My mom: Oh, they were heroic and performed acts of chivalry. My 7-year-old turns to me: Mommy, is that true? Me: LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM OF FEUDALISM. It ended with a chart to show how the vassal system worked!

1 replies 1 reposts 5 likes

Reposted by ML Brennan

Amal El-Mohtar's avatar Amal El-Mohtar
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ok so you've seen the cover, would you now like to read an excerpt from my next book in [checks notes]

[checks notes again]

... Cosmopolitan magazine

8 replies 53 reposts 168 likes

Reposted by ML Brennan

Kate Elliott's avatar Kate Elliott
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So much banter. Witty, fast paced, filled with subversive touches, just entirely delightful. And you can read it NOW.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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I also find it hilarious. Clearly she was kicked out of the Jedi order after she complained once too many times about all the tiny catwalks over massive drops with inadequate handrails.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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If you switch between THE GOOD PLACE and THE ACOLYTE, man is it clear that Manny Jacinto is pretty damn amazing. Also, damn it, Osha! Don't take the lightsaber, take the pants! TAKE THE PANTS!

1 replies 0 reposts 7 likes

Reposted by ML Brennan

Jen Cross's avatar Jen Cross
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Happy 4th of July! In the wise words of Ben Franklin: The Bald Eagle is a Bird of bad moral Character. Too lazy to fish for himself. The Turkey is a more respectable Bird, though vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would attack a Brit who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.

11 replies 81 reposts 385 likes

ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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I'm so sorry -- they always leave us too soon.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Listen, I would happily vote for Biden's corpse at this point, since it seems the best choice for the democracy, but I will also point out that Kamala Harris debating Donald Trump would be such an epic fatality that I'm not even sure we're prepared as a country for it.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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This made me laugh a whole lot.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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That's a solid suggestion. And is he too old for a plushie piranha to go with the sponsorship certificate?

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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YA I'll agree with you on, though then it makes the whole Anakin-as-six-year-old even stupider. If ever there was a moment for a floopy-haired sixteen-year-old, there it was.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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It's a valid question. Does it have to be people, or can he personally shoot the Washington DC pandas in the heads, execution style, as long as he does it from a Presidential podium?

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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I see you've been checking out my vision-board. Though I do think it's worthwhile for him to come up with increasingly terrible scenarios to announce every morning from the briefing room, and point out that they are 100% Okay with the Supreme Court. Every day.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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And just do a whole series on it. Lean all the way into it. Like: Biden: So, if I decided that I was going to try to buy Greenland-- Harris: I'm taking those fucking keys, Joe. Biden: Right. And if I tried to start a coup? Harris: Those keys would be gone before you even finished the word.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Idea for a Biden ad: Biden: Folks, I'm an old man. I get it. It can be scary. But I want to assure each and every one of you of this -- if I can't do it-- (pan left to Harris) Biden: Kamala, would you take the keys? Harris: You're damn right I will, Joe. Biden: She's not kidding around, folks.

2 replies 0 reposts 9 likes

ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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I would seriously love that. I understand that Lucas wanted to fill the frame with as much CGI mishegoss as he possibly could, sure, but the Jabba scene and the Greebo shootout actually change the story and the characters, for the worse, and that's just bullshit.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Will the pooping mystery be solved in Book 2? Bonus points if it also becomes plot-critical.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Someone needs to scream "IT WAS CUT FOR A REASON, PETER" and send Jackson out of the room. I have to say, though, the DVD extras on the LotR films are seriously top notch.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Explaining to my child that Obi-Wan and Princess Leia were good guys, and all the Empire people were bad guys was super easy, but then we got to Han Solo and I was trying to pitch a "and Han is an Okay Guy," which as it turns out is a little bit of a tougher sell.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Also, "The movies are for kids!" can go drown itself on a lava planet, because the movie pans lovingly over the charred and burning corpses of Baru and Owen. C'mon. And the severed arm on the floor. Just admit that you made a movie for adults that a lot of kids also enjoy and be done with it.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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I also haven't seen the film in quite a few years, and I have to say that Uncle Owen and Aunt Baru actually act their fucking ASSES off in this film. There are just so many foreboding sideglances, and Owen is trying like hell to keep Luke safe on the farm -- they need a prequel, stat.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Earlier this week I started showing Star Wars #1 (A New Hope, obvs) to my child, in bite-sized chunks, and I am incredibly pissed that Disney+ requires me to show him the UNCLEAN version, with the 100% useless and stupid Jabba scene and Greebo shooting first.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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There are so many things you can say about Rowling, but if the woman could just bring herself to say, "Well, yeah, there are points when my imaginary world just can't line up to history, and we all have to take a bit of an imaginative leap there, and that's okay" then things would be easier.

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Reposted by ML Brennan

Clarkesworld's avatar Clarkesworld
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We're 344 subscribers away from where we were before Amazon pulled the rug out from under their traditional subscription program. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but still much work to do.

0 replies 106 reposts 206 likes

Reposted by ML Brennan

Micah's avatar Micah
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brought the four year old to a public splash pad this afternoon and he had a blast and so did every other kid there anyway sometimes I think about the people who filled in or drained public pools rather than allow them to be used by kids of a different race and just how fucking evil that is

18 replies 92 reposts 800 likes

Reposted by ML Brennan

Peter Clines's avatar Peter Clines
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The June newsletter's up on the ranty writing blog, if you're someone who's not subscribed but still wants to read it...

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Reposted by ML Brennan

Steel Rat Gamer's avatar Steel Rat Gamer
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ENGLISH BADGER: Hello good sir, fine day we are having. Mind joining me for tea? AMERICAN BADGER: I WANT YOUR BOOTS, YOUR CLOTHES, AND YOUR LIFE

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Well, clearly I would spend fifty-five minutes fangirling.

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Reposted by ML Brennan

Cass Morris's avatar Cass Morris
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This is now at $166 and that is still RIDICULOUS.

Having Kate on gave our nascent, co-built world its tentpole concept which has now spawned an entire-ass ANTHOLOGY.

IMAGINE what you could do with an hour of her brain.

#Authors #SFF

1 replies 7 reposts 9 likes

ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
[ View ] I was talking to a friend of mine today and told her that she would like DARK LORD. She said, what is it? I said, Imagine Ali Wong in a fantasy world that is Groundhog Daying. She said, Sold.

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ML Brennan's avatar ML Brennan
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Abyssinian, in blue. Yes, he's a really pretty boy!

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