chris blue himself's avatar

chris blue himself

113 followers 91 following 526 posts

Co-host of The Vorthos Cast, sometimes editor, accessibility professional, a general nuisance. He/Him

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I don't know why folks think he's going to just tweet through this whole thing. He's going to be openly stalwart about staying in the race until he's not, if he decides to drop out, and by the time we all hear about it it'll have been decided and negotiated internally for weeks.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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The only thing I've been certain about is that dems in high profile positions *should* be coming out in support of Biden publicly. Should they be having very serious discussions privately with party staff and the old guy himself? Yeah, duh, but doing this all out in public sucks if it's for nothing.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Great article, and really gets to the heart of the matter that replacing Biden isn't just about the candidate himself, but also about the promise that the party has to make to the voters that it can not only beat Trump, but that it *wants* to beat Trump.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I feel as if people don't get that the folks who aren't going to vote for Biden in November because of the ongoing genocide he's supporting aren't online talking about how he needs to stop supporting a genocide if he wants to win. They're making up their minds quietly at home.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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The point I don't see very many people talking about is that this is 2016 all over again. It's not that the candidate has a glaring weak spot in the campaign, it's that they're not doing anything to address that weakness. It's like Hillary not going to Michigan, but bigger and worse.

4 replies 2 reposts 40 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I'm starting to think that Apple sort of peaked in terms hardware around 2020, 2022. I've had an M1 MacBook Pro through work since 2022 and the battery will last me days and there's no noticeable drop in performance. I like it so much that I bought one used for myself just this year.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Saying "I'm old and need to rest more and stop taking appointments after 8pm" is an inherently disqualifying statement for someone running to be president of the United States and I don't think that's controversial to say! I think Trump also is the same way, but he's not the one saying it!

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Look, I regret the time I spent in 2016 supporting Clinton even after it was clear she was not a good candidate, and supporting Biden after all this is even more obviously regrettable. Like, come on, this man is going to lose so hard to a felon because the Democrats don't get how bad this looks.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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One of the most annoying things about US politics versus UK politics is that in the UK they can look at 14 years of conservative rule and vote against it because it is clearly a disaster, but in the US we have had 30 years of conservative rule but half the time it's dressed up in a different color.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I think people are undervaluing the amount of enthusiasm that would be drummed up by taking Biden off the ticket not because people are enthusiastic about any replacement options but just because it would be the first time in 16 years that it's felt like the Democrats actually cared about winning.

2 replies 0 reposts 20 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Clearly if we want to punish a president for ordering protestors be shot, the only answer is through the ballot box, which will certainly be respected and honored.

3 replies 4 reposts 96 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I'm so glad the court has ruled in favor of the divine right of kings once again.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Do y'all think Kamala has the guts to call in a drone strike on Trump? We still got six months of this administration is all I'm saying.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Genuinely one of the best games ever made.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Happy 13th birthday!

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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#debate #politics #gerontocracy #tension #abo #enemiestolovers #pwp #gammabiden #alphatrump

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Reminding myself that I have debts to pay and savings to build but also I do deserve an iPad, right? Like a new little gadget in my life will fix my lack of motivation and anhedonia, right?

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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He loves cuddling more than any other living creature I have ever encountered.

1 replies 1 reposts 21 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I know I can't fix my problems in life by buying gadgets and treats but will that stop me?

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I'm also getting a widdle waise* next month :3 *state mandated cost of living increase

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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This court has been a nightmare for the country and the future of democracy but it has been an absolute treasure for podcasters.

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Reposted by chris blue himself

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I also wandered into a bookstore this weekend just to get out of the heat this weekend and happened to find a copy of Alive at the End of the World staring back at me from the poetry shelf and had to pick it up. It's a Saeed Jones weekend, I suppose!

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Reposted by chris blue himself

Reposted by chris blue himself

Jeph Jacques's avatar Jeph Jacques
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GPT-5 leaving its wife for a much younger GPT postdoc

11 replies 76 reposts 431 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I actually do think the game has changed a lot in recent years. I find myself unable to keep interest in the games I see played on streams anymore, too, and I think it's something in the actual way games play out now. Maybe it's that I feel like there's just so much tension?

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Y'all ever see a post on the internet and finally understand the sincerity behind telling someone to go touch grass? Some people just need to spend some time outside. Go feel a warm breeze. See a firefly. Wave at a neighbor. Listen to the birds sing for a while.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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This is coming from me, a guy who once got a bullshit red light camera ticket for not making a "full and complete stop" when turning right on red in an empty intersection, going maybe 10 miles an hour. I have no desire to defend these things but I can't deny their efficacy for stopping speeders.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I can't stand the idea of a police state surveilling me as I travel but I can't stand people who speed and blow through red lights even more. People in my neighborhood will be pushing 40mph on residential streets! Where kids are outside playing! Just sociopathic behavior.

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Reposted by chris blue himself

Alex Newhouse's avatar Alex Newhouse
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there are no structural reasons making certain demographics incapable of not speeding. Speeding is purely voluntary and thus purely antisocial. There are real structural reasons why people need to use cars, but not for wielding those cars like missiles.

5 replies 36 reposts 369 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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You are welcome to send me weird freaky tiktoks.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Jokes on you I'm gross all 12 months of the year. But now I'm going to be sweaty and gross until October.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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It is too hot to be alive in the city of Atlanta.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I have everything set to auto payment so it's in god's hands.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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If you have a friend who's a voracious reader, have them read the book, too, and see how they feel. I gave up on a book, forced a friend to read it, and she confirmed all of the negative feelings I had about it and wishes she, too, had stopped halfway through.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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In a desperate attempt to get me even one good match, Tinder has started just showing me people from hundreds and thousands of miles away. Like, yes, my settings are for up to 10 miles, but Tinder thinks this person in Brooklyn might be my type and it wants me to stop swiping, please.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Dog sitting for my brother one weekend ➡️ Almost 10 years working in accessibility, hosting a Magic story podcast for nearly 5 years. I can draw a direct line between these things.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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As bell hooks would say, freak is a practice, and we must grow in our freak together.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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To match my freak some people need to lower their freak, actually.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I've played an ungodly amount of Destiny 2 since The Final Shape release. Just a disgusting amount. Easily 30 hours since Tuesday. It's that good.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Prismatic has completely changed the game and has me looking at old exotics with fresh ideas and it's so much fun and god damn this expansion kicks ass

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Did Kendrick send that man back to being a Soundcloud rapper?

1 replies 0 reposts 14 likes

Reposted by chris blue himself

Kashana's avatar Kashana
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Guess everybody’s supposed to drink cops.

33 replies 286 reposts 1224 likes

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Godzilla Minus One was really good but I think it would have been better without the last like minute and a half.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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Unhinged post. Love it.

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Reposted by chris blue himself

Cohen is a Ghost's avatar Cohen is a Ghost
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the good news is nobody actually does "does kink belong at pride??" "do cishet bfs belong at pride??" discourse IRL. it's exclusively an online thing kept alive by 4chan psyops and credulous 17-year-old moralists. you can just go and have a good time

6 replies 262 reposts 927 likes

Reposted by chris blue himself

chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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I appreciate the alt text.

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chris blue himself's avatar chris blue himself
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You're supposed to let your battery get really low before charging it, is what I tell myself when I wake up and realize I forgot to charge my phone overnight and it's at 15%.

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