Nora Waitkus 's avatar

Nora Waitkus

534 followers 550 following 1 posts

Sociologist interested in wealth inequality and class analysis. Tilburg University & London School of Economics

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Tobias Rosefeldt's avatar Tobias Rosefeldt
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Zwei Nächte faszinierende Aktenlektüre und packendes Parlamentsfernsehen…

1 replies 19 reposts 50 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Michel Nivard's avatar Michel Nivard
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New Dutch hard right wing government taking a hammer to higher ed… It looks like an up to 1 billion euro (8/10%?) budget cut across science and education side of the business. Most onerous is the direct reversal of a program that’s just put 1200 talented scientists in a permanent jobs.

9 replies 53 reposts 74 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Bettina Kohlrausch's avatar Bettina Kohlrausch
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Zu prüfen, ob man straf-, dienst- und förderrechtlich gegen unliebsame Wissenschaftler vorgehen kann, ist eine autoritäre Praxis.

5 replies 38 reposts 113 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Mine Kühn's avatar Mine Kühn
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PhD Alert 📣 We are seeking a PhD candidate to work on our interdisciplinary project focusing on women’s retirement trajectories and their impact on health 👩‍⚕️🕵️‍♀️👩‍💻👩‍🔧👩‍🚒 If you have questions or are interested, please reach out to me. Feel free to share this post!

0 replies 15 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Konrad Turek's avatar Konrad Turek
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PhD vacancy at Tilburg University! Together with and Jeroen Vermunt, we are looking for a talented PhD candidate for the project ‘The Changing Landscape of Women’s Retirement: Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Working Longer’. Apply bf 26.06:

1 replies 9 reposts 7 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Daria Tisch's avatar Daria Tisch
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In our SER article we show that daughters are less likely than sons to receive parental transfers, values tend to be lower & daughters receive different types of asset. This translates into a gender tax gap of 2% for inheritances and 22% for gifts.

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Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR)'s avatar Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR)
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Despite believing in self-determined success, success and failure are largely influenced by uncontrollable randomness.

Today at 16.30, Prof gives his inaugural lecture 'The workings of randomness: On the role of chance in inequality' 👨🏻‍🎓

🎥 Watch live:

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Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Katya Ivanova's avatar Katya Ivanova
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PSA: non-Dutch EU nationals living in NL - if you want to vote for European Parliament, deadline to register is 23 April. Can be done via digid (search "verkiezingen" in your municipality's site). 🗳️💪

0 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Jürgen Zimmerer's avatar Jürgen Zimmerer
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HIer geht es zu einer besser lesbaren Fassung der 7 Forderungen, die Max Czollek, Philipp Oswalt, Agnieszka Pufalska & ich an die Politik haben.
Wir wollen keine rechtsradikaen, rassistischen o antisemitischen Spender für das Berliner Stadtschloss

1 replies 33 reposts 84 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Manuel Schechtl's avatar Manuel Schechtl
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🚨New WP Altert 🚨 Low-income children growing up in CZs with higher wealth inequality achieve lower incomes in adulthood compared to their peers growing up in CZs with lower wealth inequality: EconSky PoliSky Sociology

1 replies 3 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Burak Sonmez's avatar Burak Sonmez
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🚨JOB ALERT: Join UCL Social Research Institute as a Lecturer (Assistant Prof.) in Social Psychology!
We're open to a wide range of interests within Psych & Sociological Social Psychology and invite qual, quant, or mixed-methods experts to apply.
Deadline: April 14th

0 replies 14 reposts 16 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Pablo Gracia's avatar Pablo Gracia
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NEW & FANTASTIC Assistant Professorship at the Department of Sociology of Trinity College Dublin! 😲

Assistant Professor in Sociology
General areas: Economic and Organisational Sociology

Deadline: 21 March, 2024

Share and apply! 😊

2 replies 13 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Hanna Kuusela's avatar Hanna Kuusela
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I’m very excited to announce the CFP for a new special issue on ’Families and Wealth’ for the
British Journal of Sociology
that we are co-editing with
Katie Higgins
and Céline Bessière. Please check the call:

0 replies 11 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Carla Rowold's avatar Carla Rowold
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Excited to share that the 1st paper of my thesis is now published in SMR, co-authored by the great and Anette Fasang. We introduce the SA-KOB, a novel life-course-sensitive decomposition of group inequalities, and apply it to the Gender Pension Gap! 👇🧵 (1/14)

3 replies 24 reposts 45 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Bastian Betthaeuser's avatar Bastian Betthaeuser
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📣 The Centre for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS) at the Sciences Po, Paris, is hiring an Assistant Professor.

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions.

0 replies 31 reposts 30 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Max Czollek 's avatar Max Czollek
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Die Demo gegen die Afd in Hamburg heute war so überfüllt, dass vorzeitig abgebrochen werden musste. Was für eine Perle diese Stadt doch ist! Love ins Wochenende. Was die Politik nicht regelt, regeln wir ✊️

3 replies 35 reposts 208 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Lea Ypi's avatar Lea Ypi
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We're delighted to announce the launch of a new journal, Political Philosophy, with the same editorial team & editorial board as the old JPP. Send us your new papers & support the fight against private ownership of the means of (intellectual) production!

3 replies 89 reposts 182 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

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Angriff gegen die Verfassung der Bundesrepublik: Bei einem geheimen Treffen haben einflussreiche AfD-Politiker mit bekannten Rechtsextremisten und Unternehmern einen Plan. Sie wollen Millionen von Menschen aus Deutschland vertreiben. Was die Anwesenden nicht wussten: CORRECTIV war vor Ort...

115 replies 2288 reposts 3425 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Lukas Haffert's avatar Lukas Haffert
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Wie verhalten sich die aktuellen Bauernproteste zum allgemeineren Stadt-Land-Gegensatz? Kurze Antwort: Die symbolische Bedeutung der Landwirtschaft ist sehr viel grösser als die Materielle. 1/5

1 replies 6 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Lukas Haffert's avatar Lukas Haffert
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Selbst in den 172 Kreisen, die das Thünen-Institut als «sehr ländlich» klassifiziert, tragen Land&Forstwirtschaft nur 2,2% zur Bruttowertschöpfung bei. Der materielle Stadt-Land-Gegensatz betrifft viel stärker die Bedeutung des produzierenden Gewerbes (Stichwort: energieintensive Industrie). 2/5

1 replies 2 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Christian Stöcker's avatar Christian Stöcker
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Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Medienhäusern, die nicht zu substanziellen Teilen Fossilinvestoren gehören: Diese Kampagne läuft jetzt seit einem halben Jahr, mit den immer gleichen Lügen, mit verteilten Rollen vorgetragen vom immergleichen Ensemble.

10 replies 277 reposts 592 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Tom Theuns's avatar Tom Theuns
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The newly elected Dutch Parliament has just chosen Martin Bosma (PVV) as Speaker by *secret ballot* He received 75 votes while Tom van der Lee (GroenLinks), the only other candidate, got 66 votes. This was the 3rd time Bosma has run for Speaker after losing in 2016 & 2021. 1/6

2 replies 8 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Maren Toft's avatar Maren Toft
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New in BJS! I explore the roles that jurists have historically undertaken and how their origins shape career outcomes over time.I study lawyers after constitutional independence in the mid-1800s, during industrial capitalism in the mid-1900s, and at present-day advanced capitalism/1 #Sociology

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Reposted by Nora Waitkus's avatar
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Eine Top-Beamtin aus dem Bundesfinanzministerium von Christian #Lindner hat auf einem Event gesprochen, bei dem Tricks zur Steuer-Vermeidung gegeben wurden. Das zeigen ZDF-Recherchen. Die Referatsleiterin informierte u.a. über geplante Gesetzesänderungen. 🧵

27 replies 356 reposts 645 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Patrick Präg's avatar Patrick Präg
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This is just a casual reminder that CREST is HIRING! Assistant or Associate Professor, open field, feel free to ask me any questions

0 replies 22 reposts 19 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Christiaan Monden's avatar Christiaan Monden
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You fall in love with someone outside the UK & want to marry them and live here. Now you need to earn the minimum wage to get a spouse visa. This government wants to double (!) that from £19k to £38k. From minimum to median. Disgusting idea.

1 replies 5 reposts 7 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Thijs Bol's avatar Thijs Bol
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In a new article in Nature Scientific Reports I find that male PhD students are almost twice as likely than female PhD students to obtain a cum laude distinction for their dissertation. A cum laude is very rare, and only awarded to 5% of Dutch PhD students.

1 replies 18 reposts 66 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Tarik Abou-Chadi's avatar Tarik Abou-Chadi
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This result unfortunately lends itself to two misguided and dangerous ideas. (1) There is a mandate for Wilders (2) They now should have a go at governing and it will prove that they have nothing to offer Media and other political parties should not fall for these ideas

0 replies 13 reposts 36 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Tarik Abou-Chadi's avatar Tarik Abou-Chadi
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Absolute mayhem and if exit polls correct a huge win for radical right PVV in Dutch elections

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Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Zachary Van Winkle's avatar Zachary Van Winkle
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Two 3-year PhD fellowships are available within the remit of my ERC project on the risks and vulnerability of widowhood across ageing societies!!!

Deadline for applications - December 10
Start date - September 1

1 replies 40 reposts 36 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Andreas Haupt's avatar Andreas Haupt
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New science: A deep dive into occupational licensing across different countries (USA/Germany) and how it is connected to wages.

The bottom line: Licensing typcially reduces penalties of employees in low- and medium-wage setting contexts.

10 replies 28 reposts 59 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Tom Theuns's avatar Tom Theuns
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Since September, Dutch polls are mostly stable. Outgoing PM Rutte’s right-wing liberal VVD (under new leadership) neck-in-neck with Omtzigt’s new center-right party NSC, followed closely by the labour-green joint ticket headed by Timmermans (of EC fame). Polisky

2 replies 3 reposts 2 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Dirk Witteveen's avatar Dirk Witteveen
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New paper in Socio-Economic Review! We examine the relationship between the density of college majors in occupations and occupation-level earnings. This "major specialization" of occupations boosts earnings, over and above closure mechanisms and skills.

3 replies 14 reposts 50 likes

Reposted by Nora Waitkus

Zachary Van Winkle's avatar Zachary Van Winkle
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The authors "find that gay and lesbian people have higher educational attainment than heterosexual people in all five countries and that these higher levels of education stem from greater rates of upward educational mobility among gay/lesbian people."

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