Nice Footpaws's avatar

Nice Footpaws

683 followers 1543 following 4355 posts

Mostly Bat, Sometimes Otter, Always Furry! He/Him, Gay, Level 55, USN Vet, Communications Engineer, STEM Enjoyer, Triangle Furs Staff, BWS Staff, NCAS BoD, Thanksgiving Feast Organizer. 🔞 18+ only. Zoos, maps, pedos, loli, shota, nazis blocked on sight.

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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You're talking about the Four Boxes of Liberty. Soap Box, Ballot Box, Jury Box, Ammo Box. Soap and Jury have failed, and Ballot is hanging by a thread. I'm going to do all that I can to use the first three, because the fourth means ALL of us are lost.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Yes? Such as? Protesting? Check. Community activisim? Check. Campaigning? Check. What else?

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Okay? Which candidate will work?

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Okay? So what should I do? What would appease you? What would "bring me to the correct side" or put me on your team?

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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No. I don't give a fuck that ** (( YOU )) ** imagine that I don't give a fuck about genocide. Big difference. Your perception of me and reality are two completely different things, only one of which has any effect upon my life.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Hey? I'm gay, single, male, liberal, Democrat, quasi-socialist, veteran, living in rural NY, surrounded by magats, threepers, wignats and pepes. Dunno how much more "next on the list" you need me to be!

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Some people are just so wrapped up in their own bullshit that they're exactly like horses when the barn is on fire. They'll actively fight you when you try to pull them to safety. Personally, I'm waiting for them to sic their attack dogs on me, so I can blockenheimer all their followers.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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I am going to catch SUCH a block from this, but man, I just need to immortalize it with a screen cap.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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*snerk* I mean, if THAT is the spin you wanna put on what I said, then y'all go and ROCK that look!

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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When you are hanging over an abyss, the rope is frayed, and the gorge below is filled with crocodiles and piranha, insisting that you be rescued by a magical unicorn, instead of the dirty hand of a faulty person, is the height of stupidity and Darwinism.

2 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Col. Boozy Badger's avatar Col. Boozy Badger
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I really need someone to launch a replica Titanic right the fuck now so something hilarious can happen

22 replies 52 reposts 267 likes

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Exquisitely beautiful way to illustrate their exact point. It's not that they're unbothered. They understand that they are NEXT if we don't have unity before the election. The problem is that *none* of us seem to retain that fire AFTER the election, when we can apply pressure without dying.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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This is the essence of the Popcorn Flick. It's a movie that serves no other purpose than something to distract us as we shovel popcorn in our mouth.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Yes, but he never tries to pretend he's not. He embraces it and literally looks the audience in the eye as though the 4th wall never existed, and expects you to understand that. You're there to laugh and jump right in, flinging it like a baboon on MDMA.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Remember my previous skeet thread about the US Military not shooting Americans if ordered to do so? That does NOT include the DHS. They will *absolutely* shoot you, and laugh maniacally while pulling the trigger. They are trump's brownshirts and damn proud of it.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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No, he was installed by the US and the UK actually. Mohammad Mosaddegh was overthrown in 1954 after nationalizing the petroleum industry, and the Shah replaced him.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Vacbeds take on a whole new dimension, that's for sure.

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Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Brian Kirby's avatar Brian Kirby
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I shared my post breaking down engagement on X vs. Bluesky…on X. In case anyone wants to share it there. Tag anyone #kidlit you think needs to see this data! They won’t see it otherwise.🪦

0 replies 8 reposts 26 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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If things fly apart THAT bad, then we're just completely fucked. And when I say "we" I don't mean America, I mean the entire planet. So yeah. On my list of concerns, that one might be a sticky note that fell off the bottom of the list, and got batted under the couch by my cat.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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a few assholes will always get through the filters. And once the assholes DO get filtered out, they usually end up in law enforcement. Because while military personnel are loyal to the Constitution and the American people, cops, most definitely, are *not.* So yeah. GOP 2025 using the military?

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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to fire upon US citizens. The bottom line, is that we have come a loooooong fucking way from Kent State and Vietnam. The United States Military are *not* draftees. They are all volunteers. Sure, there are a few assholes? There always are, no matter what you do, or how hard you try, / 6

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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world's largest logistics company posing as a military. So let's break it down. Out of 400,000 active and reserve, the surveys show that just 2500 will actually pull a trigger. That's assuming they even have the guts to try, because there's plenty who stayed in to KILL those who might try / 5

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Of the half that don't engage in active sabotage, 50% of them engage in discreet sabotage, such as "losing" orders, failing to update maps, neglecting to pass on information, misrouting supplies and so on. So now we're down to a tiny fraction of people who will be expected to operate the / 4

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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abandon their posts and go home. Mind you, this study doesn't include LE agencies like the FBI, NSA, CIA or State Department? But it's expected their attrition will be even higher. Of the 50% that remain, half of them stay to OPENLY SABOTAGE ANY EFFORTS at using force against US citizens. / 3

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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See, every decade or so, the Dept of Defense does a "vibe check" to see what would happen if the government ordered the military to use force against US citizens, and without fail, it has been universally BAD... ...for the government. Within 24 hours, 50% of all military personnel on land / 2

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Of all the concerns about GOP 2025, there's one that I genuinely laugh about? This notion that trump will "order" the US military to take action against US citizens. That's genuinely hilarious. If trump tries, he's in for one Hell of a YUGE surprise, and he better have a damn good bunker. / 1

1 replies 1 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Oasus Plainsview: Dawntrailer's avatar Oasus Plainsview: Dawntrailer
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FUN FACT: Did you know that The Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization?

FUN FACT: They are not allowed to participate in political campaigns. Directly OR Indirectly.

FUN FACT: IRS Form 13909 Exists.

Do with this info as you will.

12 replies 241 reposts 393 likes

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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*looks at the two 3-lb slabs in the freezer* Uhhh...

1 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

jamie quinn 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar jamie quinn 🏳️‍⚧️
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2 days of this in a row & my arm’s stiff like styrofoam. and i get it—the opioid crisis, the opioid crisis. but hear me out: i do not give a fuck. if i have one more medical procedure where docs are like, “wow, you’re doing so great—some folks can’t cope” & then recommend advil, i’m gonna lose it.

2 replies 2 reposts 32 likes

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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This. This right here. This is why any time I have a painful procedure, I do my best to rhino-hide the pain once I get halfway through my Tylenol #3. Because I want to have that shit around for when something REALLY bad happens.

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Reposted by Nice Footpaws

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WAR CRIMINALS !! Shame on PUTIN for bombing Kyiv's children's hospital! Shame on Moscow's Patriarch Kirill for blessing Putin. It is immoral for Russia to kill children in the dawn of life, elderly in the twilight of life, and the infirm in the shadows of life. CEASEFIRE NOW !!

1 replies 34 reposts 135 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Here's a video of a male doing the dance for his life! Not the same species, but the same Genus of Peacock Spider. After all, while Sir David Attenborough is good, he's not THAT good!

0 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Rima I Anabtawi's avatar Rima I Anabtawi
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The most important result in our new national poll of registered voters is that a majority of 53% of all voters believe that Donald Trump and his administration would represent “a grave danger to democracy continuing in the United States,” if he wins the election

8 replies 70 reposts 226 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

Jason Koebler's avatar Jason Koebler
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Beloved Apple blog TUAW was shut down in 2015, sold to private equity, then sold to a company in Hong Kong. It recently relaunched as an AI content farm using the stolen identities and bylines of its former human staff. A nightmare:

2 replies 21 reposts 32 likes

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Hmm. It's a start, at least!

0 replies 1 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Nice Footpaws

juno. stump's avatar juno. stump
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right now all we have for food is potato chips so any/all mutual aid is beyond dot com appreciated juno pic + last can of food for the MySpace AOL Keyword Search

2 replies 28 reposts 23 likes

Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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LOL! I got suspended for blocking too many nazis. No, really! My count was up to 496k and climbing, when I got mass-reported. I tried the whole automated account recovery by saying, "I was silenced by the woke mob!", but nope! *MY* account has a PERSONAL NOTE on it! It will *never* come back.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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A turd by any other name would still smell foul.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Yep. If anyone is still on Twitter, here's your excuse to finally leave the nazi bar. If you don't leave, it's because you enjoy being there.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Wheeee-ew! That is some weapons-grade puscockery, I tell you wut! I wonder when the financial records for all of those blue check marks are going to get leaked? Y'know, the ones that link their real names and home address to their usernames?

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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She's wrong about the ballot box being last. The Soap Box is first, the Ballot Box is second, and the Jury Box is third. The Soap and Jury Boxes have failed, and the Ballot is on shaky ground at best. Guess which box is the last.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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Honestly, it's a fact of life, now. Anthrocon has been very fortunate to dodge the bedbug bullet for as long as it has, while other cons haven't. Whenever I check in to *any* hotel, I do a full check of the beds, chairs and furniture.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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If they ditch the asshole, then it's certainly worth another look. But if they do that, AND ditch the creepy crypto, then yeah, I'll go back.

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Nice Footpaws's avatar Nice Footpaws
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I really loved Brave when I used it? But like you point out, it's got some dodgy shit built in that, while disabled by default, are still dodgy AF. Then I found out the CEO is a right-wing asshole. So I went back to Firefox, and haven't had a single problem.

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