Stephen Bush's avatar

Stephen Bush

8212 followers 1151 following 12754 posts

Associate editor and columnist at the Financial Times. Post too often about culture, public policy, management, politics, nerd stuff. Tongue usually in cheek. Try my UK politics newsletter for free here:

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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(And even then, a lot of the trade-offs I was writing about was 'one side of the government believes that ending coronavirus restrictions before a vaccine is developed will be good for the economy and society, somehow'.)

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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It's such a welcome change to be able to sit down and write my newsletter and have it be about actual policy issues and trade-offs in an area the government is interested in, something I haven't really been able to do since 2022.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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It’s Mitterand’s last days turned up to 11.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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No, as there is no mechanism, all they can do is shut up in public, because they can only make their problem worse.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Right - it’s not my beat, but it seems clear to me that the first question is “is a change desirable?” and the second is “can you bring it about, and how?” and it doesn’t feel to me that many in the party are engaging with that second one.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Mine, too. I think that being in a party (or indeed any mission-aligned third sectory thing) controls heavily for not giving up, which is mostly good but I think here resolves to “why don’t we make this bad situation much worse?”

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Fair point - I should have added a “broadly” in my skeet about losing their senses. (I think a lot of the “oh, it’s the centrists who are being difficult!” takes miss that, hmm, maybe your incentives are quite different if you are D+1 than if you are D+20)

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Yeah - which is of course an ultra-common failure mode among political parties to go 'here's the reality we'd like' and/or 'here's the optimal strategy from six months ago'.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Like, that's what I would want to know if I was the news editor at any of these outlets: like, you guys are on the Hill and in the White House all the time, is the guy mentally unfit or not? Because if he is unfit then the issue isn't 'this may be a drag on the Democtatic ticket'!!

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Indeed. I know this is a 'you can take the boy out of the editor gig but you can't take the editor gig out of the boy' take, but IMV this is what is missing from a lot of the coverage: surely the political team should *know* if he is mentally fit, and if he isn't, that is a story?

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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From an 'part of my beat is how organisations behave' perspective, I find it fascinating how basically, when a 'mission-aligned' organisation, be it a political party or an NGO or a charitable foundation, starts panicking, the first thing to go is 'what is our theory of change'?

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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I don't know, it hasn't been a beat I've been across in any capacity for - gosh, the whole of his presidency - but I sort of feel, either he is unfit for office, in which case, *people around him would know, and they should have actioned it*, or he's not, in which case, well, it's even madder.

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

Jon close's avatar Jon close
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Best case scenario: you berate an old man in public until he quits and the confusion makes a trump victory almost inevitable, and you look bad. Worst case scenario: pretty much the exact same thing just without the quitting. You're just choosing this one bad thing.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Yeah, and I think panic is very probably a reasonable emotional response but it is not a good one tactically.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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I am not detecting a counter argument, just aggression. Again, it is a simple question, with a measurable yes or a no answer: is it your contention that Democratic primarygoers have rewarded loyalty, even when that loyalty was ill-advised, or they haven't?

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

Ryan's avatar Ryan
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Anyone with even the slightest awareness of Biden and how he operates should know that doing anything publicly is going to be ineffective.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Sorry, is it your contention that it was *not* an issue for Sanders in 2020 that he kept running even after he was highly unlikely to win in 2016? Or are you just being reflexively snotty?

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

CJ Lemire's avatar CJ Lemire
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"Here's the parlour game I just made up in my head. No I haven't thought through the implications, nor have I checked how it aligns with Democratic Party rules."

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Let us allow for the (terrifyingly real) prospect that Biden is either too decrepit, or perceived to be so. Okay, are his chances of winning better or worse if there is a public fight over whether he should stay? A: worse! Is there a route to getting him to go that runs via a public stink? A:No!

3 replies 3 reposts 29 likes

Reposted by Stephen Bush

Leftback's avatar Leftback
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Fair. It's like they've got buyer's remorse, but decided to pour out all that remorse into the sale listing.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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It's also not right because frankly any Democrat who thinks that their prospects for office after 2025 aren't intimately connected with Trump losing in November 2024 has lost their senses.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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No, this isn't right - the Democratic primary electorate consistently loves and rewards party loyalty, it's why even tho Hillary *lost* it was a problem for Bernie that he kept running so long after Super Tuesday.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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TBH I think it doesn't matter if it is one bad poll or a hundred - they can't make him leave, so any attempt to make him go has to be done in private, because the public stuff is just self-sabotaging.

2 replies 1 reposts 19 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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If you're a Democrat calling *publicly* for Biden to go, you've lost your senses, sorry.

4 replies 1 reposts 66 likes

Reposted by Stephen Bush

Ed Morrish's avatar Ed Morrish
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my son is 14. he’s had seven prime ministers, two monarchs and seen the england men’s football team get to two major finals by the time i was *twice* that age, my numbers were three, one and zero

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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It's easy to sneer at the 'Biden should stay' people but perhaps a better question is to ask 'what is the actual mechanism the Biden should go people have, and if they don't have one, is it dumb as fuck to keep talking about it?'

5 replies 4 reposts 68 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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It's gonna be like Euro 2012 all over again, with the difference that Spain have been good to watch throughout the tournament.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Just as well I'm not going to have kids. 'Gareth Southgate' is a terrible name for a girl.

3 replies 2 reposts 58 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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It *was* unhappy, and it WAS from the fifth floor!

1 replies 0 reposts 22 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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What I hate about watching VAR checks in my flat is trying to work out if the sounds I can hear from elsewhere are happy or sad yelps, and if the yelping is coming from the Dutch guy on the fifth floor.

5 replies 2 reposts 26 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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This is *such* a good joke. It has everything I look for in a joke - it's very clever and it is beautifully niche.

0 replies 0 reposts 9 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Jo is IMO hugely underrated as an operator, in that she devised & facilitated that viewing party and I really think it improved a lot of journalists who went's opinion of Keir, not least it meant that his V bad interviews about football we all went 'oh, that's weird, he really cares about football'.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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I was standing next to him and Jo Stevens, who as well as being Welsh is a Spurs fan, so I was briefly outnumbered.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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No, he absolutely is someone who really cares about international football. Shortly before this picture was taken he *told me off* for wishing Harry Kane ill.

2 replies 0 reposts 16 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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My favourite sporting and UK politics fact, better even than Crosland training his kids to say 'the prime minister is on the telephone' when Match of the Day was starting.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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I think you've put your finger on both why I used to like it and also why I've found it grating of late.

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

's avatar
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We need the ones being passed to Rutte just to learn the Dutch for “Game’s gone. It’s becoming a non contact sport now.”

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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I find myself fascinated by the question of how much editorialising the aide tasked with passing notes to Keir Starmer about the England game is providing. They desperately need to make sure it ends up in the National Archives, like some of Clement Attlee's doodles.

7 replies 8 reposts 57 likes

Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Your “imagine if” examples are literally just “imagine it is a day of the week ending in a y”.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Sorry, we have this discussion ALL THE TIME about “BAME” and it is a majority opinion among “BAME” people in the UK.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Okay, but important to remember that the word 'ableist' is being prayed in aid here of machines trained without payment. I, for example, have needed an amanuensis. It would not be 'ableist' to suggest that they needed to be paid.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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But my objection isn't about LLMs, it is about the casual weaponisation of the term 'ableist' and the heavily implied claim that everyone who is 'neurodivergent' couldn't write before or without AI.

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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I don't have a strong preference on Biden because of how much uncertainty there is, but seeing stuff like this cross my path is going to kill me. I'm begging people to learn how parties work. You can't Aaron Sorkin your way out of this.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Indeed. I don't write to succeed. I write to live. I wrote for free for myself a long time before I wrote anything to be published (or indeed anything that was publishable).

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

LeithMotive's avatar LeithMotive
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I am disabled, I need this tool to be productive, you have legal obligations to provide it so we can both benefit vs respect my identity as somebody who identifies as such and such and give me what I need or I'm offended - to crudely distil.

2 replies 3 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Stephen Bush

LeithMotive's avatar LeithMotive
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Yes! I've been banging on about this in workplace environments a for a long, long time. I cannot write even my own name without a computer (acute dysgraphia/dyslexia/dyswhatever) and I favour solution and rights based approaches over identity based arguments.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Indeed. It's actually not helpful to anyone to advertise 'support' which could mean 'for people with fine motor difficulties', 'for people with organisational challenges' or essentially, anything else in a particularly weird and large umbrella.

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Reposted by Stephen Bush

Mark O’Neill's avatar Mark O’Neill
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It’s such a meaningless term. What is it diverging from? Better to be specific about the needs

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Well, I accept that the word processor and the dictation software are machines to generate copy for me.

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Stephen Bush's avatar Stephen Bush
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Really beginning to hate the word 'neurodivergent'. Seems to either mean a) a sweeping grab bag of assumptions and facts about a whole range of neurological and fine motor disabilities or b) a service that provides support for *ONE* of the things grouped in the term, but you have to guess which one.

17 replies 8 reposts 71 likes